FREAK!! I posted an entire thread reply and it disappear!!!
I come to work community in December 2009 as "Financial Firefighter" and also nickname "Number Nazi".
Feel do *SO* much work to help community from bankruptcy. Feel spend much more than *18* hours a week fixing community finances. Feel give *life* to community because take, how say, personal satisfaction in succeeding with community. Proud to give community financial health.
But...and there is a but...
I cannot say *anything* to YAHOOS who write me for this or that no matter how ridiculous.
Chilliwack Progress - Cultus steps back from the brink
Tension rising
Cultus finances looking good
Chilliwack Progress - Cultus Lake Park Board posts $1 million surplus
Just today, receive annonymous email, from buddy *Rick* (aka ASSHOLE) as follows: (TODAY)
"Here are quotes from e-mails that Lakers sent to me over the last week or so:
Laker #1: "Hope the C.A.O. and
Financial Officer are the first things to change after the election."
Laker #2: "It will be fun to see who gets chair and vice and to see if they will oust Ron."
Laker #3: "I would very much like to know what the general opinion is about
turfing out Campbell and
Johnson and starting fresh with someone that actually wants to do their job and work co-operatively with the public they serve."
Laker #4: "I hope they (i.e. new Board) start at the top and make some big changes. Really feel it in my bones that Ron is a dick and needs to go."
Yep, really intelligent people on this planet!!

And hearies think they are smart?