rich gets richer

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I've always heard that less than one half of one percent of the richest have over one half of our cash. I don't know it that is true or not.

Thats 1.5 million people. Considering Forbes 400 is at 1.38 trillion that is already at 10%.

I wont be surprised if its true.
man every time i read netrox's posts... i think hes a woman.. or wait... is it a she?? damn im confused
Yeah, but his amount of charity donation?

Pretty darned paltry.

since when it is measured by charity donation? It's not how much Obama donated.... it's what Obama has done for us.... like being the President of United States...

I'd say what you have done for society compared to Obama is pretty darned paltry.
charity is NOT effective for maintaining roads, military, education, et all.
Neither is raising taxes and spending money the govt doesn't have. That's why it's called "deficit spending." If deficit spending continues then no amount of increased taxation will help that. The first step is to control that spending. That's why I used the analogy of maxing out on credit cards to help pay the bills the stuff you bought earlier. Not gonna work.
" That's why I used the analogy of maxing out on credit cards to help pay the bills the stuff you bought earlier. Not gonna work."

So, let's cut military, ok? Let's stop improving roads. Let's fire thousands of public employees. We could retain them if we just increase tax rate for the rich.
It has been shown that increasing taxation on the rich doesn't help make a dent, even if you do it at 100%. It's the problem of spending. Beauracracy. Red tape. Adding programs. Lack of oversight. Fraud and waste (e.g. $60 billion a year is wasted through Medicare fraud and waste).
ah... the midnight Kokonut Marathon special.....
"It has been shown that increasing taxation on the rich doesn't help make a dent, even if you do it at 100%. It's the problem of spending. Beauracracy. Red tape. Adding programs. Lack of oversight. Fraud and waste (e.g. $60 billion a year is wasted through Medicare fraud and waste)."

Ok, let's get rid of Medicare. What else should we cut down?
"Nothing was handed to him He deserves every penny. he made and you should give him credit for being a selfmade man. Those on the street corners of America make their bed, now let them lay in it. Don't tax folks just to pay for these lazy bums....just what obama wants to do!!!"

I admire Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and a lot of other billionaires. It's not their money but their successes in their businesses. But I hold admiration for those who aren't even wealthy when they have done great deeds.

There are HARD WORKING people in all socioeconomic levels - some work really hard, some don't. A lot of hard working people make little money while there are people who work little and rake so much money.

Hard working is NOT the same as making more money. It's an important factor but it's NOT how it lands you to becoming wealthy - intelligence, discipline or even obsession, and social networks help you get there.

while I totally agree with your statement, it helps to make my point. All (and I repeat that...ALL) hardworking people deserve each and every penny they earn. Those among us whom choose to do nothing (read: live on public assistance) also deserve their life. My concern is that while we all should pay a fair share of tax, Obama wants to over-tax the Bill Gates because Obama thinks they should be required to carry a higher burden of obligation. Lets look at it the "Halloween way"...say you are a very young kid who goes door to door at night and gets a large size bag of goodies. Next day Daddy takes all but the hell would you feel about that???
Seen too many people who sit on their arses while I worked my own arse off, overtime every night to be able to pay my bills and put something towards savings!...And they had the "gall" to say...."Oh you must be rich"! whenever I bought a new car....even at the grocery store when I bought a lot of groceries.....Had it said to me many, many times....

What I've worked for, what I've saved, I've also given some to charity...without any "Thank You's"!...And they still will hold their hand out for more...

I am not rich, not by anyone's standards. I was just a hard worker, willing to put in extra hours, even a part-time job when necessary.

For those "rich" people the OP is talking about, wanting to tax them even more....pisses me off!....They have paid their dues...worked hard for their $$'s theirs to do what they please with!
"It has been shown that increasing taxation on the rich doesn't help make a dent, even if you do it at 100%. It's the problem of spending. Beauracracy. Red tape. Adding programs. Lack of oversight. Fraud and waste (e.g. $60 billion a year is wasted through Medicare fraud and waste)."

Ok, let's get rid of Medicare. What else should we cut down?

Ridiculous examples...the all or nothing approach. If pork alone was whittled down to next to nothing, for example, would cause a huge dent. Then you whittle down, NOT cut out entirely, other programs and we would be well on the road to financial responsibility instead of the current terroristic financial practices.....
Ridiculous examples...the all or nothing approach. If pork alone was whittled down to next to nothing, for example, would cause a huge dent. Then you whittle down, NOT cut out entirely, other programs and we would be well on the road to financial responsibility instead of the current terroristic financial practices.....


IMF(International Money Foundation) recently published some papers about the cause of financial crisis. They claim that inequality in income is a major reason for the crisis. Inequality puts great strains on the economy, as it makes less money flow around.

So it somehow makes sense to come up with different suggestions to try to decrease the inequality, among them higher taxes for rich people.
charity is NOT effective for maintaining roads, military, education, et all.
No, but it shows us something about the character of the man.
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