Proper Etiquette

Is it proper etiquette to call a deaf person. Select all that apply

  • Handicap

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hearing Imparied

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Hard of Hearing

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • None of the above (please comment)

    Votes: 12 52.2%

  • Total voters
rockdrummer said:
Haven't gotten any feedback in a couple days so perhaps it's time to close the poll. I had hoped for more responses but I think a pattern is emerging. Even though I screwed up the poll choices here are the results thus far;

Disabled - 1
Handicapped - 0
Hearing Impaired - 3
Deaf - 5
Hard of hearing - 4

It looks like deaf and hard of hearing are proper terms to use. Handicapped - Never. Disabled? I didn't even think of that one and the whole ADA perspective. Thank you to those that participated and anybody that wants to chime in..go for it. This will remain open until I figure out how to close or lock it.

I think you may have counted me as a vote for "disabled" - I actually didn't vote, just pointing out that "handicapped" is less correct than "disabled" when referring to disabled people. I would vote that HOH and Deaf are both polite. "Disabled", IMHO, is a category that deafness falls under, but I wouldn't say, "Do you know ___? The disabled guy?", I would say, "Do you know ___? The deaf (or HOH) guy?", depending on which (deaf or HOH) was more accurate. It's just more specific.
I prefer being called hard of hearing or deaf. It's an insult when someone calls me an handicap. I can walk and use my arms just fine! I don't being called disabled because I'm unable to communicate just like a hearing person can.
pek1 said:
We know that blondes are dumb, but not all deaf people are blonde, are they? So why call us, even the hoh (hard-of-hearing) "deaf and dumb?" Deaf, yes, but INTELLIGENT. :thumb:

Excuse me Pek1, Not all blondes are consider "dumb" I'm blonde and I'm no where close as being dumb. So, watch it dude. :slap:
I don't see Deaf on poll...

If I did vote, none of above. Does that mean "retardeaf"?

No thanks...
I'll take hearing-impaired first and then deaf secondly.

Hard of hearing no longer applies to me anymore (I'm assuming the word implies one still has some hearing left).

Not too partial to handicap but I grew up during the time that word was used alot. So, it isn't as offensive to me as to others.
I believe it is proper to call the Deaf, Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, Hard of Hearing. The medical community tries to make it seem that Deaf people are handicapped in some way, when they are not, so the medical community makes labels like "Hearing Impaired." I believe it is the right of the Deaf to call themselves what they want, and not the hearing world making labels for them. I understand the medical communities' desire to be "proper" and not offend people, but they often do offend people anyway. Their intentions are well-meaning, but it ends up offensive. It is the same for other labels, such as for the mentally ill (not comparing Deaf to mentally ill; just making a point about labelling). They are calling them (and me, if you want me to be honest) "Consumers" and "Individuals." For goodness' sake, of course everyone is an individual! Whats with the label? And the one I hate most is "Consumer." American consumerism is repulsive, to say the least, and calling us consumers is weird. I mean, do they call people with cancer "Consumers?" No, they call them patients. Also, what separates those who they call "Consumers" with everyone else? Do I walk down the street and think of people as consumers? No! I believe in calling it like it is, and I know that as many Deaf people that I have spoken to prefer to be called Deaf. Why water it down? Tell it like it is. Why treat it like it's some illness or disability and walk on eggshells trying not to break them, when the fact is, this kind of thinking and behavior is what causes others to think of the Deaf and HOH as they do: People who are disabled and need to be taken care of. Jeez, don't want to hurt their feelings. The reality is, let things be what they are, the Deaf are Deaf, the HOH are HOH. And let those who fall into those categories choose what they want to be called.
P.S. Sorry, this is a sore subject for me. If I have offended anyone, I do apologize.
pek1 said:

For many years, deaf people have been called, "deaf and dumb." So, this is offensive, too. :thumbd: After all, what does being deaf have anything to do with being dumb? We know that blondes are dumb, but not all deaf people are blonde, are they? So why call us, even the hoh (hard-of-hearing) "deaf and dumb?" Deaf, yes, but INTELLIGENT. :thumb:

Pardon me? Are you saying that blondes are dumb? what makes you so special?
*off topic*
Not all blondes are dumb at least there is someone special :mrgreen:

back to topic

it's best to use deaf ... what the heck we should try to find specific or hurting terms ?

Deaf is deaf.. that's it.
ecevit said:
*off topic*
Not all blondes are dumb at least there is someone special :mrgreen:

And who would that be?....

( I'm sorry, Forgive me for the off-topic, )

Well, It won't matter to me, they can call me anything deaf, hard of hearing, deaf impaired etc but as long they don't call me dumb deaf blonde :pissed:
^Angel^ said:
And who would that be?....

( I'm sorry, Forgive me for the off-topic, )

Well, It won't matter to me, they can call me anything deaf, hard of hearing, deaf impaired etc but as long they don't call me dumb deaf blonde :pissed:
*off topic*
The secret blonde knows . That's enough :D

you're a smart blonde, an intelligent member here..

:slap: those who consider blondes dumb
^Angel^ said:
And who would that be?....( I'm sorry, Forgive me for the off-topic, )Well, It won't matter to me, they can call me anything deaf, hard of hearing, deaf impaired etc but as long they don't call me dumb deaf blonde :pissed:
*off topic*
OFC I forgive you Angel. I was wondering how long it would take a blonde to chime in. I defended blondes which apparantly gave pek1 quite a laugh. He spewed pop through his nose and on to his keyboard.
rockdrummer said:
*off topic*
OFC I forgive you Angel. I was wondering how long it would take a blonde to chime in. I defended blondes which apparantly gave pek1 quite a laugh. He spewed pop through his nose and on to his keyboard.

LOL, Thanks Rockdrummer :hug: sorry I just happened to take a look at this thread today, must have missed it but did noticed a few lines in his post tsk tsk

Once again please do forgive me for going off the topic, :Oops:
rockdrummer said:
Do you think that the HOH would care to be referred to as deaf? I am just curious.

How I go about this is: If I know OF someone, I'd initially say "deaf" but if, over time, I get to know that person, I'd use the more proper label for him/her and that would be either deaf or hard of hearing. It's not such a great leap, though.
Tousi said:
How I go about this is: If I know OF someone, I'd initially say "deaf" but if, over time, I get to know that person, I'd use the more proper label for him/her and that would be either deaf or hard of hearing. It's not such a great leap, though.
Thank you Tousi. Do you ever think anyone, regardless where they fall in the spectrum, would be offended by being referred to as deaf?
No, but sometimes it isn't necessarily accurate. Some people, like me, are hard-of-hearing, meaning we are partially deaf. It's kind of subjective when dealing with an opinion of how deaf is deaf...