rockdrummer said:Haven't gotten any feedback in a couple days so perhaps it's time to close the poll. I had hoped for more responses but I think a pattern is emerging. Even though I screwed up the poll choices here are the results thus far;
Disabled - 1
Handicapped - 0
Hearing Impaired - 3
Deaf - 5
Hard of hearing - 4
It looks like deaf and hard of hearing are proper terms to use. Handicapped - Never. Disabled? I didn't even think of that one and the whole ADA perspective. Thank you to those that participated and anybody that wants to chime in..go for it. This will remain open until I figure out how to close or lock it.
I think you may have counted me as a vote for "disabled" - I actually didn't vote, just pointing out that "handicapped" is less correct than "disabled" when referring to disabled people. I would vote that HOH and Deaf are both polite. "Disabled", IMHO, is a category that deafness falls under, but I wouldn't say, "Do you know ___? The disabled guy?", I would say, "Do you know ___? The deaf (or HOH) guy?", depending on which (deaf or HOH) was more accurate. It's just more specific.