Random Vents.....

I admire all of you who run, swim etc. Very basic exercise makes my ears hurt like hell. My head already feels like its under water. I use to love to run. I've tried but just the warm ups caused a severe headache. You inspire me and I'll just keep on trying.

Dixie I hope your feeling better today. Sometimes a good cry is what I need. My little 4lb dog "Marley" doesn't let me stay in that sad place very long. What a gift I have with her. Who new that the person you can be your "real" self and not be judge would be your dog.

I wish I had some pumpkin pie with whip cream right now. One of the disadvantages of not having Thanksgiving at home. Oh well!!!!!
Seriously, who carpets their dining room?

Or if you do, don't get freaked out when food falls on it. Sheesh, people are more important than carpet. I like to behave a little differently than I was raised - and you don't get in trouble for accidents (but you might get to help clean up ;)).
my life is in a mess right now =/ nothing is going my way and my mom is really sick... i'm worried about her
i really want out of the job I have now... but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon... I'm just so tired of having to try and act like a hearing person... and people treat me like I am less than them... and then being so tired when I get home... I don't want to do much at all...

I am also tired of my neurotic sister getting mad when I sign infront of her... telling me that I need to use my voice and lipread... because thats what "non-disabled" deaf people do... oh... and when I have a friend come over for thanksgiving... everything is either mine or my friends fault...

I am tired of hearies telling me I would be better off with a CI... not caring if I want one or not...

I'm tired of my Friends expecting me to read lips all the time, for me to do all the work, then get mad when I don't want to hang out... either that or them telling me that putting on captions, or going to a captioned movie... is too much trouble...

I'm tired of other friends constantly canceling or standing me up at coffee or lunch dates..

I guess... I'm just tired...
Ash, I'm sorry. Denver is a tough market, too. We left when the economy crashed.
I feel sad for you!!!

my life is in a mess right now =/ nothing is going my way and my mom is really sick... i'm worried about her

I'm sorry things are so hard right now. It's not easy when a parent is sick especially around the holidays. Hope things get better soon. Good luck.:angel:
I guess... I'm just tired...

Aw, Ash! You need a few of these... :hug:

Gee, there's nothing like having people in your life who think you should bend to their needs when you're the one with the disadvantage! Head smacks all around.
Mintee, I hope that things get better soon. :hug: if you'd like one.
Aw, Ash! You need a few of these... :hug:

Gee, there's nothing like having people in your life who think you should bend to their needs when you're the one with the disadvantage! Head smacks all around.

@Ash245, here's some more :hug: for you and I concur with Mbrek.
Mintee and Ash :grouphug:

My wish for you is that, tomorrow, the sun will be shining.:kiss:

No vent from me today. Saw my daddy, who just have quadruple bypass heart surgery, and he look *SO* much better. Step Mum joke that she will renew warranty in 10 years. They are too cute together. :giggle:
You see, he took the pan with him and taunted me. He asked for it. My birthday only comes once a yr. He takes medicine for his illness,ya know. He did everything he could to get me upset. He does that to ppl.

sorry hear you feeling father!
You see, he took the pan with him and taunted me. He asked for it. My birthday only comes once a yr. He takes medicine for his illness,ya know. He did everything he could to get me upset. He does that to ppl.

My "Birthday Month" only come once a year and I celebrate every single day. This way not disappoint when actual birthdate arrive because already celebrate all month. My kids *love* their "Birthday Month" because every single day is celebration that they come into my life and me into theirs.
I usually manage to stretch out birthdays at least for a couple of weeks. :D
I'm sorry Mintee and Ash. I hope tomorrow is better day for both. :hug:
I usually manage to stretch out birthdays at least for a couple of weeks. :D

Not me. April 1st and it is *ALL* about me right to the bitter end of month! Just angry my birthday month only have 30 days. Son and 2nd daughter get 31 days. :laugh2:

Third daughter born February and eldest daughter born same birthday month as me.
Holiday season's coming up, and I feel so lost without my Dad. He had the best advice, and patience, and a willingness to help, and I really, really wish he were here. Sometimes, I don't have any idea what to do, or how to do it, and my mom has her advice she gives, but it's not the same. I used to be able to talk to him for hours, and learn so much. There was still so much I wanted to learn from him, so many things I need him for, and he's not here. I miss him so much...

I relate. I miss my father every day of my life, but especially at Christmas time, because he spent so much time doing charitable work during the season. It was his favorite time of year. I had a very close relationship with my dad, and he is in large part responsible for my social conscious.