Reason for Hearing Restoration

thank you guys for sharing! :grouphug:
22 yrs old when I lost my hearing
It was caused by ototoxic pharmacological reaction.
Attempt at some sort of restoration related mostly due to my career and to help my spouse cope with it better (not married anymore so who cares about that one)
Don't know when I became deaf but medication did destroy my hearing when I received medication shortly after my birth in NICU.

I was diagnosed with a bilateral severe sensineural hearing loss at 9 months and my left ear progressed to profound at 10 years old and my right ear progress at 12/13 years old.
No hearing in left ear. Right ear has a 90+ hearing loss.
Grew up with hearing aids to help me hear, I got the cochlear implant to hear environmental sounds, to be safe and also to hear when someone is talking to me(i dont understand speech mostly only when I lipread), also to cope better as I am from a hearing family
some of you are avid follower of stem cell technology, CI implant, etc.

A few questions for you -
1. How old did you lose your hearing?
2. What kind of hearing damage do you have?
3. What's your reason for hearing restoration?

Discuss away!

1. born with loss, total deaf at 43
2. Not sure - calcium deposit deformed ear drum on right side, major nerve damage on left side, now damaged ear drum from calcium.
3. HA's no longer work, CI not compatible (per Audiologist and ENT). I will stay the way I am and I really like it this way.