kalboy said:
dude, you need a major ego check .. can you proof that YOUR opinions are "superior" than the others? Lets say, how about some published work. Hmm, a degree from somewhere?
Now I understand where the friction is... I think!
kalboy, no one needs a degree to disagree or agree with something, or have a view on something. Heretic is entitled to his views, as you are. bbnt also is entitled to be skeptic of Heretic's statements and how he looks at things, too. It's part of the fun of a great debate without having to put anyone down.
I guess this is a case where everyone can agree to disagree on terminology. No harm, no foul. Heretic, I still disagree with your statement about deaf culture being wiped out along with the sign languages in the future. I think it will just evolve to adapt with all new factors (scientific advent, technology, new ways of thinking, etc), hopefully, for the better - as far as cultures go!
Vampy, when I attended gally - I was welcomed to participate in ISC (International Students' Club, for students from other countries) and Rainbow, even though I don't share the characteristics of these groups. I even hung out with students who were from countries like Pakistan, Iran, China, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada, you name it. You just can't waltz into a club, and demand you want the right to participate - you gotta prove yourself and earn others' trust. Make friends. Hope I made myself understandable.. let me know if I didn't! Thanks for starting this thread, and I think it's something important we should talk about.