Prepare for your future home to protect for next hurriance, windstorm, etc.

Reba said:
Our insurance agent has never inspected our property. They don't do that here.

I inspected so many houses, and I do not required to inform them unless an insurance company wants me to go inside their house for other assignments. I had inspected about 1,000 homes.

If an owner has a dog, I write it on my paperwork - beside I hate it because I don't like it to inform the company that the owner has a dog even it is a little cute dog. Perhaps, a company informs the next future inspectors to beware of the owners' dog. It is just a stupid plain requirement.

Suppose, an homeowner saw me and does not want me to inspect his/her house, then that's fine with me as long as I respect them. I just write down on the paperwork to inform the company that I cannot inspect it.

Here is a little note to tell you that if you have a swimming pool, you should always have a gate with a lock. If I see that it has no lock, the insurance will warn you otherwise you will lose your policy easily.
We have requested (several times) for the insurance company to send an inspector, and they never have. :dunno:
What is the name of your insurance company?

I worked for OneBeacon Insurance and Parsons Brinckerhoff Inspection Services. Those companies contact all "little" insurance companies for collections.
webexplorer said:
What is the name of your insurance company?
State Farm.

We have called and sent letters. They did come out last year and took one picture of the outside front of our house. That's it.
Reba said:
State Farm.

We have called and sent letters. They did come out last year and took one picture of the outside front of our house. That's it.

Strange.. I wonder why...
Apparently, they're trying to avoid any evidence ?
I think I know why. Most towns cannot afford to have the trees down because of government financial problems - preferably "a corrupt financial system."

I had a problem with my neighbor's nearly dead maple tree for 8 years. The town owns approx. 5 feet (?) from sidewalk to the street. The tree was on a public property. (We reported the town about it that started 8 years ago.) My neighbor was moved to a nursing home, and a house buyer works for a lumber company. He finally cut it down without a permission. Most of my neighbors are real happy about that. We don't to wait for the tree fall down by itself otherwise we or the kids could get hurt if we walk on that sidewalk. You know.

My opinion that you should talk your neighbors if it is ok for you to hire someone to cut it down without a permission. It's up to you. In that way, you would plant a better tree so that the inspector doesn't know the difference.
Y said:
Thats really sad about my neighbor and her husband
built one of the MOST beautiful white fence
surrounding their house. It was the most
beautiful custom made fence ever I saw.
Unfortunately, our town/city hall bothered and
annoyed them constantly because they were
complaining about their Beautiful fence.
They were demanding these beautiful fence removed
according to their rules. They just gave up
and decide to sell their beautiful house immediately
because of this. Sigh. How do you like
these kind of rules ?

I can image it´s very sad that your neighbour can´t have what they wish. :( What a unfair. What a sucker... :madfawk:
webexplorer said:
Sorry, I forgot that you are from Germany. It's true that they should have the insurance, even they do not have a mortgage.

I watched on the news that 'Katrina' residences have the insurance, but they never thought of flood. Most of them did not get approval from their insurance because of the flood which is not included in the insurance fee. I am surprised about that. I assume that they will have to get a mortgage.

Another news, United Nations offered the money for those people who lost their home. Now, I do not hear anything about the money. Did Bush took it and put it in his pocket?

Interesting, I can understand why the people doesn´t bother to insure on their house where there´re no flood insurance included. It´s waste of money to insure when they lost their houses to flood/hurriances at hurriances zones where they live.

I think just household insurance is necassary for residents who rent the apartment or house for the case due burglary. The landlord have to insure their houses where the resident rent to, not resident because those house/property belong to landlord.
webexplorer said:
If an owner has a dog, I write it on my paperwork - beside I hate it because I don't like it to inform the company that the owner has a dog even it is a little cute dog. Perhaps, a company informs the next future inspectors to beware of the owners' dog. It is just a stupid plain requirement.

Interesting, about a dog. What´s the reason you has to write it on your paperwork? Is it because of "allergic" or what?

Suppose, an homeowner saw me and does not want me to inspect his/her house, then that's fine with me as long as I respect them. I just write down on the paperwork to inform the company that I cannot inspect it.

Here is a little note to tell you that if you have a swimming pool, you should always have a gate with a lock. If I see that it has no lock, the insurance will warn you otherwise you will lose your policy easily.


Well we have 2 different inspectors here.

Example: If you want to sell your house/property then go to get inspector from House Agency to estimate the worth of your house/property.

If you want your house to be safety/protection to insure before you move in then go to insurance company.
Reba said:
State Farm.

We have called and sent letters. They did come out last year and took one picture of the outside front of our house. That's it.

Interesting... Perhaps you can look other insurance company for better and second opinion?
webexplorer said:
I think I know why. Most towns cannot afford to have the trees down because of government financial problems - preferably "a corrupt financial system."

But the tree is in Reba´s property area, not public. Reba can cut her tree off to use woods for fireplace to fire (only if she has fire place).
Liebling:-))) said:
But the tree is in Reba´s property area, not public. Reba can cut her tree off to use woods for fireplace to fire (only if she has fire place).

I agreed with you. That makes a sense.

For Reba's situation, it might be a different policy, and I never heard of it. Maybe, there are some gold coins underground near Reba's tree, and the town forgot to take them out so they cannot do it. How about if we visit Reba in the house awhile I metal detecting in the backyard? ;)
webexplorer said:
I think I know why. Most towns cannot afford to have the trees down because of government financial problems - preferably "a corrupt financial system."

My opinion that you should talk your neighbors if it is ok for you to hire someone to cut it down without a permission. It's up to you. In that way, you would plant a better tree so that the inspector doesn't know the difference.
The town's Code Enforcer drives around looking for violators. He will ticket us and fine us $8,000 per tree if we cut it down. He llooks for stumps or piles of sawdust, and he listens for chain saws. That is his full-time job, to catch tree-cutting violators.

The neighbors don't mind if we cut them down. They want to cut down some of their's too. We are willing to pay someone to cut them down. That is not the problem. The problem is, it is illegal for us to cut down a tree ourselves or to hire someone to do it.

The town doesn't pay to cut down the trees. The homeowner pays. But the town doesn't allow us to cut down the trees.

When we applied for permission, we stated that we would plant replacement trees. It didn't matter to them. They still denied permission.
webexplorer said:
...For Reba's situation, it might be a different policy, and I never heard of it. Maybe, there are some gold coins underground near Reba's tree, and the town forgot to take them out so they cannot do it. How about if we visit Reba in the house awhile I metal detecting in the backyard? ;)
No gold coins here. :) (There were some sunken pirate ships off Charleston though.) This is old swamp land. We just have snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, and fossilized sharks' teeth.

I even tried to kill the trees "naturally" so I could get approval. I found a termite mound, dug it up, and moved it to the base of one of the pine trees. Even the termites didn't want it! Crazy, huh?
Liebling:-))) said:
Interesting... Perhaps you can look other insurance company for better and second opinion?
State Farm gives us the best price for our house and vehicles.

Anyway, it wouldn't change the tree situation.

I just keep praying that the trees will fall sideways during a storm, between the houses, not ON the houses.
Well, here we go again. We are requesting the Town allow to cut down some of our trees.

This time, we are asking about two that are very close to our house. They are also very tall, and spread over our bedroom. See the pictures, and you will understand why we want them gone.


  • treesbad2.jpg
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  • treesbad1.jpg
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Yes I understand why you want these trees gone !
That's very frustrating and annoying That shows
how stupid they are.. Sigh...

How strange about termites Perhaps pour lots of
Bleach on the tree ? Would this be "Natural" ?
Liebling, I was reviewing some of the previous posts about trees. I read your post, "All what they only give us rule how to plant the trees - how far to plant from my house... it should not close to house and should be not under 30 cm close to my neighbor´s property, that´s all. I´m allow to plant any trees 30 cm distance between my and my neighbor´s property." I didn't think much about the first time I read it because I didn't convert the 30 cm to inches. This time, I converted the measure. I was surprised, because 30 cm equals only 11.8 inches. That means, you can plant trees less than one foot from the property line. Am I reading that correctly? That seems very, very close to me.

The closest trees to my house are about three feet--that is less than one meter. That means the roots are probably spreading under the house foundation, and the branches are spreading over my roof. We didn't plant the trees there. The trees were already there when we bought the house.
Y said:
Yes I understand why you want these trees gone !
That's very frustrating and annoying That shows
how stupid they are.. Sigh...

How strange about termites Perhaps pour lots of
Bleach on the tree ? Would this be "Natural" ?
I don't think bleach will work on large trees. That just changes the ph of the soil.

Last night our area had tornado warnings. There was some tornado damage in Charleston. We didn't have any tornadoes hit our neighborhood but it was very windy. Today I need to clean up the branches that blew down in our yard.
Oh, that's not too good... If a tree falls during the storm, the roots might rip your brick foundation. But, let's hope that it does not happen this way.