Russia proposes change in the Constitution.

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far more dangerous situations than me? How do you know? Honey... if you have walked in Philadelphia, Camden, and Newark many times in your life... I'm impressed. Those are the one of the most dangerous cities in USA at the top of the list. Not middle. Not bottom.

Like I said - that is how we like it... not to shoot OR point at anyone ONCE in our life and we prefer to keep it that way until we die of old age. but the difference is - we have option, you don't. Sucks to be you if that chance ever occur. :cool2:

Wasn't talking about walking through a city classified as dangerous. Was talking about being in situations in which the threat of harm was inherent in the situation.

And what option is it that you don't think I have? I have every option you have. Just because I choose not to exercise it doesn't mean it isn't available to me.
Oh, yeah. That criminal is going to stand there and patiently wait for the police. He is anxious to go to jail. More likely, he will take advantage of you being distracted by making the call, take your gun away from you, and pistol whip you with it.

looks like you're ill-prepared for that type of scenario.

1. um... i'm not sure what he prefers - to get arrested or to get shot. his choice :hmm:

2. Looks like you need some pointers when disabling a criminal.
2a. When pointing gun at criminal, FIRMLY command him to turn around (his back against you). then FIRMLY command him to get on his knees and interlock his fingers behind his head and cross his legs. If he jumps to attack you - see 2e.​
2b. When pointing gun at criminal and he ran away, let him be and dial 911.
2c. When pointing gun at criminal and he's ignoring your instruction, continuing to approach you. See 2d or 2e.​
2d. Give a warning shot at the ground, not to the sky.
2e. Shoot him and call 911 for ambulance and police. Secure the situation and render medical assistance if you can.

3. you have to be AN IDIOT to be that close enough for criminal to attack you. I don't live in a rural area. there are ALWAYS neighbors and family member around me. They will call for me. However if I'm alone, I will simply keep my safe distance and dial 911. I do not get succumbed to adrenaline overdrive or tunnel vision in this process. that's called trained & responsible armed citizen.

any more question, my pupil?
Show me that proof please. I would like to see how you account for the fact that inner city neighborhoods are the most heavily armed neighborhoods in the country, and the also the ones with the highest victimization rate, not to mention the highest crime rate. Explain that, please.

inner city neighborhoods? you mean they were ILLEGALLY armed? You should know that most inner cities have near-gun ban/high restrictions... remember DC? remember NYC?

nice try.
Wasn't talking about walking through a city classified as dangerous. Was talking about being in situations in which the threat of harm was inherent in the situation.
I'm sure you were escorted/accompanied by someone. and a mentally-illed patient was being violent doesn't really compare to strolling in city as classified as the most dangerous city in USA. :roll:

And what option is it that you don't think I have? I have every option you have. Just because I choose not to exercise it doesn't mean it isn't available to me.
What option? You're not packing a heat like I do. Your only option is to knee him down there or to have your escort handling it for you.
looks like you're ill-prepared for that type of scenario.

1. um... i'm not sure what he prefers - to get arrested or to get shot. his choice :hmm:

2. Looks like you need some pointers when disabling a criminal.
2a. When pointing gun at criminal, FIRMLY command him to turn around (his back against you). then FIRMLY command him to get on his knees and interlock his fingers behind his head and cross his legs. If he jumps to attack you - see 2e.​
2b. When pointing gun at criminal and he ran away, let him be and dial 911.
2c. When pointing gun at criminal and he's ignoring your instruction, continuing to approach you. See 2d or 2e.​
2d. Give a warning shot at the ground, not to the sky.
2e. Shoot him and call 911 for ambulance and police. Secure the situation and render medical assistance if you can.

3. you have to be AN IDIOT to be that close enough for criminal to attack you. I don't live in a rural area. there are ALWAYS neighbors and family member around me. They will call for me. However if I'm alone, I will simply keep my safe distance and dial 911. I do not get succumbed to adrenaline overdrive or tunnel vision in this process. that's called trained & responsible armed citizen.

any more question, my pupil?

Thanks for the LawEnforcement Technology 101, but your theory is full possibilities that have not included in your little plan. "The best laid plans of mice and men....."

And quite obviously, I am prepared. I am still alive and well.
Thanks for the LawEnforcement Technology 101, but your theory is full possibilities that have not included in your little plan. "The best laid plans of mice and men....."

And quite obviously, I am prepared. I am still alive and well.

of course... it's not perfect but this "theory" as you claimed has been tested and proven and used by all law enforcements and military all around the world. they are alive and well too. :dunno:

Just because you are alive and well doesn't mean it's because you are prepared. It's just matter of time till it happens to you... just like everybody else. Nobody is immune to it. The only difference is who's got the option or not. :cool2:
of course... it's not perfect but this "theory" as you claimed has been tested and proven and used by all law enforcements and military all around the world. they are alive and well too. :dunno:

Just because you are alive and well doesn't mean it's because you are prepared. It's just matter of time till it happens to you... just like everybody else. Nobody is immune to it. The only difference is who's got the option or not. :cool2:

I am alive and well because I am prepared. That statement is a surety.

What is going to happen to everyone? Death? Yeah, that's a given. Dying a violent death, or being the victim of a violent crime isn't.

Who has the option of what, Jiro? You keep talking about this mysterious option, but you have yet to tell me what exactly that option is, despite the fact that I have asked more than once.
I am alive and well because I am prepared. That statement is a surety.

What is going to happen to everyone? Death? Yeah, that's a given. Dying a violent death, or being the victim of a violent crime isn't.
that is wonderful that you are safe... probably mainly because of the area you live in. Unfortunately - thousands of others don't have a luxury to live in a nice little suburb like you and they're being denied of their Constitutional rights.

Who has the option of what, Jiro? You keep talking about this mysterious option, but you have yet to tell me what exactly that option is, despite the fact that I have asked more than once.
don't you know? it's g-u-n... says the armed citizens all over the nation and they're alive and well. :cool2:
I'm sure you were escorted/accompanied by someone. and a mentally-illed patient was being violent doesn't really compare to strolling in city as classified as the most dangerous city in USA. :roll:

What option? You're not packing a heat like I do. Your only option is to knee him down there or to have your escort handling it for you.

No, I wasn't escorted/accompanied by someone. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

But, since you mention mentally ill patients, when was the last time you were locked in a room with a paranoid schizophrenic having a psychotic break? Obviously, you don't understand that unpredictability is the greatest danger of all, whether it is in a criminal or a mentally ill patient.

And I don't live in the suburbs. Unlike you.
that is wonderful that you are safe... probably mainly because of the area you live in. Unfortunately - thousands of others don't have a luxury to live in a nice little suburb like you and they're being denied of their Constitutional rights.

don't you know? it's g-u-n... says the armed citizens all over the nation and they're alive and well. :cool2:

There are more people unarmed than armed.

They're alive and well.
No, I wasn't escorted/accompanied by someone. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

But, since you mention mentally ill patients, when was the last time you were locked in a room with a paranoid schizophrenic having a psychotic break? Obviously, you don't understand that unpredictability is the greatest danger of all, whether it is in a criminal or a mentally ill patient.

And I don't live in the suburbs. Unlike you.
I don't live in suburbs either. I'm 20 min away from Newark. Lucky for you - you were in a controlled environment with the patients... unlike real life situations on street. I'm sure you were trained in handling these kind of patients. How about armed criminals? Are you trained for that? whatca ya gonna do!?

There are more people unarmed than armed.

They're alive and well.
yes.. they're alive and well in a heavily policed areas or suburbs or less-diversified towns or etc. or probably alive and well because they were too scared to come out. :dunno:
I don't live in suburbs either. I'm 20 min away from Newark. Lucky for you - you were in a controlled environment with the patients... unlike real life situations on street. I'm sure you were trained in handling these kind of patients. How about armed criminals? Are you trained for that? whatca ya gonna do!?

yes.. they're alive and well in a heavily policed areas or suburbs or less-diversified towns or etc. or probably alive and well because they were too scared to come out. :dunno:

Oh, yeah, they're very controlled. That's why they put them in an institution.:roll:

Sweetie, if I can talk an irrational, paranoid schozophrenic down off the ceiling, I can work my magic with a thug. Never doubt that.

Just like I talked the guy with the knife at my throat with the intentions of rape to engage in conversation long enough to distract him so he relaxed his grip and allowed me to get away and run like hell.
Oh, yeah, they're very controlled. That's why they put them in an institution.:roll:

Sweetie, if I can talk an irrational, paranoid schozophrenic down off the ceiling, I can work my magic with a thug. Never doubt that.

:laugh2: that I would like to see! Try it in Camden please. :popcorn:
You missed the last of the post. I already did it, and that was prior to my doing it as a professional.

no... I'm talking about THUGS.

edit: oh you just revised your post. reading....
Just like I talked the guy with the knife at my throat with the intentions of rape to engage in conversation long enough to distract him so he relaxed his grip and allowed me to get away and run like hell.

very good to hear that you were safe. point is - you can talk all you want with the thugs... but the result won't always be same. You got really lucky this time. very lucky. How about an alternative reality? You engaged in a conversation long enough for him to get angry and impatient thus resulting in beating you for not doing what he wants. You never know. and obviously even if you have a gun, this doesn't mean you will not be hurt. You may end up being killed by your own gun. who knows? who knows? who knows? :dunno:

and point is - you can choose not to pack a heat but I despise the imposition of yours and anti-gunners' belief that it is not needed and that it should be highly restricted.

oye oye we are indeed very :topic:
very good to hear that you were safe. point is - you can talk all you want with the thugs... but the result won't always be same. You got really lucky this time. very lucky. How about an alternative reality? You engaged in a conversation long enough for him to get angry and impatient thus resulting in beating you for not doing what he wants. You never know. and obviously even if you have a gun, this doesn't mean you will not be hurt. You may end up being killed by your own gun. who knows? who knows? who knows? :dunno:

and point is - you can choose not to pack a heat but I despise the imposition of yours and anti-gunners' belief that it is not needed and that it should be highly restricted.

oye oye we are indeed very :topic:

If he was going to beat me, he would still have to move his arm from around my shoulders and the knife from my throat to do so. Again, being alert to the relaxing muscles cues one to know to make a break because the grip is not as strong and you have the element of surprise. The last thing a person holding a knife to your throat expects you to do is break free and run. I wasn't lucky, I was hyper aware. Emergency situations tend to send me into that state.
since I was grabbed from behind, a gun in my pocket or purse would not have done me much good. He had me immobilized by the knife before I could react.

And yes, we are off topic. Just wanted you to know that I was not talking out my a$$.

And yes, I'm safe. Just a small scar on my throat from the knife point sticking me when I jerked free.
Then, pray tell, Reba, what is the legal definition of a burglar?
Each state is different but here's the definition from my state:

SECTION 16-11-311. Burglary; first degree.

(A) A person is guilty of burglary in the first degree if the person enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime in the dwelling, and either:

(1) when, in effecting entry or while in the dwelling or in immediate flight, he or another participant in the crime:

(a) is armed with a deadly weapon or explosive; or

(b) causes physical injury to a person who is not a participant in the crime; or

(c) uses or threatens the use of a dangerous instrument; or

(d) displays what is or appears to be a knife, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, or other firearm; or

(2) the burglary is committed by a person with a prior record of two or more convictions for burglary or housebreaking or a combination of both; or

(3) the entering or remaining occurs in the nighttime.

(B) Burglary in the first degree is a felony punishable by life imprisonment. For purposes of this section, "life" means until death. The court, in its discretion, may sentence the defendant to a term of not less than fifteen years.

SECTION 16-11-312. Burglary; second degree.

(A) A person is guilty of burglary in the second degree if the person enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime therein.

(B) A person is guilty of burglary in the second degree if the person enters a building without consent and with intent to commit a crime therein, and either:

(1) When, in effecting entry or while in the building or in immediate flight therefrom, he or another participant in the crime:

(a) Is armed with a deadly weapon or explosive; or

(b) Causes physical injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime; or

(c) Uses or threatens the use of a dangerous instrument; or

(d) Displays what is or appears to be a knife, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, or other firearm; or

(2) The burglary is committed by a person with a prior record of two or more convictions for burglary or housebreaking or a combination of both; or

(3) The entering or remaining occurs in the nighttime.

(C) Burglary in the second degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than fifteen years, provided, that no person convicted of burglary in the second degree shall be eligible for parole except upon service of not less than one-third of the term of the sentence.

SECTION 16-11-313. Burglary; third degree.

(A) A person is guilty of burglary in the third degree if the person enters a building without consent and with intent to commit a crime therein.

(B) Burglary in the third degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years for conviction on a first offense and for not more than ten years for conviction of a second offense according to the discretion of the Court.
S.C. Code of Laws Title 16 Chapter 11 Offenses Against Property -
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