Russia proposes change in the Constitution.

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do you have some kind of portable testing device to see if the criminals pose a harm to you or not. sorry but you don't know that. if you want to take that chance - go ahead.

this does not mean i will shoot them. it's actually that simple. i point at gun at them, command them to lie down and stay still till police arrives. if they refused to comply and continues to approach me, sorry. their fault. i regret nothing.

Hope your John Wayne bravado works. You are in for a world of hurt if it doesn't.
Hope your John Wayne bravado works. You are in for a world of hurt if it doesn't.

Hope your little threat sensor device works. I'm just functioning as average Joe. The criminals are certainly in for a world of hurt. :laugh2:
What statistics would those be? I didn't cite any and neither did you.

I guess you do not read news daily. Don't you know we have read more news of automobile crashes by elderly than accidental shootings caused by elderly? I'm not out there to kill or arrest any criminals. I am simply defending myself. what's wrong with that?
only in liberal states but it depends on how he's shot. For ie - he was shot in the back and if the detective decided that the burglar was shot while fleeing... yes you can be charged with manslaughter/murder.

Can you tell me about what state is conservative for gun rights?
Hope your little threat sensor device works. I'm just functioning as average Joe. The criminals are certainly in for a world of hurt. :laugh2:

Funny...they keep right on committing crimes. It would appear your wild west tactics are not as effective as you would like to think.:giggle:
Can you tell me about what state is conservative for gun rights?

typically rural/southern states. Liberal states (anti-gun) would be typically the one with major metropolitan. See open-carry.
I guess you do not read news daily. Don't you know we have read more news of automobile crashes by elderly than accidental shootings caused by elderly? I'm not out there to kill or arrest any criminals. I am simply defending myself. what's wrong with that?

Sweetie, I read the news several times a day, as well as listen to it while I am doing other things. I am quite capable of multi-tasking effectively.

News reports are not statistics. You claimed statistics.

And you are perfectly entitled to defend yourself. What you are not permitted to do, by law, is use more force to defend yourself that was used to threaten you.
Funny...they keep right on committing crimes. It would appear your wild west tactics are not as effective as you would like to think.:giggle:

sorry but we are not vigilantes as you'd like to paint us as. we are not interested in arresting/shooting down any criminals. we are simply defending ourselves and the proofs are out there that there are less victims in armed neighborhoods than unarmed neighborhoods.

it's the police & government who failed us. Armed citizens are not interested in Wild West or John Wayne, just our loved ones' well-beings and homes.
sorry but we are not vigilantes as you'd like to paint us as. we are not interested in arresting/shooting down any criminals. we are simply defending ourselves and the proofs are out there that there are less victims in armed neighborhoods than unarmed neighborhoods.

it's the police & government who failed us. Armed citizens are not interested in Wild West or John Wayne, just our loved ones' well-beings and homes.

Show me that proof please. I would like to see how you account for the fact that inner city neighborhoods are the most heavily armed neighborhoods in the country, and the also the ones with the highest victimization rate, not to mention the highest crime rate. Explain that, please.
Sweetie, I read the news several times a day, as well as listen to it while I am doing other things. I am quite capable of multi-tasking effectively.

News reports are not statistics. You claimed statistics.

And you are perfectly entitled to defend yourself. What you are not permitted to do, by law, is use more force to defend yourself that was used to threaten you.

more force to defend myself? I'm sorry but if the criminal is assaulting me with his bare hands and I shot him in process.... how is that more force? Should I just throw my gun away and give him a fair fist-fight? I could be pummeled to death.

I don't know how can I drill this simple idea in your head -
** when I have a gun pointing at criminal and he does comply my instructions... I will wait for cops to come.
** If I have a gun pointing at criminal and he does not comply... what do you want me to do?

typically rural/southern states. Liberal states (anti-gun) would be typically the one with major metropolitan. See open-carry.

Oh yup, west (not coastal), lower and rural/small-medium metro of upper midwest are part of them, along with southern states for gun rights.
more force to defend myself? I'm sorry but if the criminal is assaulting me with his bare hands and I shot him in process.... how is that more force? Should I just throw my gun away and give him a fair fist-fight? I could be pummeled to death.

I don't know how can I drill this simple idea in your head -
** when I have a gun pointing at criminal and he does comply my instructions... I will wait for cops to come.
** If I have a gun pointing at criminal and he does not comply... what do you want me to do?


You can ask your lawyer to explain it to you when you are sitting in jail for using a gun against the threat of hands. People are charged with manslaughter and the use of excessive force, or worse yet, 2nd degree murder for shooting someone that was unarmed with a claim of self defense. But you could avoid all that by reviewing a precidents on convictions for such charges. Better to know what you face in that circumstance that to act without knowing, cuz da judge will say, "Ignorance of de law is no excuse."

Oh, yeah. That criminal is going to stand there and patiently wait for the police. He is anxious to go to jail. More likely, he will take advantage of you being distracted by making the call, take your gun away from you, and pistol whip you with it.
You can ask your lawyer to explain it to you when you are sitting in jail for using a gun against the threat of hands. People are charged with manslaughter and the use of excessive force, or worse yet, 2nd degree murder for shooting someone that was unarmed with a claim of self defense. But you could avoid all that by reviewing a precidents on convictions for such charges. Better to know what you face in that circumstance that to act without knowing, cuz da judge will say, "Ignorance of de law is no excuse."

researched and done. I've already done my homework prior to purchasing my gun. After purchasing a gun, I was a member of private firing range that is owned by a cop and I've attended his lectures regarding self-defense in NJ/NY. I'm quite educated in this matter so I'll be just fine but I feel sorry for you. However it's not my problem anyway. :dunno:

Oh btw - I expected to encounter some anti-gun hostility from cops so I've already have a contact info for law firm who specializes in this kind of matter. They're pretty good... a couple of former prosecutors as well. :cool2:
researched and done. I've already done my homework prior to purchasing my gun. After purchasing a gun, I was a member of private firing range that is owned by a cop and I've attended his lectures regarding self-defense in NJ/NY. I'm quite educated in this matter so I'll be just fine but I feel sorry for you. However it's not my problem anyway. :dunno:

Oh btw - I expected to encounter some anti-gun hostility from cops so I've already have a contact info for law firm who specializes in this kind of matter. They're pretty good... a couple of former prosecutors as well. :cool2:

Good to know that you have a contact. Looks like you will probably be needing it sometime in the future.:giggle:
Good to know that you have a contact. Looks like you will probably be needing it sometime in the future.:giggle:

:cool2: and will walk away as a free man and a hero but not interested in any news interviews. :cool2:
:cool2: and will walk away as a free man and a hero but not interested in any news interviews. :cool2:

Sure you will. So says everyone in that position. Funny how all those innocent people are housed in overcrowded prisons, isn't it?:roll:
Sure you will. So says everyone in that position. Funny how all those innocent people are housed in overcrowded prisons, isn't it?:roll:

funny how all these innocent liberals are housed in coffins at overcrowded graveyard, isn't it? :roll:
funny how all these innocent liberals are housed in coffins at overcrowded graveyard, isn't it? :roll:

I've already outlived you by several years, and I daresay, I have been in far more dangerous situations than those you have encountered on any number of occasions. And I have managed to do it without shooting anyone. Go figure.
I've already outlived you by several years, and I daresay, I have been in far more dangerous situations than those you have encountered on any number of occasions. And I have managed to do it without shooting anyone. Go figure.

far more dangerous situations than me? How do you know? Honey... if you have walked in Philadelphia, Camden, and Newark many times in your life... I'm impressed. Those are the one of the most dangerous cities in USA at the top of the list. Not middle. Not bottom.

Like I said - that is how we like it... not to shoot OR point at anyone ONCE in our life and we prefer to keep it that way until we die of old age. but the difference is - we have option, you don't. Sucks to be you if that chance ever occur. :cool2:
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