Possible to be implanted with both Nucleus and AB?


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May 4, 2011
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I was implanted with Nucleus 22 on my right ear 18 years ago. I absolutely love it and find it very valuable. I'm considering to get the second implant on my left ear, hoping to improve my speech recognition in noise environment and localize the sounds better. Instead of getting Nucleus 22, I would like to get Advanced Bionics. Is that possible?
I believe you can. One of my friend wore two new CIs. I didn't ask her what kind are they. But I am sure you can.
why not get the latest cochlear N5 and use same accessories and not have to deal with some burned out nerves, hot recalls, faulty devices, some mysterious ringing that never stops with AB, go with the brand that you've always used and loved, why changing a brand, and have new different mapping and so on, so on
You have good points. Nevertheless, I prefer AB. I am a N22 recipient, and unfortunately, there's no Nucleus 5 available for N22 recipients. It's only for N24 recipients. I have been reading the studies on Advanced Bionics vs. Nucleus, and they have suggested that AB has a superior performance in noisy situation as well as with music. I'm doing well in quiet environment, but it's the noisy situation I want to improve upon. Maybe AB can help me with that. I understand it's not perfect, but I'm willing to take any chance because every time I step out of my house, I always find myself in noisy situations. It might help my life easier. Who knows?
why not get the latest cochlear N5 and use same accessories and not have to deal with some burned out nerves, hot recalls, faulty devices, some mysterious ringing that never stops with AB, go with the brand that you've always used and loved, why changing a brand, and have new different mapping and so on, so on

Your being baise towards Cochlear America. I actually now think AB has better sound processor while the Cochlear has the processor with more features

Dont scare Teal away from AB based on what you HEARD, you dont have any experience with AB.

I was implanted with Nucleus 22 on my right ear 18 years ago. I absolutely love it and find it very valuable. I'm considering to get the second implant on my left ear, hoping to improve my speech recognition in noise environment and localize the sounds better. Instead of getting Nucleus 22, I would like to get Advanced Bionics. Is that possible?
I had AB for 14 years on my right ear until it broke. Then I switched to Cochlear America because at the time (few months ago) AB was not on the market due to involuntary recalled. It worked very well, was easily adapted to it.

I did have my left side implanted with AB 2 years ago and I am able to balance it out with my right and hear "more" as I have a 360 sounds. Almost... too much...!

But yes you can get AB for the left and just balance the sound levels out. It will work, but will require time for your left to get up to level with your right.
@Fl885: Why not speak up about the positives and negatives of your own choice, avoid unnecessary and error-ridden bashing of another?

@teal: You can do both. Both excellent products, if it wouldn't have introduced significant complexity to the way my child's brain would have to process two different strategies -- if she were a teenager or young adult -- we'd have seriously considered one of each to benefit from what each has to offer. In addition, a child would have to manage different programs on each ear in different circumstances and the accessories and maintenance products are incompatible, so there's an added pain in the butt factor in terms of caring for so much stuff.

Unless you'd be losing out on a great chance to upgrade your ancient (wow -- 18 years!!) N22 implant or processor simultaneously, I'd go with whichever one you really want, without feeling limited by what you have now.
@baseboy, did you feel that your bilateral cochlear implants help you improve your speech recognition in both quiet and noisy situations?
@baseboy, did you feel that your bilateral cochlear implants help you improve your speech recognition in both quiet and noisy situations?

Well I was in the same sitaution as you were. I went 14 years with just an implant on my right and expected that when I got my left implanted, that it would work automaticly. Boy was I wrong. I am having a very hard time adapting to the left side. However it hasn't hinder my hearing or speech.

First week of hearing out of my left, I was talking quieter than normally. But thats normal anyway. Its like waking up in the morning after a long sleep and go for a run right away... But 14 year sleep for me.

It has helped me hear 360 around me. In stead of one side, I am able to detect the sounds coming from my left or right. Still training though. It will require patience and a very long time I would assume.
Well I was in the same sitaution as you were. I went 14 years with just an implant on my right and expected that when I got my left implanted, that it would work automaticly. Boy was I wrong. I am having a very hard time adapting to the left side. However it hasn't hinder my hearing or speech.

First week of hearing out of my left, I was talking quieter than normally. But thats normal anyway. Its like waking up in the morning after a long sleep and go for a run right away... But 14 year sleep for me.

It has helped me hear 360 around me. In stead of one side, I am able to detect the sounds coming from my left or right. Still training though. It will require patience and a very long time I would assume.

Who are you to judge that AB is a better processor, are you scientists or a dr??, your none of those or even close, as far as you being a user, your situation is different, wait until your AB burn your auditory nerve or your cochlea then you will have a different views go read here Failing Ugly: Advanced Bionics cochlear implant circuit goes haywire | The Hearing Blog and you will understand what are the hidden facts, these are own facts, these are not from me but FACTS, so pushing this person to get AB when this implant is still on the recall status for 6 months already is hideous and unacceptable, this is a medical device, this is not a cell phone that he/she can return, this person has ONE SHOT at this and they need to take it seriously, I know some AB people happy, read again SOME, this does not qualify this implant to be better, it's failing ugly, unfortunately.
I don't understand how people take this recall like it's nothing happened, I have never heard of a recall last 6 months unless there is a huge crap is hidden here and there, no one wants to end up with a burned auditory nerve or brain, get real.
I respect anyone decision determine what implant to use. Baseballboy is a long term CI user that has been implanted several times and his opinion is just as valid as mine.
Wow, bbaseballboy123, I know it's not a direct comparison with all the variables of reimplanting, but still, it's pretty cool to get the unique perspective of someone with direct experience with both products! It's going to be very interesting over time to see how you continue to respond.
Who are you to judge that AB is a better processor, are you scientists or a dr??, your none of those or even close, as far as you being a user, your situation is different, wait until your AB burn your auditory nerve or your cochlea then you will have a different views go read here Failing Ugly: Advanced Bionics cochlear implant circuit goes haywire | The Hearing Blog and you will understand what are the hidden facts, these are own facts, these are not from me but FACTS, so pushing this person to get AB when this implant is still on the recall status for 6 months already is hideous and unacceptable, this is a medical device, this is not a cell phone that he/she can return, this person has ONE SHOT at this and they need to take it seriously, I know some AB people happy, read again SOME, this does not qualify this implant to be better, it's failing ugly, unfortunately.
I don't understand how people take this recall like it's nothing happened, I have never heard of a recall last 6 months unless there is a huge crap is hidden here and there, no one wants to end up with a burned auditory nerve or brain, get real.

I am sorry that I can judge both AB and Cochlear and their processors... Because I can! I am a user of both companies so my opinions are very value. I am experiencing both companies, both have negs and pos. You only tell the negs of one company and pos ofa different company. Thats baise.

Cochlear's implants are pretty much the freaking same as the AB implants. AB recalls arent horrible, its not like cochlear didnt have any recalls either bud.

FYI: read the bold line one more time :wave:

Wow, bbaseballboy123, I know it's not a direct comparison with all the variables of reimplanting, but still, it's pretty cool to get the unique perspective of someone with direct experience with both products! It's going to be very interesting over time to see how you continue to respond.
Honestly, I think it all has to do with the processor, and the features that both companies provide. Like, the implant is simply the simulator to the cochlea, theres not much difference between cochlear america and Advanced Bonics as far as implants go as they are engineered/structured the same.

Its all about the processors. So far, after 2 months, I believe that the Harmony offers better sound, but the N5 offers more features. Perhaps the next generation will have the best of both processors!

I respect anyone decision determine what implant to use. Baseballboy is a long term CI user that has been implanted several times and his opinion is just as valid as mine.

Pretty much applies to those who choose not to get an implant, i respect their decision of not getting an implant, they should also respect those who dont get an implant too.

Btw John, my ex gf goes to RIT right now.
@ baseballboy, thank you for your responses. I noticed that your AB broke a few times. What happened? I am currently on the fence between AB and Cochlear. I initially chose AB because it provides better sounds as well as improves speech discrimination slightly in noisy environment and music. This is crucial for me. However, as I am doing further research, I have noticed that AB is not as reliable as Cochlear. In fact, many recipients experienced broken parts and replaced them with new ones. I'm concerned about this. How can I prevent it from breaking if I choose to use AB? I think I'm going with Cochlear because there won't be any time for me to keep undergoing surgeries. Now that you are the user of both companies, which is your favorite?
are you seriously going to bring up the Failing Ugly article? The guy behind that article is all against AB, and claims to be an expert on CIs when he doesn't even have any CIs himself, doesn't personally work for any CI company, doesn't personally do ANYTHING with CIs himself (and has the tendency to twist words/facts around and exaggerate). I wouldn't believe the "garbage" he's publishing on that blog, because I don't trust the blogger. He's rubbed me the wrong way for years when it comes to the topic of CIs, especially when it comes to AB. I'll take baseballboy's experiences over this blogger's "info", because baseballboy has actual experience and can compare Cochlear with AB (not very many people get 1 manufacturer in 1 ear and another in the other ear).

AB has revised the internal component by adding a sheath to the electrode, so there shouldn't be any more "burning" or "shocking" sensations basically. And that only happened to 2 individuals who had severe cases of the shocking (they have since been reimplanted with AB implants and are doing great now).

And as for the CIs breaking/etc.. all three manufacturers have had their recalls and problems. The CI is a man-made product, so it is bound to quit functioning at any time. But each company will do what they can to make sure their products are as sturdy as possible. It's all a matter of personal preference really. I myself would still choose AB for myself.. Don't get me wrong, Cochlear has a great device, as does Med-El, but I'm more impressed with AB's product, despite their history of recalls.
are you seriously going to bring up the Failing Ugly article? The guy behind that article is all against AB, and claims to be an expert on CIs when he doesn't even have any CIs himself, doesn't personally work for any CI company, doesn't personally do ANYTHING with CIs himself (and has the tendency to twist words/facts around and exaggerate). I wouldn't believe the "garbage" he's publishing on that blog, because I don't trust the blogger. He's rubbed me the wrong way for years when it comes to the topic of CIs, especially when it comes to AB. I'll take baseballboy's experiences over this blogger's "info", because baseballboy has actual experience and can compare Cochlear with AB (not very many people get 1 manufacturer in 1 ear and another in the other ear).

AB has revised the internal component by adding a sheath to the electrode, so there shouldn't be any more "burning" or "shocking" sensations basically. And that only happened to 2 individuals who had severe cases of the shocking (they have since been reimplanted with AB implants and are doing great now).

And as for the CIs breaking/etc.. all three manufacturers have had their recalls and problems. The CI is a man-made product, so it is bound to quit functioning at any time. But each company will do what they can to make sure their products are as sturdy as possible. It's all a matter of personal preference really. I myself would still choose AB for myself.. Don't get me wrong, Cochlear has a great device, as does Med-El, but I'm more impressed with AB's product, despite their history of recalls.

Pretty much explained what I wanted to say if i felt like it.

@ baseballboy, thank you for your responses. I noticed that your AB broke a few times. What happened? I am currently on the fence between AB and Cochlear. I initially chose AB because it provides better sounds as well as improves speech discrimination slightly in noisy environment and music. This is crucial for me. However, as I am doing further research, I have noticed that AB is not as reliable as Cochlear. In fact, many recipients experienced broken parts and replaced them with new ones. I'm concerned about this. How can I prevent it from breaking if I choose to use AB? I think I'm going with Cochlear because there won't be any time for me to keep undergoing surgeries. Now that you are the user of both companies, which is your favorite?

No problem, its something you have to be very sure about since its expensive and its surgery (nbd though).

Here's the thing you should consider the most. Even though both companies have implants and a line up of processors, you have to look into the future of each company. The future of each company are very promising and I strongly believe that each company will have processors that will be very compedtive. Its very hard to say which company will have a brighter future, offering better processors and features.

Both AB and cochlear offer high quality services, I have never been once disappointed by AB customers in the last 15 years. If my processors broke, they'd replace it within 2 days. With the Harmony, I never had anything break on me for a year besides the wire (which is very thin compare to the N5). I was told that the N5 wire can last up to 3 years before the metal inside the wire will "disconnect". My old BTE wire had to be replace every 8-12 months since it would get "weak" and cut off connection to my headpiece.

If I had a say, Cochlear America does seem to be more reliable than AB. Besides implants because obviously both companies want to implant people with implants that will last for years to come. Besides implants, AB's harmony seem to be very reliable, but same with the N5. I havent had issues with the harmony on my left since I got it besides replacing the wire (which is no biggie). As mentioned before, IMO, the harmony has better sounds and the Cochlear N5 has more features. Both are very reliable, and aren't easily meant to be broken unless you abuse them day to day.

If you are really really worried about the actually implant breaking, dont be. Its very highly unlikely to break with such advanced technology. I wouldnt even take it into consideration when choosing companies. What i would consider is, the processors, the reliability and the services of both companies (although they tie at services, very organized system, very efficient, very easy to use and very fair about returns)

My story: When the first processor broke, the electro wire of the implant was actually broken (crack) and they took the blame, paid for everything including my next generation processor. 14 years later (few months ago), it broke, never found out why but I assume it just got old and gave up. I am expecting my implants to break in 30+years because after all, it is technology, and technology breaks all the time, computers, phones, anything you name, breaks eventually. I KNOW both companies try their best to avoid these issues.

Please, see my other thread/posts because I offer a lot more information than just this post. Think you really benefit from my past posts on both processors:



Wow, thanks, baseballboy! If I remember from reading your posts correctly, you mentioned that your speech understanding improved from 70ish to 84%. Wow. Is that in quiet or noisy situation? Do you feel that your speech discrimination still is improving as time progresses? How much can your second implanted ear hear alone? What about your first implanted ear alone? Do the bilateral implants help you understand the speech in noisy situation better? I'm sorry for throwing out all these questions. I just want to make sure I'm making a right decision to go with the second implant. I feel that talking to someone who experienced this is helping me a lot, even though I'm aware that everyone has different experiences. :)
Thanks, baseballboy! If I remember correctly, you mentioned in your earlier posts that your speech understanding improved from 70ish to 84%. Amazing. That's in quiet situation, right? Did your bilateral implants improve your speech discrimination in noisy situation as well? If you can estimate, how much? How much can your second implanted ear hear alone? What about your first implanted ear?
P.S. Sorry for all these questions. Talking to someone with this experience really helps me a lot. I know everyone has a different experience, though. :)
P.S. Sorry for all these questions. Talking to someone with this experience really helps me a lot. I know everyone has a different experience, though. :)

Dont worry about it, i love to help others about this subject matter.

Thanks, baseballboy! If I remember correctly, you mentioned in your earlier posts that your speech understanding improved from 70ish to 84%. Amazing. That's in quiet situation, right? Did your bilateral implants improve your speech discrimination in noisy situation as well? If you can estimate, how much? How much can your second implanted ear hear alone? What about your first implanted ear?

The speech percentages you got was after I got the N5. I was expecting 70% hearing, but got 84% hearing on the first day of hearing out of my N5. But keep in mind, I had the AB implant on that side for 14 years until it broke. So the cochlea on my right was already "adapted" to the implant, and implants are no different from each company so I was very easily able to hear out of my right after getting the cochlear implant and processor. Right now, I would say I am where I used to be with the AB before it broke which is about 90-95% depending on my hearing for the day (yes i have bad and good hearing days lol)

The test were done in the booth so yes ultimate quiet.

I cant say too much about bilateral implants as I just started wearing my left 24/7 last week. But so far, I been able to detect where the sound is coming from 360 around me. For example, if i was in the classroom, I could actually hear more on my left when someone left of me was talking and same with the right side. I would say that having 2 implants on at the same time, I can hear slightly more but again, I cant say too much because my left hears crappy compare to my right.

My left... is very different than my right, I cant even understand english 80% of the time, and thats including trying really hard to listen and requires reading the lips. I am hoping that now that I am wearing the left a lot more than I used too, that by fall i will be able to hear 50% speech without reading lips.

My right, obviously I can hear almost everything but thats because I had it implanted for soo many years that my cochlea has many years of experience with the implant.

Edit: yesterday I tried a sound feature on the N5, the feature is a program called "noisy" which is suitable for noisy areas. I turned on the program to "noisy" yesterday in the cafe, I was actually able to hear more than the normal program. How much more? I would say i was able to hear 20% more speech as it cut out most of the background noisy. It was enough for me to be surprised.

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