Anyone for it? Against it? Why?
China has a law of 1 child per household and I would like to see more of this in the US and abroad.
My viewpoint is this-if you want more than 1 child adopt another.
There are many homeless kids out there that would welcome having a family, a home. I'm 29, do not have kids. I don't plan to add to the problem. Call me an odd duck but I'd rather adopt.
opinions welcome good or bad.
I'm soooooo down! I think people, especially teenagers might think twice if they knew they could only have a certain amount of children. In a chat group I was in recently, there was a person who had a patient who was 13 and was having a second child! . I don't know which was worse, that or a 15 year with one already, and pregnant with twins, that can't afford either.