Thanks for your response. It got me thinking about deaf being subjective. Hmmm. That is interesting. So I looked up the definition and found the following; It doesn't appear to be subjective. Lacking or deficient in the sense of hearing. From what I gather, this could apply to a person regardless of where they fall in the spectrum. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you!Pluto said:No, but sometimes it isn't necessarily accurate. Some people, like me, are hard-of-hearing, meaning we are partially deaf. It's kind of subjective when dealing with an opinion of how deaf is deaf...
Main Entry: deaf
Pronunciation: 'def, dial 'dEf
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English deef, from Old English dEaf;
1 : lacking or deficient in the sense of hearing
2 : unwilling to hear or listen : not to be persuaded <was overwrought and deaf to reason.