Riding a bike on a treadmill is a bad idea.


Active Member
Feb 26, 2008
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That guy got his butt kicked and butted his head all at once... quite an accomplishment!
I think he did that on purpose to see what would happen if you hit the brake on treadmill :ugh2:
Someone actually tried to do that?

6.7 billion people in the world and 1 idiot who tried to do that. yep.... unfortunately....
Dumbest dick ever.... what was he smoking, horsecrap!?!?!?!? oh man....
Instead of walking on the treadmill, he figured that riding the bike would be easy than walking so he had to tried it. Now look what happen to him? He got the butt of joking on himself for trying to do that. :crazy: :roll: I am not laughing because that gotta hurt. Ouch! :hmm:

By the way, is the treadmill is suppose to be for running not walking or both?
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Instead of walking on the treadmill, he figured that riding the bike would be easy than walking so he had to tried it. Now look what happen to him? He got the butt of joking on himself for trying to do that. :crazy: :roll: I am not laughing because that gotta hurt. Ouch! :hmm:

By the way, is the treadmill is suppose to be for running not walking or both?


I walk on the treadmill all the time. More like speed-walking, but walking nevertheless.

Anyway, hasn't this guy ever heard of a stationary bike?
Sorry but I couldn't help laughing at that video of that guy who didn't take the physics classes. :roll:
I think he did that on purpose to see what would happen if you hit the brake on treadmill :ugh2:

Yeah Now you got me. I notice that he did that on purpose to see what was going to happen to it and the result was that he got hurt. :roll: That was a crazy thing to experiment on it.
6.7 billion people in the world and 1 idiot who tried to do that. yep.... unfortunately....

:laugh2: Seriously... but what else do you want to comment on this video but :roll: and :crazy:

At least he kept us entertained LOL
:giggle: That was great! If more people did that at the gym I would be more interested in going.:P
That guy got his butt kicked and butted his head all at once... quite an accomplishment!

I don't think it hit butt it hit lower if you pause video it not go to butt it go under butt where he experience pain so bad.
They got too much time on their hands :laugh2:
it's funny but not a good idea. that young man might be on weed.