Am I the only one who noticed here on AD lately that the word "audism or audist" has been OVERUSED and OVERABUSED here????!!!
I feel that 90 percent of these who overuse that term simply dont know what it means but likes to throw it around casually. Now they throw that term around in EVERY situation that SEEMS to be AGAINST ASL.
I am damn sick of seeing that. I am tired of that label. I dont see anyone abusing the term ASL militant or whatnot. Why is it okay for others to make it seem like an evil word???!!!
Thanks for letting me rant and rave - I know that many would consider me audist BASED on my background but they would never give me a chance to explain myself, etc. I m just tired of that silly label. It seems like they are not creative enough to come up with another better or accurate label or whatnot. *steaming between my ears* Come on, guys, you can do better than throw audism or audist at anything or anyone that seem to be "against" your beliefs.
I feel that 90 percent of these who overuse that term simply dont know what it means but likes to throw it around casually. Now they throw that term around in EVERY situation that SEEMS to be AGAINST ASL.
I am damn sick of seeing that. I am tired of that label. I dont see anyone abusing the term ASL militant or whatnot. Why is it okay for others to make it seem like an evil word???!!!
Thanks for letting me rant and rave - I know that many would consider me audist BASED on my background but they would never give me a chance to explain myself, etc. I m just tired of that silly label. It seems like they are not creative enough to come up with another better or accurate label or whatnot. *steaming between my ears* Come on, guys, you can do better than throw audism or audist at anything or anyone that seem to be "against" your beliefs.