Questions for Taylor

Cheri said:
That would be called "cheating". Detector is just a playing game between drivers and law enforcement officials. I think they are useless, just because you have it to save yourself from getting a ticket but you also putting other drivers at risk of your speeding. :)

I am not dangerous driver. I have very good respect for other drivers. I don't speed in heavy traffic or at City Street. I always speed at highway with very few drivers. Remember this, I went for 96.1 MPH :whistle: and that is my highest speeding that ever I had.

I speeded at I-10 and it is total straight road with no one around with me at night at that area I went for 96.1 mph. How I know it was 96.1? I had GPS and it tells me what is my average speed or top speed that I reached. I also speed on San Mateo Bridge with no one around and the road is straight, too. Dont copy me and it is extreme risk to get caught. It is my bad habit to do on that bridge. :cry: Should I go to 65 mph with no one around me and the road is so straight for 15 min? Again, I am not speeder guy that you would know:mrgreen:. I am a pace driver but I still need Radar Detector for highway cuz of California drivers are crazy and speeders. :tears:

I am very experienced with Radar Detector. What I am saying, it does permits you to use radar detector and why should you forsake it? It produces more chance to avoid to get caught by cop for speeding, that's all. It never 100% prevent you from being caught. It is only 10% to 35% chance reduced to be caught by officer.

I was barely caught by the cop. It was at between California and Arizona. I was speeding at 80 mph. My radar went off for few min and then silence. I wonder and guessed it is a false alarm. So I kept going with 80 mph. The area said 70 mph. suddenly; I saw the cop staring at me and shot me.:doh: My radar detector went off suddenly with full alarm. So I was like oh damn, and I passed him. In my mirror I saw him turning on the siren. I just released from pressing the gas. In my mind, I said oh damn the insurance will kill me with high cost rate :shock:. Lucky the man on left lane passed cop very fast. I was on right lane. It was 2 lanes on both sides. I guess he was going about 100 to 120 mph. He was about to pass me but the cop pulled him over. Then I just became a free bird. :wiggle:That lesson taught me, if any alert on the radar detector, just slow it down suddenly. From that experience, I just do it what I had learned my lesson.

In California, the highway posted 65 mph. People are going about 85 to 90 mph :eek: and police can't pull over all of us. For your info, I hate to speed but I have to flow with the traffic. I can’t run 65 mph while other going with 85 to 90 mph on my aside lane. It is too dangerous for me:shock:.
Free Fly,
Radar Detector is very nice to have it because it can picks up 2 miles away:-o while the cop is using speed scanner with (Ka, K, and X). Can you see 2 miles away? No. Radar Detector and Eyes are nice combo. Why not to have like that? Yes, don't speed is best.
Maybe you had lousy kind of Radar Detector. I am using Valentine One (V1) Radar Detector.
It is number 1 radar detector on the market. It has 360 degree to get any speeding scanners. It can get Ka, K, X, POP, and Laser. It is great investing on V1 also, when V1 upgrade their system and they only charge the V1 user for few bucks to upgrade it. With other Radar Detectors and that they gotta to buy entry new system for few new upgrades. Well, V1 is costly but overall is great! It is top edge for deaf user because it is deaf friendly. It cost $400 dollars. I haven't got ticket since I first drove, same with friends that uses V1.

Again, Do not to speed cuz you got radar detector and that can't stop you being caught. :devil: It is risk factor thing. Best is to not speed. :D
You may be puzzled what is Ka, K, X, POP, and Laser?
Those info that I know by my heart and it is not 100% perfect info.
It is all device that cop shoot at the speeders to get their speed reading. The Ka, K, X, POP is operated with invisbile sound beam. Only Radar Detector can picks up with those beams. Laser is different. Laser is like the laser that we use but they bounces to mesaure the time between bounces to read the speed numbers. Ka, K, X, POP have same kind of measure like Laser but they are just slower than Laser. Sound travels much slower than the light travels.

Ka is common in the nation of USA. Ka is the latest technology. Ka is mild range but good accurate speed reading. Ka often used by state cop or on any interstate highways. Ka with officers tends to turn on for long time to get the speeders. Some smart officers use on and off Ka to caught the radar detector users. For example with my experience at California between Arizona.

K is very common at Texas as I know. K is old technology and often used at 1985 to 1997 or 1999. K is 3rd long range device. It often confuses the radar detectors because many stores with automatic door uses K band. K with officers tends to turn on for long time to get the speeders. Some smart officers use on and off K to caught the radar detector users. For example with my experience at California between Arizona.

X is very old technology. X is common at NJ. It is 2nd long range device but poor at speed reading. It often confuses the radar detectors because many stores with automatic door uses X band. Store with X band is more than K.

POP is old technology but still uses today. The officers can not use POP to give you ticket for speeding. POP is very poor at speed reading but very long range device. It can give you hint that the car is speeding. The officers tend to POP on the speeders first to give the officers a clue that the speeders is on speeding. So The officers will turn to Ka, K, X or Laser to get the speeders pulled over and hands out ticket.

Laser is extreme dangerous for the speeder animals. Laser is very accurate at speeding reading. Laser is top edge technology for officers to use to pulls over the speeders on road. It is mild range device. Laser can reach at your car before your radar detector will alarm. Laser bounces the information extremely fast compared with Ka, K, and X. Laser often used by big city or few interstates officers. For example, Taylor said his department uses Laser at Maryland. Laser often to be at hidden area because Laser can't read the speed correctly if they shoot you on your sideway.
Crazymanw00t said:
Maybe you had lousy kind of Radar Detector. I am using Valentine One (V1) Radar Detector.
It is number 1 radar detector on the market. It has 360 degree to get any speeding scanners. It can get Ka, K, X, POP, and Laser. It is great investing on V1 also, when V1 upgrade their system and they only charge the V1 user for few bucks to upgrade it. With other Radar Detectors and that they gotta to buy entry new system for few new upgrades. Well, V1 is costly but overall is great! It is top edge for deaf user because it is deaf friendly. It cost $400 dollars. I haven't got ticket since I first drove, same with friends that uses V1.

thats the radar i used before :) and they didnt alert us at all... no laser, no k, nothing... then bam all we see was red and blue flashing lol.... ill have to ask my friend if its okay to use her name here shes on AD member too :) she will tell u same thing :)
IMO... speeders are dangerous.. and :crazy:

Alot of unknown predictable will happen that you cant avoid.. hurt others.. or killing others.. just do the best you can .. is driving what it speed limit..
and have patient !

SpiceHD said:
thats the radar i used before :) and they didnt alert us at all... no laser, no k, nothing... then bam all we see was red and blue flashing lol.... ill have to ask my friend if its okay to use her name here shes on AD member too :) she will tell u same thing :)

You can win to not to get ticket because the cop did not use the device to pull you over for speeding. Maybe she broke the road law other than speeding and thats why the cop pulled her over.
MsGiglz said:
IMO... speeders are dangerous.. and :crazy:

Alot of unknown predictable will happen that you cant avoid.. hurt others.. or killing others.. just do the best you can .. is driving what it speed limit..
and have patient !


What is IMO, and IMHO?

Depend on what kind of car that you use, road condition, driver's behavior/mood/healthly, tire presure, outside temperature, and how curvey on the road. For example, Porsche can stand at most of curve road with high speed. Chevy Monster truck can't stand at the curve road with high speed but it can run through snow/rain with normal speed. I have common sense. Yes anything can happen to you on every seconds of your life.

You are right with drive the speed limit. Do you want to drive 65 mph while other people driving at 85 to 90 mph or more on RIGHT lane and entry lanes? Well, if people goes about 75 or less and I would just go with 70 mph. 70 to 50 mph are my average speed on the highway. If I speed and you would mostly see me doing 75 to 80 mph. 80 mph or above is rarely for me.

My friends drives much worse than I do. Seriously. He just cut people, and speed with reckelss. I told him, you are crazy.
SpiceHD said:
thats the radar i used before :) and they didnt alert us at all... no laser, no k, nothing... then bam all we see was red and blue flashing lol.... ill have to ask my friend if its okay to use her name here shes on AD member too :) she will tell u same thing :)

I'd bet he got you by some other means. There is also 'pacing' where no radar or laser is used. The officer will drive the same speed (or approximate) you are and can tell how fast you are going. If he is following you, not necessarily on your bumper...he could be well behind and a different lane. If his speedometer says '72' then he knows your doing 72. Something I did not know until prior to law enforcement was that they do not need to have an exact read on you. If he is trying to pace you and his speedometer says '70' and you are moving away from him, you are obviously going faster than 70.

You can win to not to get ticket because the cop did not use the device to pull you over for speeding. Maybe she broke the road law other than speeding and thats why the cop pulled her over.

I would research this a little more before you try to challenge a ticket in court based on this. Like I was just saying, he can be pacing and not using any external devices and still write you a ticket.

Something to officer pointed something out to me that I never thought about. There are A LOT of traffic laws on the books in our state...laws for just about everything. Therefore, many people are breaking the law without realizing it. Most officers won't pull you over for stupid stuff, but it gives them a tool if they see you driving out of a known drug area or something.

As an example, in MD, you are required to have 2 headlights in working order on your car. But, you know those little fog lights most people have? State law says if your vehicle is equipped with them and on, both lights must be working. So, if you have a fog light burned out, even though they aren't required equipment like headlights, you can be pulled over for it. If you have a fog light burned out, best to just turn them off and then your legal again. Now, most cops won't pull you over for something like that, but if he thinks your up to something, he can stop you.

Another thing about MD law is your not allowed to hang anything from the rear view mirror as it is considered as blocking the drivers view. Now, most cops won't pull you over for having a fuzzy dice dangling, but he could if he wanted to.

I'd like to point out that the laws I mentioned are for MD only and your laws will be different.
I have only had one ticket for speeding, and I got it dismissed in court because the officer did not have the calibration certificate to show it had been properly calibrated. Turns out, he was not even certified to do the calibration. This has been quite a few years ago so I would not bet my wallet on it. And like Taylor just pointed out, rules may vary widely from state to state. And they can pull you over for whatever reason they want. Usually, they have a very valid reason, but sometimes, they are just following a hunch that something is not right. I've had this happen, then after all my papers checked out, the officer said he thought I had a low tire, but it was not. Welcome to 1984!
:hug: dearest MsGiglz :hug:

I got pimple goose when I read your posts. All of interesting posts here, too.

I'm happy that you make a good move on to forget the past BUT one thing what cop handle you is unprofessional.

Yes, you should sue cops for mistreat you but I dont know about your country. I know about my country and CAN sue up to 3 years time.

Accord law: Police provide to give you an interpeter or lawyer if you demand it.

Well: It's my tip. (Sorry Taylor, I know you will not like my post :Oops:)

I would not state cops without an interpeter and lawyers case there're misunderstand between cops and their "witnesses" and me. We were taught to NEVER state anything to cops until interpeter and lawyer around then.......... Important is: Do legal way.
Crazymanw00t said:
I am not dangerous driver. I have very good respect for other drivers. I don't speed in heavy traffic or at City Street. I always speed at highway with very few drivers. Remember this, I went for 96.1 MPH :whistle: and that is my highest speeding that ever I had.

I speeded at I-10 and it is total straight road with no one around with me at night at that area I went for 96.1 mph. How I know it was 96.1? I had GPS and it tells me what is my average speed or top speed that I reached. I also speed on San Mateo Bridge with no one around and the road is straight, too. Dont copy me and it is extreme risk to get caught. It is my bad habit to do on that bridge. Should I go to 65 mph with no one around me and the road is so straight for 15 min? Again, I am not speeder guy that you would know. I am a pace driver but I still need Radar Detector for highway cuz of California drivers are crazy and speeders.

I am very experienced with Radar Detector. What I am saying, it does permits you to use radar detector and why should you forsake it? It produces more chance to avoid to get caught by cop for speeding, that's all. It never 100% prevent you from being caught. It is only 10% to 35% chance reduced to be caught by officer.

I was barely caught by the cop. It was at between California and Arizona. I was speeding at 80 mph. My radar went off for few min and then silence. I wonder and guessed it is a false alarm. So I kept going with 80 mph. The area said 70 mph. suddenly; I saw the cop staring at me and shot me.:doh: My radar detector went off suddenly with full alarm. So I was like oh damn, and I passed him. In my mirror I saw him turning on the siren. I just released from pressing the gas. In my mind, I said oh damn the insurance will kill me with high cost rate :shock:. Lucky the man on left lane passed cop very fast. I was on right lane. It was 2 lanes on both sides. I guess he was going about 100 to 120 mph. He was about to pass me but the cop pulled him over. Then I just became a free bird. :wiggle:That lesson taught me, if any alert on the radar detector, just slow it down suddenly. From that experience, I just do it what I had learned my lesson.

In California, the highway posted 65 mph. People are going about 85 to 90 mph and police can't pull over all of us. For your info, I hate to speed but I have to flow with the traffic. I can’t run 65 mph while other going with 85 to 90 mph on my aside lane. It is too dangerous for me:shock:.

96.1 mph in highway? :shock: For me 96.1 mph is a lowest speed when you are on highway. Oh no! I would feel sleepy if I drive on the highway like this. Oh No!
I heard about strict speed limit in America. Oh No, I would never drive like this when I'm in America because it's my bad habit to drive speedy when I'm on the highway.
There're no speed limit on highway in Germany which it's good to keep my eyes fresh when I drive fast. I often drive from 130 to 150 mph speed when I'm on the highway.
We have speed limit in Germany is:
City = 30 to 50 mph
countryside road = 80 to 100 mph
highway = no limit but there're warn signal with 120 mph speed if there're curve then I has to reduce my speed to 100 to 120 mph.
There're truck and van limit between 80 and 100 mph on the highway.

Most cause car accidents due Low speed driving lead car accidents thru over tiring. Speed driving keep my eyes fresh. IMO

I remember when I was in Australia with my family. We drove up to 110 limit on one way on the highway for 10 HOURS. We are totally worn out and over tired. Oh my God because we didnt use it. My hubby said it would of 2 to 3 hours to arrive instead of 10 hours if there're no speed limit.

We drove to Paris at 2 years ago from our home for 6 hours with high speed 150 to 180 mph. With speed limit, it would of 12 hours.

I respect American speed law but I know I will end to get speed ticket if I drive in America. :Oops:

No offense... :Oops:
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Cheri said:
Oh interesting, Thanks for the information FlyFree and DreamDeaf, I don't think Ohio has one like that, not that I know of. All I have on my driver's License is have two mirrors, and is a driver who wears contact lenses.

Exactly, it's same with me, too.

Interesting subject over J888 but but but............

What do with deafness and car? We have good eyes, not ears?

The police will understand you straight way if you tell them that you are deaf.
In this case, it's supposed to alert the policeman that we are deaf, and need effective communication. I havent heard any stories where it's worked in the past - many times when I tell the policeman I'm deaf, it's pretty obvious, cuz of my voice.

He's usually willing to take a little extra time to make sure I understand, and if not, he usually will write it down on his pad or paper if I have other paper in the car with me.

It doesn't happen often, tho...I've memorized most of the speed traps in StL and Hwy 70 btw StL and KC, and usually slow down when approaching them, and I don't go over 80 all that often. I've had too many tickets, and it costs me every time in my pocketbook when I have to pay for my insurance premium.

So...I suggest...SLOW DOWN.
Liebling:-))) said:
96.1 mph in highway? :shock: For me 96.1 mph is a lowest speed when you are on highway. Oh no! I would feel sleepy if I drive on the highway like this. Oh No!
I heard about strict speed limit in America. Oh No, I would never drive like this when I'm in America because it's my bad habit to drive speedy when I'm on the highway.
There're no speed limit on highway in Germany which it's good to keep my eyes fresh when I drive fast. I often drive from 130 to 150 mph speed when I'm on the highway.
We have speed limit in Germany is:
City = 30 to 50 mph
countryside road = 80 to 100 mph
highway = no limit but there're warn signal with 120 mph speed if there're curve then I has to reduce my speed to 100 to 120 mph.
There're truck and van limit between 80 and 100 mph on the highway.

Most cause car accidents due Low speed driving lead car accidents thru over tiring. Speed driving keep my eyes fresh. IMO

I remember when I was in Australia with my family. We drove up to 110 limit on one way on the highway for 10 HOURS. We are totally worn out and over tired. Oh my God because we didnt use it. My hubby said it would of 2 to 3 hours to arrive instead of 10 hours if there're no speed limit.

We drove to Paris at 2 years ago from our home for 6 hours with high speed 150 to 180 mph. With speed limit, it would of 12 hours.

I respect American speed law but I know I will end to get speed ticket if I drive in America. :Oops:

No offense... :Oops:

holy shit!!!!!!!!! :shock: 120 to 150 mph?!?!? :jaw: i would freak out!!!!!!!!!! i definitely wont drive o.O i panic if i even touch 100 mph lol.. highest speed i ever drove was like 95 mph and thats only cuz there was an emerengcy and the cop was in front of me leading me to the hospital. Another time i did hit 95 but again only cuz i didnt pay attention to speed :whistle:

anyway i cant drive that fast and beside most of cars i owned are old and cant go over 75 mph anyway lol
MsGiglz said:
IMO... speeders are dangerous.. and :crazy:

Alot of unknown predictable will happen that you cant avoid.. hurt others.. or killing others.. just do the best you can .. is driving what it speed limit..
and have patient !


but I think different.

Low speeders on the highway lead also accident, too due "overtiring". We speed on right road, not dangerous and unsafety road. The warning signal are always there to slow us to 100 to 120 mph down if there're curve road.

We have limit rule in city and countryside road, that's all.

Speedy on the highway keep our eyes fresh. I used it and had been drive for over 12 years. My hubby: over 33 years.

There're sport cars speedy up to 240 mph. My hubby drove often 160 to 200 mph speedy.

My hubby drove in Australia with speedy limit on highway 110mph. He's very overtired with that low speedy. It could lead road accident due overtired. My hubby said he will NEVER drive like this again.

I have excalty same attuides of German drivers with my attuides. Just that I had to watch out for the cops and it really sucks. Man I wish America have same laws as Germany do. I went to Europe for hundred times and I learned about their driving habbit and it taught me everything about automobile world. Thanks to your country, German!
Taylor -

I dont know how this could help you,but this is what MO has been friend did suggest you contact MD if they have similiar programs. I will c/p here:

I can't find my original summary of the training! But basically, what this training is about for law enforcement officers is detailed below. This training is 8 hours long. We also provide two other trainings similar to this training. One is for the deaf and hard of hearing communities and the other is for interpreters who are qualified in interpreting in the law enforcement setting.

This training is for criminal justice professionals who desire to learn more about the problems, challenges and responsibilities of providing effective communication for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing. There will be discussion of a variety of law enforcement situations in which people with hearing loss may require interpreting services, including a traffic stop, domestic disturbance, arrest, booking, interrogation, filing of a complaint, community education program, medical emergency, and so forth. In such situations, the deaf or hard of hearing person may be a victim, witness, suspect, criminal, or simple citizen. The training will discuss the legal rights of deaf persons when interacting with law enforcement officers, and will present various strategies for achieving effective communications between deaf people and law enforcement officers.

You can have the officer contact me for additional information, or perhaps one of the agencies in MD provides training. He could contact either of these offices located in MD below.

Maryland State-Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Yvonne M. Dunkle, Director
6 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
410-767-6290 (V)
410-767-7756 (TTY)
410-333-1016 (FAX)

Maryland Training and Resources Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HOH)
Non Profit Organization Address
Post Office Box 8284, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8284
301-540-9472 (FAX)
They provide Continuing Education for Deaf and HOH, Deaf Awareness and American Sign Language Education Programs and Resources for the community: Information material on deafness, deaf/HOH people and the deaf culture.
That is perfect. That information was something I was looking for. I'm printing some stuff out to pass along to the powers that be. This also helps me with some personal stuff that I was researching. The information is highly appreciated!!!!