VamPyroX said:
Here at NTID, there are hispanic clubs, ebony clubs, asian clubs, and gay/lesbian clubs. Some of my friends brought up a few questions to the director of clubs. They asked if a white club or a straight club could be set up. The director said no because that was considered racism and sexist.
What's your opinion on this? Being white is a race. Being straight is a form of sexuality.
Those clubs are considered racism and/or sexism because, as a straight Caucasian, I am not allowed to join them for any particular reasons. For instance, I went to the University of Rochester and spotted a brown front door frame in a black fraternity house stating, "If your skin does not match to this color, you are not invited beyond this point." I simply laughed and :madfawk: at those racists.
I WEAR GLASSES. THIS DOES NOT MEAN that I would ever walk up to Stevie Wonder and say, "Hey, I'm down with that whole eyesight problem." It's for that reason that I can't help laughing when a white person tells me that they understand and experience racism.
In my time at universities, I have never been present for a discussion on racism at which a white student did not attempt to join in by volunteering his or her experiences. I cannot count the times I have heard a student say, "Yeah, but what about the racism that whites go through?" First of all, racism by definition can not be experienced by whites, but this is an argument about wording, not experience. Anyway, I am not denying that this type of discussion is important, but not for the reason that people think. I believe the only good that comes from a white student describing the injustices in their lives that result from racism is that it shows us that whites have very little to complain about.
Your friend's mother doesn't like you because you are white, when that friend's mother has been oppressed by whites her entire life? You aren't allowed to attend TWTP (Third World Transitional Program), which exists to empower minorities before they are confronted by our often racist campus? Racism? Please.
So what are the white cries of discrimination? Let's see if we can break this down. We have TWTP, of course, the horror. This is a program built to give students the strength to combat not only the racism they will most certainly face on this campus, but that they have experienced throughout their lives. Because I brought up TWTP, let me just ask, how many of the students that used The Herald as a forum to complain about the program are members of BUAD? How many of these students who were eager to discuss racial issues with minorities actually took that opportunity when it was offered to them? Not many. That's because it is easier to complain about being excluded than it is to be included, and it is something that can be added to the column of "reverse discrimination."
What else do we have? Oh, yes, all those clubs on campus devoted to minorities. I love hearing white students complain about ethnic groups on campus. There's MEChA for the Mexicans, OUAP for the blacks, but what about the white kids? "Racism!" they say. How many times have we heard white students complain that if they were to start the Caucasian club on campus, they would be branded racists? Well, they should be branded racists, and narcissists as well. It seems to me that their cry originates from a desire for equity. They want what is fair; if Latinos get a club, by golly, they should get one too. Setting aside the fact that most clubs and fraternities on this campus are dominated by whites, meaning white clubs do pretty much already exist, this complaint ignores the bigger picture.
These organizations are established to celebrate cultures that get ignored by the nation. Growing up in Los Angeles as a Mexican in a school system that was about 75 percent Latino, I learned two things about my culture: a history lesson on the Mexican−American war and a short lived physical education unit in hat dancing. However, white culture, or the lack there of, happens to be the culture of our country. Yup, learned all about it in high school, and I'm not really complaining about that, either. I'm merely pointing out that growing up in the '90s, I have not been exposed to my culture in a realm outside my family. Therefore, this fictitious Caucasian club, established specifically to celebrate whiteness, is unnecessary because we already have one. It's called the United States. And that is why minorities both need and deserve ethnic and cultural organizations and why whites' cries for a Caucasian student union are laughable.
In addition to celebrating culture, organizations such as MEChA exist to strengthen students against the racism they encounter, both on and off campus. This is a service that white students do not need, despite what they may think.
So what does that leave us with? We've covered TWTP and we've covered the absent WSA (White Student Alliance). It leaves us with everyday experiences, that everybody goes through, whatever his or her color. Not racism, which is defined by discrimination that can be backed up with a system of power (white privilege). Something more like discrimination. Yes, sorry to say, there are minorities out there that don't like white people. But as a minority, what can you do with this dislike? Not much. Maybe call white people crackers and make fun of them when they dance, but nothing too earth shattering.
Whites, on the other hand, are in the convenient position of having an entire nation of white privilege behind them. It is this privilege and discrimination that can account for a recent MIT/Harvard study in which 5,000 applications, all with equal qualifications, were sent out in response to several jobs listed in the Boston Globe. Half of these applications were given white−sounding names, such as Neil Smith, and the other half were given black−sounding names, such as Tayisa Jones. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, the "white" applications were responded to 50 percent more often than the "black" ones. This is what I am talking about. Yes, your boyfriend's mother may not like you because you are white, but that's about all she can do about it. Her only recourse, after enduring a lifetime of discrimination in which she may have seen examples of racism that I cannot possibly imagine, is to pick on her son's white girlfriend. I kinda feel bad for her.
The saddest part about racism is that I don't think that I, or anybody else, has a solution to it. But I know what the answers aren't. When a white individual is faced with a population that has been oppressed by whites for hundreds of years and continues to be oppressed by a nation built on systematic racism and injustice, I think that it's fair to say that the best approach probably isn't saying, "Yeah, but I've got it bad, too."
Please don't make comparisons, because, frankly, it's insulting. And don't try to pretend that it's the same, because we all know it isn't and your claims only frustrate and irritate us.