Please be advised that if your posts are not here and are deleted it is because we have gone through them and decided that some of these posts are off topic. Let me also remind you that there is absolutely no trolling, flaming or anything of the sort.
I realize we have very strong minded people here that like to debate. Audism is a heated topic and always will be in this world, and our forum. It is okay to have a personal opinion but you cannot point your finger at people because you feel it is necessary. You are allowed to post what you want within reason for debating. Please try to remember that EVERYONE is a person here, hearing, deaf, deafblind, etc.. Please also remember that just because you may have an understanding of one thing that everyone else automatically does also. We would all love to live in a world where everyone is educated about everything equally but it just isn't the case.
I think and a couple of us Mods have chatted and some people clearly have a distorted view on what Audism is. Some people do not know at all what it is and you cannot blame people who are not educated. We as a community should respect the views of each other and not just jump to blame someone for something they may not even know what it is. Educate, do not ridicule. If you do that, you are just as guilty as the people you are blaming.
I will also say this. Whether you are Deaf, deaf, Hearing, HOH, pro CI, not pro CI, Signing or oral we are all PEOPLE and most of us are here for the same reason. If you do not like what some people say, you do not have to read it, you have the right to click the screen off and not reply, I suggest that for many people sometimes.
Flaming and trolling will not be tolerated and by the definition of Audism which is basically anyone who puts down Deaf people knowingly to hurt someone of this commuinty will be banned. No questions asked, that is how it has always been here on AD.
With that being said, this thread will remain open but if it goes back to pointing fingers at people and naming names it will be closed.
Have a nice night..