Wish I didn't miss this thread
Reason why I smoke the pot are because it help with my depression and anexity, also help me to eat more. Also it change my mood into dumb friendly which I'd happy to be. Also I mostly prefer to social with friends and smoking the pot over the alcohol because alcohol cause my friends going to the bathroom to puke, the drama, etc. Pot never cause my friends to puke or any drama. Also I am starting to loathe the alcohol because it always make me hangover when I wake up at the morning. Pots cause hangover on me? Never!
Also I've notice the marijuana does teach me the peace and feel related to the mother of earth. Also the marijuana feature so MANY of health benefits, many of foods can be made from marijuana, even the clothes, and soaps, the oils. The pothead people are very friendly and openly minded, also peacefully, but too bad, illegalize the marijuana give the potheads a different picture, there are many stuff that we've missed since the marijuana being illegal.