Roommates from Hell!

sablescort said:
Roomies from Hell?

I'm lauffing cuz my new living arrangement with my ex-boss from my old part-time job has been going along so WELL the last 2 months! I guess the reason for our being smooth sailing is because we both have separate BUSY lives that we often are out of the house more times than we are at the home!

When it comes to paying rent and bills on time I just give her the payment and ask her to sign the calendar I keep in the kitchen that I marked "x month paid" on the date I pay the rent. Even though we trust each other, I decided to use the calendar as an substitute for receipts to help us keep track of the household expenses. We both have separate food cabinets and it helps that she's a vegetarian and I'm always bringing in fast food for my dinner since I'm a LOUSY cook!

Cleaning and yardwork done? we get together sometimes to work on the backyard garden when we can get time on our hands. I just handle the mowing myself and help clean the house from time to time.

Are you two dating? or just roomie? :)
Last summer I moved out of Mom's for awhile. I had to share apt with other 2 women... One is my best friend, other one was roomie from hell, we both don't like her. They asked me to move in with them to help with money, etc.. I had to move out before I signed the lease paper because the roomie was very controlling, treat it like if it was group home like put up big note "pls put dishes in washer", etc.. She was too picky, said we must be home at time to cook meal, and made my other roomie eat meal with her when she wasn't hungry. She wrote her name on EVERY FOOD in Refrigator, and there was none for us to have own food... One time when we went food shopping, she made me and my best friend pay more on food, and want us to buy popular brands such as Kraft, Dole, and want expensive stuff.. We had to tell her NO! When they went out, I quietly packed, and moved away and when they returned, they came right to my mom's really really :mad2::mad2: and said WHY YOU MOVED OUT?????? I told them why. I can't take the stress from that roomie from hell anymore. Roomie from hell usually complain, depend on other roomieand other people for ride, and asked us for money, we refused to do. She even destroyed my relationship with my bestfriend, she made us hate eachother, but at least after she left, we had to make up, and someone said it was bitch one that made me and my best friend hate eachother. WE was like oh really?? so now we both hate that bitch...

After I moved out, my best friend, her fiancee, and other person was out of luck with that bitch. She even cheated on her hubby with male roommate to have sex (not my best friend's fiance, they had other guy who willing to roommate)Thank god I didn't sign lease paper, what a relief.... Thank god she moved to flordia... AMEN!
coloravalanche said:
Are you two dating? or just roomie? :)

Just roomie after all she got her own man and I just filed for divorce from my ex wife last January
Bringing up this long old thread from its deep sleep cuz we (my original roomie and me) had to toss out one of our roomies for not paying rent and begging the whole house for $ every time he got broke. Then toss in heavy drug use and being fired from his job. I hated it every time he come and ask me for $ when he is that broke. I was getting tired of that crap going on with him.

This morning scared the total shit out of me as my roomie (who also owns the house) proceeded to start kicking our Roomie from Hell out. Stuff went flying around and a broken door to his room was the result. I was at the pooter viewing some webpage on historic TV's when all hell broke loose. I could feel the vibrations on the floor as it got worse with each thudding I cudnt concentrate on what was going on.

Stepping outside my room, I find a drama worthy of "The War of the Roses", there were glass shards all over floor and I even saw the owner kicking open the Roomie from Hell's door.

The whole drama started as I was about to go to bed, but now I cant sleep worth 40 winks today as Im so concerned about Roomie from Hell trying to come back and steal our valuable stuff especially stuff that belongs to me.

NOw what a great way to start a morning for me. Looks like Im gonna need a lot of coffee n ciggies to get me thru the whole day before I go to work...

Moral: Make sure you have a right roomie with right compatiable psonality and stuff. Me and the owner of the house have been getting along pretty well for almost 2 years and we never had drama like that until this morning. Really eye-raising (and hair-raisin' experience if I say so)
My roommies from hell stole my car after downing a 12 pack of beer while I was sleeping and he drove it all the way to DC from Greenbelt. I called the police and everything. He came back so drunk out of his mind. The next day, i confronted him and he had the balls to say that I should have hidden my keys.

I had 2 other roommies that drank every night, left bloody tampons unwrapped in the bathroom, food on the dishes for days, and let their dog poop in the apt and tested how long the poop would dry up cuz they were too lazy to let the dog out or clean up the piss and poop.

I fought with them daily and lost 30 lbs..great way to lose weight huh?

I am not did happen for real. Looking back, it sure sounds unreal. I was so happy I broke the lease and got the hell out! Seeing this story in black and white, I am amazed I didnt kill them!