I am not saying you specifically are. My comments are generalhow are we re-defining audism? tell me.
I am not saying you specifically are. My comments are generalhow are we re-defining audism? tell me.
Shel, I just want to be clear that Auidism is not just something that is perpetuated by hearing people. The reason is because the partial definitions that are posted make it appear to only be perpetuated by hearing people. For the sake of an AD policy deaf audists should also be included. I hope that makes sense.It is interesting to see deaf people here defend Deaf culture and the Deaf commmunity and it is the hearing people who bring up Deaf audists.![]()
So you don't think that deaf people can make other deaf people feel oppressed?you know, I don't think it should ever really apply to deaf people. They are the ones who are feeling oppressed.
Shel, I just want to be clear that Auidism is not just something that is perpetuated by hearing people. The reason is because the partial definitions that are posted make it appear to only be perpetuated by hearing people. For the sake of an AD policy deaf audists should also be included. I hope that makes sense.
So you don't think that deaf people can make other deaf people feel oppressed?
That depends on which threads you are reading. For the sake of a policy it should be fair and it should address all forms of Audism. Even audism that is perpetuated by deaf people.Is Deaf audism rampant here on AD? To my knowledge, most deaf ADers arent culturally Deaf as many of us grew up mainstreamed without ASL.
The few culturally Deaf members havent shown any disrespect to any of us because of how we were raised to my knowledge.
I thought the purpose of this thread is to put an end to the oppressiveness against ASL and Deaf culture here on AD?
Yes, we fight back when someone comes in here and puts down ASL, our way of living, and making references that being hearing and being able to speak equates to a better quality of life. That doesnt mean we are being audist..we are just not tolerate of those attitudes.
I don't think you can speak for everyone. I have seen it and it all really depends on the individual. But again, for the sake of a fair policy, all forms of audism need to be addressed regardless of who is perpetuating them. The first thing that some people have to come to grips with is that by definition there ARE deaf Audists.how can oppressed deaf oppress another deaf? unless he does it to make him more superior. But a deaf who have more hearing and more exposure does not make him feel superior. In fact, sometimes, in some cases, it make him feel even more oppressed.
What is the name for it and where can I find a definition?Anyway, there is a another name for this, and it isn't audism , or how well you can hear, but how deaf you are.
I don't think you can speak for everyone. I have seen it and it all really depends on the individual. But again, for the sake of a fair policy, all forms of audism need to be addressed regardless of who is perpetuating them. The first thing that some people have to come to grips with is that by definition there ARE deaf Audists.
I believe it is called deafism???
Since I wrote this thread back in March of 06 there are more sources of the definition of Audism. Ironically the orginal link from GU is gone however I did post its contents in various places in the thread.Like those who bash people for getting CIs or spreading lies about them? Is that what you mean?
What is this audism? It is the bias and prejudice of hearing people against deaf people. It is the bias and prejudice of some deaf people against other deaf people. It is manifested in many ways. .............. It appears when deaf people actively participate in the oppression of other deaf people by demanding of them the same set of standards, behavior,and values that they demand of hearing people. It appears in the class structure of the deaf culture when those at the top are those whose language is that of the hearing culture or closest to it. It appears when deaf people in positions of power keep that power by oppressing other deaf people.(The oppression is rationalized in various ways such as not being fluent in the language of the hearing culture, not having the ability necessary to perform in the hearing culture, i.e., speech, not having the credentials of the hearing culture, not having the experience necessary to fill a position.) It appears when deaf and hearing people have no trust in deaf people’s ability to control their own lives and form the systems and organizations necessary to take charge of themselves as a group to seek social and political change. It appears when deaf persons in power are in reality holding this power only as long as they continue to play the hearing role. It appears in many other ways subtly and obviously, directly, and indirectly, intentionally and unintentionally, consciously and unconsciously. It occurs in the form of tokenism. Again and again, organizations and committees have gotten their token deaf person or two and considered themselves to be doing a good deed. There is never any thought of a majority of deaf people in these organizations and committee. One deaf person is still one vote. And what is one vote? Another form of tokenism is in the hiring of schools and colleges which have deaf student bodies. Where do you have a school or college with a majority of deaf faculty? You don’t. But you do have institutions feeling pride of 25% of their faculty is deaf. What kind of pride is this? 25 percent?
Additionally, Deaf people can practice forms of discrimination against members of their own community, based on what they believe is "right" behavior, use of language, or social association. Dr. Genie Gertz explored examples of such audism in American society in her published dissertatio
I don't see any official reference to a word called deafism. Perhaps it is something that has not yet made mainstream but may. Where can one go to find an accurate definition? Do you know who coined the word? Where did it originate?I believe it is called deafism???
This thread is not about defending deaf culture but about developing a policy against audism which for the record I am for. I am speaking up here because too many people use the word out of context and do not define it properly which in my humble opinion would result in an unfair policy.It is interesting to see deaf people here defend Deaf culture and the Deaf commmunity and it is the hearing people who bring up Deaf audists.![]()
I love getting hugs by you bucket! Keep em comming... You get me. Many people don't. I am just trying to be fair.Let me get back to you about this- deafism.
Rockdrummer, if I could give you a real life hug, I would just give your a big hug.
Thank you for your beautiful insight.
But next time you're making out a racial menu, take a look at what you mean when it comes to Deaf people and their language and culture. Are they very much part of the human race? But Deaf people our society find repulsive in language and culture may help them solve some of the mysteries of human life. Is being deaf primarily a problem--a social shortcoming? Or is it a bigger problem realized somewhere in language acquisition?
This thread is not about defending deaf culture but about developing a policy against audism which for the record I am for. I am speaking up here because too many people use the word out of context and do not define it properly which in my humble opinion would result in an unfair policy.