This morning, arriving at the gym to complete the first of two weekly leg days, I had the pleasure of dealing with an anti re-racking douchetard of most epic proportions. Now normally I would just let this annoy me for a moment and go on with my day, but this man was lazy with an L so capital it bothered me from start to finish. It also ensured he got heard from me there. You're welcome for your asshole induced fame, dicknose.
Anyway, this guy seemed on a mission from Satan to use every piece of equipment possible while leaving the greatest assortment of weight possible. From machine to machine, bar to bar the anti re-racker left a path of 45s to 2.5s consisting of hundreds of pounds. It seemed not his goal to lift, but to make more work for everyone else. This idea was further solidified by his extremely lethargic and extended rest periods leading me to appreciate that actually removing the weights would have benefited him more than his actual workout had.
Then a glimmer of hope! He moved to a piece of equipment he'd used more than half an hour before and removed the plates from either side...
Only to put on a different weight, use the machine for one set and leave the second set of weights for the poor soul who needed the equipment next. Douche status solidified.
By the time he left he had managed to rack/fail to re-rack enough weight that I actually had to remove the weight from one of his pieces of equipment and move it another just to complete one of my lifts; he'd not left enough on the conveniently provided weight stacks.
You know who re-racked all that shit from all those assorted pieces of equipment? I did. Because I like to be nice to people. *And lift heavy things of course.
So please re-rack your weights. I don't care if you think you're using a "typically used" weight. How do you know what the person after you can lift? Some people need more, some people need less. That's why there are different weights in the first place.
for being a lazy, bitch. You're at the damn gym.