Religion and Abortion

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Angel's post
But I will never forget the day when I saw my unborn babies' heartbeats through an ultrasound television screen and I felt the sound vibration too, it was one of the best day of my life. :smiling:

Yes, I have the same feeling as you as well because they are our wish baby which is different as other mothers who do not feel ready to have babies when they are on type of birth control to prevent from unwanted pregnancy. I am sure that you know that type of birth control are not always 100% safety to protect from pregnancy.
Cheri's post
You also have a "choice" not to have sex. Does it make it the baby's fault because two people were irresponsible?

Would you call it as irresponsible when two people use type of birth control to prevent from unwanted pregnancy?
Would you call it as irresponsible when two people use type of birth control to prevent from unwanted pregnancy?

Read Byrdie714 and my two posts, He already asked that question, How could you missed it?
Read Byrdie714 and my two posts, He already asked that question, How could you missed it?

Yes I have read his post #51 and #53.

He quoted Angel's post saying that it's her choice to keep baby which mean that it's Angel's wish to keep a baby which other mothers doesn't. I also quoted Angel's post, too.

All what I see is byrdie never said one word about "irresponsible" in first place as he quoted Angel telling her that it's her choice to keep a baby if she is happy to have it. Accord Byrdie's post #53 - he tried to say that it doesn't mean that they are irresponsible when they use type of birth control to prevent from unwanted pregnancy.
The only dependable birth control is his zipped up pants and her closed legs.
Would you call it as irresponsible when two people use type of birth control to prevent from unwanted pregnancy?

Let you know that there are so many type of birth controls that don't always work for some women. But you also have to be careful with birth control pills that can do some damage to a woman body. I stop taking mine for lot of good reasons. I would prefer a guy use condoms. :cool:
Let you know that there are so many type of birth controls that don't always work for some women. But you also have to be careful with birth control pills that can do some damage to a woman body. I stop taking mine for lot of good reasons. I would prefer a guy use condoms. :cool:

Yes I aware it. I don't use any type of birth controls, too due my health problems.
Yes I aware it. I don't use any type of birth controls, too due my health problems.

Birth control had caused me to have some problems and it not worth it anymore. It caused weight gain, make me tired all the time, and cancer and much more. I only hope they make it more safer in the near future.
If uses birth control can reduce the risk. But, Women needs to be aware that the highest risk of chance of getting pregnant is on the days right before when their ovaries release the egg, That's why they must know when their monthy cycle is to start. I learned that after my second pregnancy, wish I learned that fact before my first-born.

It's going to happen regardless if her monthly cycle is going to happen or not.

If they both use birth control methods, were responsible and end up getting pregnant, why penalize the humans with an unwanted burden?

Reba writes:
The only dependable birth control is his zipped up pants and her closed legs.


GarnetTigerMom writes:
Oh GOD! Don't remind me of "Rosemary's Baby" that movie was freaky creepy!

Exactly! How do you know that this 'soul' isn't going to be like that?! Especially if it is an unwanted pregnancy?
It's going to happen regardless if her monthly cycle is going to happen or not.

If they both use birth control methods, were responsible and end up getting pregnant, why penalize the humans with an unwanted burden?

Reba writes:


GarnetTigerMom writes:

Exactly! How do you know that this 'soul' isn't going to be like that?! Especially if it is an unwanted pregnancy?

LOL! Well, first of all we all know "Rosemary's baby" is just a fictional movie and not real. But it is spooky! I don't think that really would happen to have a devil baby. If that did happen,, then we would have something to worry about. :) :cool:
Exactly! How do you know that this 'soul' isn't going to be like that?! Especially if it is an unwanted pregnancy?

Oh good lordie. I think you watch too much horror movies. :lol:
By the end of the first month, the liver and digestive system begin to develop, and the heart starts to beat, not because of the mother.

But they will not function on their own without the support of the woman's system. That is what we talk about when we talk about viability. Beginning to develop is not enough to support life.
For some reason people thinks abortion is okay because it's the mother's body and her choice and the innocent fetus is thrown out in a trash can or in a toliet but however when a person kills a pregnant woman and her unborn fetus, that person gets charged with double murder and yet no one sees this as a double standard? How interesting.
For some reason people thinks abortion is okay because it's the mother's body and her choice and the innocent fetus is thrown out in a trash can or in a toliet but however when a person kills a pregnant woman and her unborn fetus, that person gets charged with double murder and yet no one sees this as a double standard? How interesting.
Right you are!

Even in the AD threads, when someone posts a tragic story about a pregnant mom and her baby being killed, all the "pro-choice" supporters boo-hoo and lament the loss of the baby, and use these against the killer:
:mad: :rl: :pissed: :rifle:

What's the difference (to the baby) whether it is killed by a blood-thirsty pervert, or a white-smocked clinic staffer?
What's the difference (to the baby) whether it is killed by a blood-thirsty pervert, or a white-smocked clinic staffer?

There's no differences there. Kills equal murder doesn't matter how it is done, or who had done it.

Angel said:
For some reason people thinks abortion is okay because it's the mother's body and her choice and the innocent fetus is thrown out in a trash can or in a toliet but however when a person kills a pregnant woman and her unborn fetus, that person gets charged with double murder and yet no one sees this as a double standard? How interesting

You're right, How could anyone be so cruel and heartless to take the life of a child even if the child isn't born in the world. What bothers me is that the unborn child has his or her own body, does that mean somebody have that right to kill it? I can't think of anything more selfish than to deny a child the right to life, I'm sorry I can't. :(
Not disagree with me but the bible... It's the bible, Cheri referred to in her previous post.

A fetus is not a child yet but develop into a human.
Do you deny the Bible said that a fetus is a child? See my post #55
Would you call a mother as a "murder" if a mother decides to abort her alive fetus to save her risk life?
Yes, she would.

To solve the problem is to have c-section instead of abortion. Let me tell you a TRUE story of a deaf girl whom I know well.

My classmate married to this deaf girl. Her DR warned her NOT to get pregnant because of the highest risk upon her health. Her husband wanted a baby. She went ahead to get pregnant. Her DR ordered her under care. DR told her it is too risk for her to born a baby. Dr ordered her to have c-section. They had a healthy baby. DR saved her life and her baby at the same time.
For some reason people thinks abortion is okay because it's the mother's body and her choice and the innocent fetus is thrown out in a trash can or in a toliet but however when a person kills a pregnant woman and her unborn fetus, that person gets charged with double murder and yet no one sees this as a double standard? How interesting.

Because the unborn is wanted by the said parent and therefore it constitutes a double murder....
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