Prepare for your future home to protect for next hurriance, windstorm, etc.

Reba said:
Sorry, but the law applies to every homeowner in the town limits. The town thinks that trees are more important than houses and people. We wrote a serious letter of appeal, and it meant nothing. Other people have tried for their trees also, but no success. There is a huge fine ($8,000 per tree) if a person cuts down a tree without permission.

:-o Oh no, my dear! I can't beleive that they think trees are more important than houses/people. It shows that they don't care about the risk of their people. :cold:

You should talk to any magazine companies that they can interview you and make it to the public to show everyone how the law is wrong. (of course without name people who reject your appeals).
Liebling:-))) said:
:-o Oh no, my dear! I can't beleive that they think trees are more important than houses/people. It shows that they don't care about the risk of their people. :cold:

You should talk to any magazine companies that they can interview you and make it to the public to show everyone how the law is wrong. (of course without name people who reject your appeals).
be surprised that some towns have dumb laws.

just like in south dakota one town.. if native americans went to your property you have the right to kill them.. yet thats another dumb laws.
Reba said:
This is why I worry about the wind (pictures taken yesterday):

I certainly think that those trees are good for shades. But, a pine tree is a problem because the short roots doesn't hold the soil very well, and it definitely has to go down.

Two weeks ago, we finally cut down two pine trees in the backyard. They were so tall - about 150 feet.

Oh, I see your other pictures. Gee. I think that your ground is very soft because your property used to be a swamp. Some of the properies included mine had a large swamp. They developed the houses and covered soil on the swamp 40 years ago. I don't like the developers do that...

I will ask my sister if she has some ideas what to do about your situation. I would think that you have the right to protect your family. Ask the town commette that you want to cut it down and plant a new small tree.

Also, I am not exact sure if it is a good idea to ask your insurance company to help you to fight for it because it might charge you for additional fee for your insurance. It's hard to tell... I hate some insurance companies because they always hurt people.

Check this example: (Don't worry about German but see the picture)

This is an exactly brick with holes what they built my house. It's common to build with those brick to every houses with normal brick or double brick. This double brick, they built my house.

I clicked this link, and I couldn't read in German. What is the name of this block? Do you know the name of the company that sells these blocks? Is that new product? I think that it looks better than i-form (other type of cement house).
I don't think it is a stupid law to forbid people from cutting trees down.

Case in point:
In my homestate of New Jersey, they have a huge parcel of land called the Pine Barrens, which falls under the Federal Designation for wildlife protection and nature refugee areas.

Since people chose to move there anyway and live there, they have to coexist with the trees around them. If one didn't want to live in a wildlife area with trees, then move to the city. It's plain and simple like that.
Liebling:-))) said:
:-o Oh no, my dear! I can't beleive that they think trees are more important than houses/people. It shows that they don't care about the risk of their people. :cold:
It is not just the trees. There are many environmental laws, worldwide, now that don't let property owners do what they want with their own land. People can't build houses on their own property, they can't dig for oil or minerals, they can't develop the land, they can't hunt or fish, they can't farm, etc. It is not just my town. It is happening all over the world.

You should talk to any magazine companies that they can interview you and make it to the public to show everyone how the law is wrong. (of course without name people who reject your appeals).
The tree law has been covered in our local newspapers and on the talk radio stations. It doesn't make any difference.

The ironic thing is, if a builder wants to cut down 400 trees to make a shopping center, that is allowed. If a homeowner wants to cut down 4 trees that are too close to the house, that is NOT allowed.
webexplorer said:
I certainly think that those trees are good for shades.
Yes, I do love the shade. South Carolina is a very hot state, so I enjoy shade. But I don't need all those really tall trees for enough shade.

But, a pine tree is a problem because the short roots doesn't hold the soil very well, and it definitely has to go down.
Actually, in this area, the roots are not the problem. I don't know if you can see it in the photos of the damage to my house, but the tree "stumps" that you see are pine trees. During the hurricane, millions of pine trees broke off at the half-way point on their trunks. The forests looked very creepy after. Acres and acres of broken pine trees, all snapped in half.

Ask the town commette that you want to cut it down and plant a new small tree.
We tried that. No deal. Since so many pine trees were destroyed during the hurricane, the remaining large ones are "precious".

I hate the pine trees here. I like wide spreading oaks and flowering cherry trees. The pine trees just look like big telephone poles with a little tuft of needles on the top. Our house gets bombarded by pine cones. One of the big limbs fell from a pine tree a few years ago and destroyed one of my nicer small trees.

Also, I am not exact sure if it is a good idea to ask your insurance company to help you to fight for it because it might charge you for additional fee for your insurance. It's hard to tell... I hate some insurance companies because they always hurt people.
We have kept the letters of refusal from the town in case one of the trees ever does damage. We will prove to the insurance company that we did try to remove them. It's not the insurance company's fault. It is the tree-huggers' fault.
webexplorer said:

Check this example: (Don't worry about German but see the picture)

This is an exactly brick with holes what they built my house. It's common to build with those brick to every houses with normal brick or double brick. This double brick, they built my house.

I clicked this link, and I couldn't read in German. What is the name of this block? Do you know the name of the company that sells these blocks? Is that new product? I think that it looks better than i-form (other type of cement house).

Kind of bricks is sells EVERYWHERE in Germany. There´re common to build the house with those kinds of bricks. Mine is double brick, see the 3rd picture.

I tried to google the English for you to read but I can´t find but German... All what I found is 3 pictures. I will try...

Aerated concrete stone.

permanent formwork block

Clay brick (double brick)...

Those bricks are special for waterproof.
This is from the town's website:

Tree Ordinance/Tree Removal Permits
The Town has had a Tree Protection Ordinance since the late 1800's. This early ordinance was designed to prevent the Town's trees from being cut to be used as fuel to power steam locomotives. The present ordinance strives to protect the natural beauty of the Town and insure the adequate preservation of trees. All trees six inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), including dead trees, require a permit to be removed. Permits for removal of trees for new construction projects are included in the building permit and reviewed as part of site plan review. The application for removal of individual trees is available from the Planning and Development Department.

Application form:{AAEC23E2-99CA-4103-85AD-32CB4206F79B}/uploads/{5960A87B-E731-46BD-BC85-F656E408C8D4}.PDF
Reba said:
It is not just the trees. There are many environmental laws, worldwide, now that don't let property owners do what they want with their own land. People can't build houses on their own property, they can't dig for oil or minerals, they can't develop the land, they can't hunt or fish, they can't farm, etc. It is not just my town. It is happening all over the world.

over World? How do you know there´re the same in the world? I´m sorry that I´m total surprised about enivornment law over your own property in your country which total different as mine. Honestly, I didnt know anything about different laws at different countries but I only know about German law because I´m property owner since 1988.

We have environmental law here but they only worry about recycle the canned, glasses, papers, plastics, dirty oil, clean land, protect forests etc than owner´s properties. All what they only give us rule how to plant the trees - how far to plant from my house... it should not close to house and should be not under 30 cm close to my neighbor´s property, that´s all. I´m allow to plant any trees 30 cm distance between my and my neighbor´s property. If I want to plant under 30 cm then have to ask my neighbor for permission. It´s my responsible for say yes to my neighbor for plant their tree close my garden house when it´s happened on my garden house thru windstrom etc one day. Yes, we are allow to cut or keep our trees without ask law or neighbor for the permission because it´s my own property. I can do what I want with my property. Yes, the property owners can build other house for their children or parents on their property only if they get the permission from the city first. Our house was extended in 1999 with the permission from the city. Alot of Germans do that. Of course they can hunt or fishing only if they get permission with special liescne but for hunter is bit different. For hunter liescne, you has to join the membership of hunter group club. (join hunter club membership is not cheap). We have hunter club few yards from our house because there´re alot of boars and deers around forest... Yes, they can farm if they really want to but they has to ask the city for the permission before start farm....... (only if they have qualify how to farm...)
One thing is I´m not allow to wash my car with soap outside to close my property but I has to do that in my property. I will pay the penatly fine if police caught us.
You have to get an Expert from Insurance company to examine your house to see either it´s safety or not. The Expert from Insurance company examined our house after finish build our house and found that they forget to paint special on the floor and half wall of oil tanks room and get building company to paint to protect oil tanks then they work out what I need to insure or not and how/what I do with neighbor etc. etc. etc. They alway inform us if there´re change in insurance rules.

The tree law has been covered in our local newspapers and on the talk radio stations. It doesn't make any difference.

But the law CAN changes only if you spread out in any magazines or newspapers etc to over the states, not just local newspapers. The law will see the logically why your tree need to cut off. It doesn´t mean that the law has to stick FOREVER. They CAN change and improve the laws.

Alot of Germans protest if they disagree with German law like what you did with your tree to spread out in the magazines and newspapers, etc. but they are not allow to name any companies but governments, law etc. Sometimes it works or not.

The ironic thing is, if a builder wants to cut down 400 trees to make a shopping center, that is allowed. If a homeowner wants to cut down 4 trees that are too close to the house, that is NOT allowed.

DeafSCUBA98 said:
be surprised that some towns have dumb laws.

just like in south dakota one town.. if native americans went to your property you have the right to kill them.. yet thats another dumb laws.

*goose pump*

I has the right to kill them if they broke IN my house to hurt me. This is self-defensive.

But I notice that Alot of Americans dont have fence to protect their property? How could the owner kill them if they don´t have fence to protect themselves?
Liebling:-))) said:
over World? How do you know there´re the same in the world?
That are not exactly the same laws but there are more and more laws controlling how people can use their own property. For example:

All what they only give us rule how to plant the trees ...
the property owners can build other house for their children or parents on their property only if they get the permission from the city first.
Our house was extended in 1999 with the permission from the city.
Of course they can hunt or fishing only if they get permission...
For hunter liescne, you has to join the membership of hunter group club.
Yes, they can farm if they really want to but they has to ask the city for the permission...
(only if they have qualify how to farm...)
One thing is I'm not allow to wash my car with soap outside to close my property but I has to do that in my property. I will pay the penatly fine if police caught us.

You have to get an Expert from Insurance company to examine your house to see either it´s safety or not. ..
Insurance companies have no authority over local laws.
I believe Shoreline, WA and many other cities in Seattle suburbs are like that, too. There are lot of tall trees surrounding buildings and homes here in the suburbs, some in Seattle city limits, we don't have law to preserve tall trees next to homes/businesses unless they're in parks.
Liebling:-))) said:
But I notice that Alot of Americans dont have fence to protect their property? How could the owner kill them if they don´t have fence to protect themselves?
Most people here have fences to keep the pets and kids inside, or to define their property, or just for looks. We don't usually have them for keeping out invaders. That is not a bring problem here. In our subdivision/neighborhood we are not allowed to have fences in the front yards execept for small decorative ones, like picket or split rail sections. No chain link allowed. Privacy fences (wood or vinyl) are allowed to enclose the backyard, up to the back corner of the house. Each neighborhood is different.

In New England, stone walls are more popular. They don't really keep anyone in or out. They just look nice. Also, that was the most easy way to remove stones from cleared land; just pile them up into walls.

In the cities, brick walls and iron fences are popular. Many are just for the nice look.

On farms, fences are used to keep the livestock corralled, or off the highways.
Reba said:
That are not exactly the same laws but there are more and more laws controlling how people can use their own property. For example:

Oh, I thought what you said in your previous posts that they did not allow you to do something on your own property that's what you said.

There are many environmental laws, worldwide, now that don't let property owners do what they want with their own land. People can't build houses on their own property, they can't dig for oil or minerals, they can't develop the land, they can't hunt or fish, they can't farm, etc. It is not just my town. It is happening all over the world

Okay, I got what you mean different.

I think I didn't explain you enough. Yes, you are right about that "rules" but they have good reason to give us the rule how to plant the trees, etc accord windstrom, etc.

The City see no problem on property owners's wish to do with their property. The reason they have to get the city's permission because they have to check the building plan which right & safety place etc, they can build. There're nothing forbidden on their own property but check which right place where they can build accord the weather like what they did with my building plan to extend our house in 1999. Something like that they saw and disagreed with my building plan is 2nd chimney for fire place because of unsafety to near my bedroom window. They felt it's "too close" to my bedroom window. The building contractor has to change the plan to move chimney to distance from bedroom window. Okay for them. Yes, sometimes they have stupid ideas. I remember the building contractor's eye :roll: when we told them about city's suggestion over chimney.

City see no problem if anyone wants fishing, hunting, being farm etc but it's important for them that they must be qualify how to know their limit.

I should wash my car in my property, not outside of property. I mean is I wash my car on the path which it's not belong to me. The enviornmentists only worry outside of the owners properties.

Insurance companies have no authority over local laws.

Yes, that's right. Yes, I know I said in my previous post "I have to" - this is my own word. I know it's only voluntarily but we were recommended by Environment/Insurance for protection & safety. It's our decision either we order them or not. The reason I do that because I want my house to be protection and safety. Alot of people order Expert from Insurance companies to look around their houses and also check agreement contract, too.
... unless you do not have a house mortgage, it does not require you to obey the insurance company because the company depends on you for the money.

In other words, if you paid off your house mortgage, you do not have to force yourself to pay your house insurance. But to be wise to have one as long as the price is lower as reasonable. They CANNOT tell you what to do with your property. That is a big different especially some deaf people do not know that.

If you have the mortgage, you are stuck with your house insurance.
webexplorer said:
... unless you do not have a house mortgage, it does not require you to obey the insurance company because the company depends on you for the money.

In other words, if you paid off your house mortgage, you do not have to force yourself to pay your house insurance. But to be wise to have one as long as the price is lower as reasonable. They CANNOT tell you what to do with your property. That is a big different especially some deaf people do not know that.

If you have the mortgage, you are stuck with your house insurance.

No, we are talking about property owners who own the house, not residents who rent the apartment or house.

I already mentioned that I´m a property owner and talk about insurance issue.

Every Insurance Expert look around building site to see either it´s safety or not before we move in. It´s voluntarily to order Expert because we want make sure that our house is protect and safety. I´m not only one but every deafies and hearing, too. We (all) consider as safety for our future when the happened comes. The insurance do not force us to insure anything (household, etc.) and suggest the safety. It´s our problem to lost our insurance rights if we ignored. Example about old tree close to house... Insurance suggested the owner to cut the tree off to protect their house against storm or pay extra insurance if they want to keep tree. It´s their problem if they reject to pay extra insurance to keep the tree when it happened to their house thru storm.

It´s obligation due German law to insure property insurance for the case (explosive, fire, damage thru plane, flood, windstorm etc. etc. etc.) no matter either you paid off your house mortgage or not. What happened to your mortgaged-free house one day if you dont want to have property insurance? It mean that you lose everything to storms, floods, etc and then loan again and re-mortgaged.... :ugh2: That´s why German law fix for property insurance on every property owners.

For household insurance is a voluntarily. You dont have to insure but what if intruder break in your house to rob your things?
Thats really sad about my neighbor and her husband
built one of the MOST beautiful white fence
surrounding their house. It was the most
beautiful custom made fence ever I saw.
Unfortunately, our town/city hall bothered and
annoyed them constantly because they were
complaining about their Beautiful fence.
They were demanding these beautiful fence removed
according to their rules. They just gave up
and decide to sell their beautiful house immediately
because of this. Sigh. How do you like
these kind of rules ?
Liebling:-))) said:
No, we are talking about property owners who own the house, not residents who rent the apartment or house.

I already mentioned that I´m a property owner and talk about insurance issue.

Every Insurance Expert look around building site to see either it´s safety or not before we move in. It´s voluntarily to order Expert because we want make sure that our house is protect and safety. I´m not only one but every deafies and hearing, too. We (all) consider as safety for our future when the happened comes. The insurance do not force us to insure anything (household, etc.) and suggest the safety. It´s our problem to lost our insurance rights if we ignored. Example about old tree close to house... Insurance suggested the owner to cut the tree off to protect their house against storm or pay extra insurance if they want to keep tree. It´s their problem if they reject to pay extra insurance to keep the tree when it happened to their house thru storm.

It´s obligation due German law to insure property insurance for the case (explosive, fire, damage thru plane, flood, windstorm etc. etc. etc.) no matter either you paid off your house mortgage or not. What happened to your mortgaged-free house one day if you dont want to have property insurance? It mean that you lose everything to storms, floods, etc and then loan again and re-mortgaged.... :ugh2: That´s why German law fix for property insurance on every property owners.

For household insurance is a voluntarily. You dont have to insure but what if intruder break in your house to rob your things?

Sorry, I forgot that you are from Germany. It's true that they should have the insurance, even they do not have a mortgage.

I watched on the news that 'Katrina' residences have the insurance, but they never thought of flood. Most of them did not get approval from their insurance because of the flood which is not included in the insurance fee. I am surprised about that. I assume that they will have to get a mortgage.

Another news, United Nations offered the money for those people who lost their home. Now, I do not hear anything about the money. Did Bush took it and put it in his pocket?
Our insurance agent has never inspected our property. They don't do that here.