Remember about Sept 11, 2001

I remember that day clearly as if it was like yesterday. My ex husband and I along with our 2 kids (the oldest was 2 weeks shy of being 1 yr old and the youngest was 9 months old at the time) doing some grocery shopping that morning at Wal-Mart. As 4 of us were browsing around to get some foods and when we were heading to the checkout line to pay the food, we had noticed a lot of people were flocking up together front of the TV. Curiosity got the best of me and I had wondered why there were people coming up to the TV. When I had approached, I saw CNN airing and showing the replay of the 1st tower of WTC being attacked. The TV didn't have closed captioning on but when I saw the text reel on the bottom of the screen saying a plane had rammed into WTC; At that point, my stomach churned. So, We all hurried up and paid for the food then we headed home to glue ourselves to the TV. When we got home from Wal-Mart, We were just in time to see the 2nd plane crashing into WTC. It was so surreal and I was texting few of my friends who were at Gallaudet to see if they were ok.

Today, At work - We all had a 5 minute "moment of silence". During the silence, I came to write down a memorandum on a piece of paper.

This is what I wrote -

From this day and forward, Let us remember those who were unfortunate in the duration of the attack. The unsung heroes were diligant and yet, it reminds why our country came in together - hand in hand.

The date; 9/11 is an icon where everyone easily remembers. It serves us as a reminder why everyone should foresee to help others in their hour of need. Whether its 9/11 or not, It also tells us that we are the ones that can and will unite to keep everything at bay.

Firefighters, Polices, EMS, National Guards, Militaries and even us regular joes saw something and did not even think of how things were able to be played out until the attack.

Indeed, the shot was heard around the globe. Each and every americans were heard on that fateful day (not physically) but each and every one of us felt the same thing - our hearts were tugged with full of worries. With that, it has made us all wary (and we had every reason to) but even though with all the panic that had set in - We all came in together as ONE nation; not as divided as we seem to be; whether it is African American; Whites; Latinos; Asians, a land full of immigrants - we all put that aside and didn't care to see who we were. We were only here for one reason - that is to come together in time for others, valiantly, that is.

The bottom line is - On that fateful day, everyone (yes that includes the rest of the world) are the unsung heroes. Why do I say this for? It is because we all had what was had and that is revolutionizing.

The memory to this day after 7 years is still as raw as ever. I am proud of how everyone saw past these races and barriers to step up onto help others.

Rest in peace to those who died on that fateful but yet, a somberness day.
I will never forget that tragic week. Everyone worked so valiantly on saving people. I was at Gallaudet. I was in a morning class doing ceramics when we heard about New York and then the Pentagon. We could see smoke from the Pentagon. The only thing I am proud about the tragedy is how well everyone worked together. It pissed me off to see people turning this tragedy into a divisive agenda afterwards.

I was at Gallaudet too working in HMB on that day. I will never forget the skyline filled with the smoke.
Yes I aware about 3rd plane hit Pentagon (it´s not US 93 plane). We debated about 1st, 2nd and 3rd planes to WTC and Pentagon at WTC threads for years but no word about 4th plane (US 93 plane).... We all know what it doing at 1st, 2nd and 3rd planes but I cannot say anything here because it would end to heat debate... like what we did at WTC threads...

sorry :topic:
yes, i agree with you. there are still argument about the proof "attack in WTC"
that is problem. our america newspaper and movie are cheat. But, i say poor america PPL worked in the WTC, they all have to die. I am sad, too. Because they are innocent.
what you said about 3 planes. okay! what is another Pentagon? please watch the movie. under website............ attention, it is more information about WTC and Pentagon.
9/11: video del Pentagono - - Venerdì 12.9.2008 - Index

Statik-Experte William Baker ist vollkommen perplex: "Wir können uns nicht erklären, weshalb WTC 7 eingestürzt ist", gibt er offen zu. Das Gebäude brannte zwar lichterloh, weil die riesigen Öltanks Feuer gefangen hatten (weshalb?!), doch deswegen hätte das Hochhaus niemals einstürzen dürfen. Hinzu kommt, daß man in WTC 7 Stahlträger gefunden hat, die teilweise verdampft (!!!) waren. Kein Feuer der Welt kann aber eine solche Hitze entwickeln. Als Grund käme eigentlich nur eine Explosion von großer Sprengkraft in Frage. Oder die US-Armee hat bei diesen Gebäuden neue Waffensysteme oder Sprengstoffe getestet. Ähnlich wie beim Pentagon kein Flugzeug in das Gebäude stürzte, sondern die Armee einen neu entwickelten Marschflugkörper aus einem B-52 Bomber abschoss und in das Pentagon leitete .

read under website
Was passiert in der Politik und in unserem Finanzsystem, was macht die Pharmaindustrie wirklich, was bedeuten die Chemtrailaktionen
at work, we had an hour of moment of the silence.

all i was do: listen my ipod and watch tv about WTC.
I stayed home on that day this year. I was afriad of going to the bathroom knowing that it was the day they crashed in to a building with 50+ bathrooms.
I just wonders if anyone remember about happen on Sept 11, 2001?

Now, it's 7 years of after Sept 11, 2001 and all hopefully goes on people who are victim or killed by 9/11, such as collapse of WTC, partly collapse of Pentagon and other airplane crash.

Have you watch the film about WTC? I had watch it and made me so very sad. :(

Don't forgot about 1993 WTC bombing too, that's scary.

You can tell or share with stories about experience on what happen with 9/11 and WTC bombing if you want too.

it was sad to watch the attacks on tv :( I was at home and it was afternoon in our time