Post pictures of AD members you have met!

This is (L to R) me with Lianca up in NYC from Jan 2003 :D i was "cheating" a bit standing on something that made me look taller :lol:


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Fly Free said:
This is (L to R) me with Lianca up in NYC from Jan 2003 :D i was "cheating" a bit standing on something that made me look taller :lol:

cheat cheat!!! ;)
The picture of me, MsGiglz and our friend who isnt AD member. It took at Gallaudet Homecoming 2001


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Ah I found the group of picture.. Fly..

Picture of Me, Fly, MsGiglz, Teekie, Whammy, and 2 friends aren't AD members, it took at Gally Homecoming 2001 too.


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Pinkster and me in Colorado Springs, CO after her HS graduation back in 2002


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Beautiful pictures FlyFree!! Thank you soooo much for sharing them with us & I really appreciate them and I'm looking forward until June so I can share my pictures with you all! :)
Fly Free said:
Pinkster and me in Colorado Springs, CO after her HS graduation back in 2002

Looking at this pic makes me miss the life I had. Im really glad you and the rest of you guys came to my graduation :) I have to bug my uncle for the pics of all of us together :)
Picture of Pinkster and me...

I have also meet serveral other AD members but didn't take any pictures :-/

most of them i grew up with at high school or as deaf gatherings.


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Lianca said:
Ah I found the group of picture.. Fly..

Picture of Me, Fly, MsGiglz, Teekie, Whammy, and 2 friends aren't AD members, it took at Gally Homecoming 2001 too.
Hey.. Looks Familair.. Is that Debra King and Larry Vail ??? Let me know if it's her ?
Bullym0m said:
Hey.. Looks Familair.. Is that Debra King and Larry Vail ??? Let me know if it's her ?

2 people at the end of the picture?? No It isn't them. Sorry
The picture of Frisky Feline and myself at Frisky's Bridal shower 2000.


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err Shaved head and white t-shirt.. and Blond spikey hair and wear green t shirt comes with picture named title Eagles wha..ever (chuckles) Is that them Debra King and Larry Vail.. If not.. so then I'm wrong.. but totally extactly looking same face as her and him too... btw thanks for your time.
Bullym0m said:
err Shaved head and white t-shirt.. and Blond spikey hair and wear green t shirt comes with picture named title Eagles wha..ever (chuckles) Is that them Debra King and Larry Vail.. If not.. so then I'm wrong.. but totally extactly looking same face as her and him too... btw thanks for your time.

No, That's Whammy and Teekie...
Frisky Feline said:
Lianca I dont look that bad!! LOL.. But great picture of us! :D

HAHA yes, we weren't that bad.. I am looking for the picture of you, me and Lucy in our volleyball uniform. I love that picture and want to post it. ;)
Lianca said:
HAHA yes, we weren't that bad.. I am looking for the picture of you, me and Lucy in our volleyball uniform. I love that picture and want to post it. ;)

It wont hurt to post more pictures.. maybe some of us do recognizes each other. :D
Fly Free said:
Pinkster and me in Colorado Springs, CO after her HS graduation back in 2002

GREAT photo ladies! You both are cute and have wonderful vibes :D