I voted yes. I am getting tired of having the audists think that they know more about getting us to listen, listen and listen. They don't know nothing about deafness. All they care about is hear and listen. If some of the deaf can hear with CI, great.
But the thing is having a CI cost a lot of money more than having hearing aids and I mean after the surgery, the CI person has to pay for extra to make the CI run in good order. Nothing is free. I am not against CI as long as wealthy CI person can afford to pay extra to go with the CI. For the middle and poor person, that is a big lump of throat to know where and how can they afford to buy or pay extra. Insurance? Welfare? Loans?
Many hearing parents always seem to jump into the band wagon to get us "fix". That is why I want to stamp out "Audism" and stop this nonsense. We are and had experienced our d/Deaf world and wanted to learn ASL after the mainstream school which was bad with no accommodation and no deaf program. Some mainstream school had or have Deaf program with better accommodations, but still they all want us, deafies, to get "fix". :roll:
Also we are comfortable being with Deaf people in the Deaf communities including AllDeaf community. That is my opinion and my feeling about all this.