Random Vents.....

Wirelessly posted (droid)

Calm and patient with 4 boys? Are you high? Just kidding! lol
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Calm and patient with 4 boys? Are you high? Just kidding! lol

:giggle:...They brought in the groceries, watered the flower garden, fixed the curtain rod that fell down (that darn a-hole kitten)!...even set the table and got the ice tea ready....Now, they're back to their rooms, recording music in a "make-shift" recording room in a double closet...:giggle:...All I have to do when something needs to be done is hollar out....:D
No vents from me today. It's actually been a good day all around. Just slow and almost boring.
Got 2 late calls tonight...3 people coming over in the early evening tomorrow and stay for dinner....jeez!...There goes my wonderful, lazy, boring weekend!...Gotta get up and find out what I'm gonna cook and do a little dusting....
Sometimes if ya got nothing better to say, it can be worth it to keep it to yourself. :)

ah, popularity game? this aren't being honest,
I can see the wisdom there to though.
But sometimes, it let groups (unwittingly) to be *blind* to standards over realness. So, in some way I have to disagre because Lucas was sharing the awful prank THEY did on HIM. Now, how about this, if a women say; her name is Pollyanna been *lonely* and she's attractive (and fairly shy) then her buddies says they'd found a great date for her, supposedly a tall,dark, handsome, and well-to-do (wealthy or aflluent) but then at the dinner table or at the entrance to a concert, only she discovers he's short, pale, ugly ,and a real slob - unshaven. She'd be pissed right? OF Course AND as a women she'd be allowed to rant /share this stunt when obviously its NOT a Match (how come we dont sheer at 2 ugly couple and thinks its cute? how come we dont sheer at 2 'beautiful' people as couple why? its socially acceptable, and by that same line 'its not sociall acceptable to be 'honest' that someone pulled a stunt to mock or make fun of your mismatch. That is a cruel joke what happened to Lucas was cruel to, imagine the pain she had yes, (some of them acknowledged this and Lucas may not understand this much further yet, give him a break. It (the prank) to him , was itself enough to make him feel icky and uncomfortable by this experience, perhap instead growly at him, wait, and reason it out , say like , yes awful dude, imagine how awful it was for her too), poor girl, NOW......but to the women's example i said above, if the women says 'he's so Gross and ugly *puke*, its the SAME, AND we'd know she's just a typical girl/woman, but if a guy says this he's insensitive, NOW again if she says "oh its arent right, he's too short, poor guy " we'd know (or think) she's an angel *and deserve better*, whenin if the a guy say ' shes emournous, no she's a slob cant take care of herself, -we think he's being fait , not an angel but more 'oh boy' bad experiene either laugh it off, or say move on...see? its different reactions that gets one in 'trouble' in here , the problem is popular views are NOT a good gauge for approvals, or an approval for a ban (im not saying he got banned there i dont know thats not my point).

So, I do give sympathy to Lucas, (but i know i *can't* defend him because it would be like saying "I hate ugly people", that the point....we seem to have double standards about being *nice*..... tell you what I'm one of the only 5 at the deaf club who'd go have a conversation with an a REALLY ugly Deaf girl, she's got a mental age of 6 she' cant help it, rides a tricycle with a safety flag on it. She doesn't understand much at all, (even one night we had to show her on map what and where Austraila is!) She can't drive, got real mean and ultra short temper will punch cops' faces (seen that too)....I would be offend if they dare to set me up with her, but in no way i'd mock her, but she IS ugly and IS not same 'level' in many things, theres so much greys in society as much grey in how we express our true colours.

I dont like people who like to make themselves like so great and 'understanding' or that they are 'really mature', when in reality they have just exposed their own DOUBLE standards...
hope i dont get banned , its just a point i feel it had to be put in there...
Please try understand the differerence between reality and standards, both pretending and genuine, that includes if someones being straight, I, for one seen so many genuine standards BUT it does not follow reality AND it is NOT straight up, often worded out to avoid the "pretence" but dressing it up as "nice". These kinds of posts are done often AND mods FAILED to see the mockings behind all this. Now from this, its not 'double standards' but 'standards of handling' is "rewarded" to those with HIGH English literacy, which in turn, is actual audism.
I leave it at that, there is no name dropping, name calling here in this post ever- SO if i got banned, please everyone who reads this post, try understand the difference between being honest and being cunning with high Words on which grounds that may be the case that being honest is more valued than how mods prefer words standards over honesty. It arent RIGHT!!
Both me and Lee are painfully sick with completely different symptoms. He can't even move or he gets shooting pain and I just get it randomly. They need to make a stronger over the counter pain killer.
My grandpa just passed away. I'm so freaking SICK of people DYING on me!! It's not fair......and out of the five people who raised me, together, and had the most influence on my life, I have one left.

I don't know how to handle this. I don't.
My grandpa just passed away. I'm so freaking SICK of people DYING on me!! It's not fair......and out of the five people who raised me, together, and had the most influence on my life, I have one left.

I don't know how to handle this. I don't.

Thats life you just gota stay strong. "The sun always shines brightest after a storm"
Thats life you just gota stay strong. "The sun always shines brightest after a storm"

Forgive me if I sound snippy, I just found out.

It's kinda hard to stay strong at this point, as I've lost one person per year since 2007, with my dad being only five months ago.

I'm doing my best, I really am, it's just so, freaking, hard sometimes, but at this point.......

Anyone have ideas for coping?
Forgive me if I sound snippy, I just found out.

It's kinda hard to stay strong at this point, as I've lost one person per year since 2007, with my dad being only five months ago.

I'm doing my best, I really am, it's just so, freaking, hard sometimes, but at this point.......

Anyone have ideas for coping?

Grief takes a long time. You can't just cope. It's a process.

People are dying like nine pins in my family also.
@Stevie, remember that none of the people you've lost would want you to cease living your own life because they're no longer here. I know how tough it can be - I lost my dad a lot sooner than I would have liked. But he gave me a lot while he was here, and for that I'm grateful.
Grief takes a long time. You can't just cope. It's a process.

People are dying like nine pins in my family also.

I understand that it's a process, but getting through the day without being a wreck'd be nice. I was just asking about different methods to help with going through day-to-day life. Looking back now, though, it's almost impossible advice to give. <sigh> My mom worked hospice, so I heard a lot about the grief process, and when my great-grandma died, they gave us these packets explaining things. I think one of the major problems right now is build-up. I haven't been able to work through each loss before another came up, and that's the big issue.

I'm sorry for your losses as well. Have you ever read a book called "Tear Soup"? It's a really well done book on grief. The illustrations are awesome as well. It seems like it'd be a kid's book, but it isn't, and I like to read through it from time to time to remind myself not to lock everything up. That part of grieving is remembering, and such, and that I'm not going to just "get over it" like some people think I will....and sometimes I'm the one thinking I need to get over things. You know?
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Rituals help. Honor the dearly departed. Whatever is meaningful to you. It can be as simple as lighting a candle in a person's honor. You need to express your feelings. Art and writing are helpful.
I understand that it's a process, but getting through the day without being a wreck'd be nice. I was just asking about different methods to help with going through day-to-day life. Looking back now, though, it's almost impossible advice to give. <sigh> My mom worked hospice, so I heard a lot about the grief process, and when my great-grandma died, they gave us these packets explaining things. I think one of the major problems right now is build-up. I haven't been able to work through each loss before another came up, and that's the big issue.

I'm sorry for your losses as well. Have you ever read a book called "Tear Soup"? It's a really well done book on grief. The illustrations are awesome as well. It seems like it'd be a kid's book, but it isn't, and I like to read through it from time to time to remind myself not to lock everything up. That part of grieving is remembering, and such, and that I'm not going to just "get over it" like some people think I will....and sometimes I'm the one thinking I need to get over things. You know?
I do know, and I am practically paralyzed by grief from two deaths in my family in the last five months.

And more in the two years previous. That's kind of why I think there isn't a way to cope.

I wish Jillio were here to give you some good advice.
I'm in a similar situation, a person a year sometimes 2 since 2005.

What helps me is what others have said, light a few candles and bawl my eyes out for a while. Remember the good and the stupid but hilarious things they did in their life. Start a journal about your day to day life and feelings as well, it helps to let things just fly out for a while, just make sure the output isn't harmful .
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Rituals help. Honor the dearly departed. Whatever is meaningful to you. It can be as simple as lighting a candle in a person's honor. You need to express your feelings. Art and writing are helpful.
Forgive me if I sound snippy, I just found out.

It's kinda hard to stay strong at this point, as I've lost one person per year since 2007, with my dad being only five months ago.

I'm doing my best, I really am, it's just so, freaking, hard sometimes, but at this point.......

Anyone have ideas for coping?

StevieMont927 - I feel your pain. Lost my mother when I was 15 then 2 aunts, 2 grandmothers, a grandfather within the following 2 years then my father 3 years ago. There really isn't any cure for grief except two things - talk it out with friends when you need to and secondly, waiting for enough time to pass that the rawness is not so intense anymore. I also wrote alot in my journals on really bad days which helped too.