Reason for Hearing Restoration


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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some of you are avid follower of stem cell technology, CI implant, etc.

A few questions for you -
1. How old did you lose your hearing?
2. What kind of hearing damage do you have?
3. What's your reason for hearing restoration?

Discuss away!
deafdude, do you care to share the short version? I'm interested in knowing more.
1. I was PROBABLY born deaf (it was discovered at 3 years old)
2. severe profound hearing
3. my parents put me on oral path

c'mon people - spit it out! :)
1) No one knows what the heck happened. Could be ear infections. Could be ototoxic drugs or could had been born deaf; I was misdiagnosed with a wide range of things until I was 5 when an audiologist decided to put hearing aids on even though I had no reaction to the hearing tests

2) Classified as severe-profound SNHL

3) To gain environmental sound awareness (people were disturbed that I seemingly ignored everything)
1. My audi and ENT aren't entirely sure what caused it to go out the window and I started to lose it around age 16...
2. they are thinking genetics cuz there isn't anything visible on my CT scans and such..i had a lot of ear infections tho as a kid and burst ear drum 3 times on my right
3. I wear my hearing aids to hear and be safe...there are many things at school that I need to be able to hear and sports and such..if i need day i will get a CI
1. I lost my hearing in utero.
2. Bilateral Sensinory hearing loss of 110 to 120 dB
3. Damage was done to me in the form of genetics.
4. I dont give a damn about being being able to hear but I wear hearing aids for the heck of it and to get attention from people.
Genetic. Mixed loss. 95db. Ineligible for CI. Wear hearing aids in hope of not getting run over, help speech reading, great purple color at the moment.

Shel does better than me, I get no attention at all.(Maybe my snappy dressing and cane draws attention away from the hearing aids.) :lol:

And I am happy a lot of the time.
deafness at age 2 due to HIB meningitis. PROFOUND loss in left ear, severe-profound in right. I will get the left ear implanted whenever I get Wyoming Medicaid straightened out.
deafness at age 2 due to HIB meningitis. PROFOUND loss in left ear, severe-profound in right. I will get the left ear implanted whenever I get Wyoming Medicaid straightened out.

You forgot Jiro's rule...answer #3 if you dont mind. :D
1. Lost hearing gradually both ears then suddenly RE
2. severe/profound
3. Loss due to injury, then cholesteatoma (also have 3 relatives with same, eldest son is beginning to have loss as well)
3. Do not like ha's, not CI eligible, would prefer to be simply deaf, ha's cause horrific infection, bother, expense, and the best thing about them is that they are both removable and purple. :lol:
1. Around 4 years old. Constant ear infections as a child culminating in a nasty sickness with a 104-105 fever that destroyed my hearing.

2. Severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. Left ear is dead. Right ear around 50% or less depending on the day. I've worn a single hearing aid my whole life, with no benefit wearing a hearing aid in my dead ear.

3. I would like to experience what it's like to hear similar to a normal person without a device attached to my ear - even if it's only temporary. I'd love to know what having two ears is like.
Will answer on behalf of my daughter...

1. Failed newborn screening. Formally diagnosed at 9 weeks old. Have not done any genetics to see why, but Waardenburg Syndrome is suspected due to eye color variations.

2. Bilateral Sensorineural. Severe (70dB) at diagnosis, progressed to severe-profound (90dB) in the last year. Degree of loss pretty much balanced between R and L with a mild reverse slope after loss progressed.

3. Amplified to help with potential speech acquisition and exposure to environmental sounds. Upgrading from eXtra 211s to Naida III SP later this week.
1) Birth
2) Profound bilateral SNHL since birth
3) Uses CI, Very much involved in both worlds, TA at Deaf school and school with Resource Base. Hearing/deaf friends, Hearing yacht racing team, easier to lipread, less stressful/tiring than with HA.
some of you are avid follower of stem cell technology, CI implant, etc.

A few questions for you -
1. How old did you lose your hearing?
2. What kind of hearing damage do you have?
3. What's your reason for hearing restoration?

Discuss away!

CI Implant...

1. They think I had a hearing loss when I was born. They officially diagnosed me by the time I was 2 1/2 - 3 years old. I wore a HA since then until I got my CI.

2) Sensory-neural hearing loss.

3) To continue to function in the hearing world since I was going totally deaf.
1. Rubella from birth
2. Profound Bilateral SNHL since birth
3. Unilateral CI user for the past couple of months, wore bilateral hearing aids since 6mths old. Uses CI for communication, environmental awareness and music.
1. Probably ~24; could have happened earlier, but didn't require HAs.
2. Possibly a defective gene. Connexin 26 gene
3. Part of my life
1. I was born deaf.
2. The damage was done to the coclear spirals caused by rubella measles
3. Grew up wearing hearing aids and went thru oral therapy as well learned to use sign language
1. How old did you lose your hearing?
My life has been sort of like a roller coaster as far as my hearing goes. Like some others here I'm not exactly sure if I was born with hearing loss or if it came in my first few years. A hearing loss was suspected because of mispronouncing words and things like that. But in the first grade I had tubes put in my ears to drain inner ear fluid (Pretty common) when I had my tonsils out. Everyone thought that was the only reason for my hearing loss.

But a few years later I took a hearing test at school and found out I still had a hearing loss. But because I was still discovering sound since the tubes no one knew. I soon got my first set of hearing aids.

After that I'd get new hearing aids every few years as my hearing continued to decrease. With with the hearing aids I got by just like any other kid. I went to public schools and normal classes and so forth. So my hearing, with the HA's, was pretty much normal.

In my late teens and early 20's my hearing made a big drop to deafness. I've now been deaf almost 20 years. Last time I heard a voice at all was about 17 years ago.

2. What kind of hearing damage do you have?
Nerve damage for the most part. Also some inner ear scaring most likely due to infections.

3. What's your reason for hearing restoration?
I use to be able to hear and I miss it. I know what a "Normal flowing conversation" is like. I know what music, laughter, rain and applaud from my audiences sounds like. Be nice to be able to experience those things again. I don't know if my CI will give me the ability to use the phone yet but if it can that would be great too. But for the most part I'd just like to hear some everyday sounds that I haven't been able to hear for so long.

Ron Jaxon

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