Question for all in the oral camp

The fact that the negative anti-ci trio weighed in to comment about my wife's knowledge and understanding of how to raise our child only proves my points. It also demonstates the hyprocrisy of their laments about the "lack of respect" for others that they constantly accuse others of exhibiting.

It is people like you that make us constantly thank our lucky stars that we were fortunate to meet wonderful and caring people in the oral deaf community who assisted and supported us along the way and not the likes of you three.


Need I say more?
Need I say more?

No, you don't. The post to which you replied was nothing more than more false accusation and name calling in response to a discussion regarding the education of those responsible for teaching the deaf. The eductional curriculum required for teachers is a generalized discussion. Rather than stick with the topic at hand, the poster once again resorted to childish diversionary tactics. So much for a solid foundation for the denial of ASL to deaf children. Motives are made obvious by a complete lack of valid response.

And why is it that this poster seems so intent on hurling hte anti-CI propaganda in threads that are not even discussing CI? It would appear to be an obsession.