Population Control

Anyone for it? Against it? Why?
China has a law of 1 child per household and I would like to see more of this in the US and abroad.

My viewpoint is this-if you want more than 1 child adopt another.
There are many homeless kids out there that would welcome having a family, a home. I'm 29, do not have kids. I don't plan to add to the problem. Call me an odd duck but I'd rather adopt.

opinions welcome :) good or bad.

I'm soooooo down! I think people, especially teenagers might think twice if they knew they could only have a certain amount of children. In a chat group I was in recently, there was a person who had a patient who was 13 and was having a second child! :shock:. I don't know which was worse, that or a 15 year with one already, and pregnant with twins, that can't afford either.
Agreed. Archaeologists have learned that some ancient civillizations in Africa and in South America collapsed when the agricultural lands surrounding the city were depleted and people could no longer grow crops to feed themselves. Then they had no choice but to move on to another place where they could eat again.

American Indian tribes too.
The problem is everybody wants the same resource, so that resource is running out fast. That is why diversity is better for this planet -- if people want and need different things, then some control will be maintained on resources. Read this in a book called Beyond Civilization. Very cool.
The problem is everybody wants the same resource, so that resource is running out fast. That is why diversity is better for this planet -- if people want and need different things, then some control will be maintained on resources. Read this in a book called Beyond Civilization. Very cool.

You should also read "Who Will Feed China" - America is very alarmed by China's burgeoning wealth because they know China has way more people to feed and will demand their bigger share thus driving up food prices. it's already happening.
You should also read "Who Will Feed China" - America is very alarmed by China's burgeoning wealth because they know China has way more people to feed and will demand their bigger share thus driving up food prices. it's already happening.

We are dealing with the fallout of the past's mistakes, which is unfortunate, and will force us to deal with difficult moral issues of the world's resources eventually. Folks lived in a dream world especially with this manifest destiny bs, which wrecked us and enabled illusions that are wrecking this planet. Should the world decide on who gets resources and who doesn't? Is it the Chinese's fault that their dumbass government told them to multiply like fruit in the 1960's?

You will be glad to know that people are now focusing on space travel these days, making advancements on space tourism and all. I would not be surprised if this paved the way for intergalactic travel, and eventually colonization on other places in the galaxy and beyond.
We are dealing with the fallout of the past's mistakes, which is unfortunate, and will force us to deal with difficult moral issues of the world's resources eventually. Folks lived in a dream world especially with this manifest destiny bs, which wrecked us and enabled illusions that are wrecking this planet. Should the world decide on who gets resources and who doesn't? Is it the Chinese's fault that their dumbass government told them to multiply like fruit in the 1960's?

You will be glad to know that people are now focusing on space travel these days, making advancements on space tourism and all. I would not be surprised if this paved the way for intergalactic travel, and eventually colonization on other places in the galaxy and beyond.

Conversely China says America is using up a majority of the world's resources and who is America to chastise them about coal plants when America has many destructive industries that destroyed environments in Africa, South America and Asia and its true. So, no point playing blame games. We're all wrong and we all need to make changes for the better.
Conversely China says America is using up a majority of the world's resources and who is America to chastise them about coal plants when America has many destructive industries that destroyed environments in Africa, South America and Asia and its true. So, no point playing blame games. We're all wrong and we all need to make changes for the better.

Can't argue with you there. I totally agree about needing to take responsibility. No one is innocent and the fingerpointing just doesn't do anything to make the planet better.
I'm soooooo down! I think people, especially teenagers might think twice if they knew they could only have a certain amount of children. In a chat group I was in recently, there was a person who had a patient who was 13 and was having a second child! :shock:. I don't know which was worse, that or a 15 year with one already, and pregnant with twins, that can't afford either.

Oh boy!...Where's the "daddies"? Our economy is going broke trying to support them too....is abortion or adoption being considered?...I don't feel girls this young are mentally equipped to deal/take care of babies, as basically, they are children themselves.
Conversely China says America is using up a majority of the world's resources and who is America to chastise them about coal plants when America has many destructive industries that destroyed environments in Africa, South America and Asia and its true. So, no point playing blame games. We're all wrong and we all need to make changes for the better.

that is exactly!! advise good idea!
Can't argue with you there. I totally agree about needing to take responsibility. No one is innocent and the fingerpointing just doesn't do anything to make the planet better.

if supposed blame on people! problme because innocent on person point evidence donthing complaint!

I don't think so planet future change! nobody said on finger point just!

Nothing I do nothing help work! I am very nothing complaint I am neutral

you are serious!
I'm soooooo down! I think people, especially teenagers might think twice if they knew they could only have a certain amount of children. In a chat group I was in recently, there was a person who had a patient who was 13 and was having a second child! :shock:. I don't know which was worse, that or a 15 year with one already, and pregnant with twins, that can't afford either.

Lorretta Lynn became a grandmother at 29 years old.
Jerry Lee Lewis married and had kids with his 13 year old COUSIN.
Oh boy!...Where's the "daddies"? Our economy is going broke trying to support them too....is abortion or adoption being considered?...I don't feel girls this young are mentally equipped to deal/take care of babies, as basically, they are children themselves.

Well the nurse was telling the story of the thirteen year old and the fifteen year old, I believe the boyfriend was around. The fifteen year old I don't think she wanted an abortion and the people in the chat were telling her to possible think about it. Btw she didnt have custody of her first.
if supposed blame on people! problme because innocent on person point evidence donthing complaint!

I don't think so planet future change! nobody said on finger point just!

Nothing I do nothing help work! I am very nothing complaint I am neutral

you are serious!

I am blaming you for the planet's impending destruction. :D
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

If the population is under control and lot less than what we have today. The vast coverage of farms wont exist and too many cows and pigs as well.
Seriously, I was thinking that we would probably not have to worry about population control -- Mother Earth will handle that with panademics and the increasingly extreme weather.

So if we start speaking Chinese like they do on Firefly.... hats off to the Chinese.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

If the population is under control and lot less than what we have today. The vast coverage of farms wont exist and too many cows and pigs as well.

Humans became lazy when they started to domesticate animals and cultivate plants after they were tired of the nomadic lifestyle. Farming in a way has destroyed our ability to live off the land in an organic way. Or at least, we live in a society that makes that less easy to do.
Humans became lazy when they started to domesticate animals and cultivate plants after they were tired of the nomadic lifestyle. Farming in a way has destroyed our ability to live off the land in an organic way. Or at least, we live in a society that makes that less easy to do.

Lazy? no not at all. It's actually part of our advancement and it's essential to our survival.

Farming and Domestication are actually quite advanced development for humans. Because of that - we can stay in one place for a long time and it can sustain a larger society.

Living a nomadic lifestyle is the quickest way to extinction.
:lol: That's very true. Nothing is ever substainable to the population we have today....7 billion people with resources that isn't sufficent and cheap enough for everyone.

oh believe me - there is plenty of resource available for everyone. PLENTY. We have enough to feed everybody.

so what's the problem? mis-allocation of resource. Unfortunately - we live in the world where you have to pay more to get more and I support the concept of wealth and class. Elitist as it may sound but it's vital to survivability. Even in wildlife - they do exactly same thing.

Example - a pack of wolves have hierarchy (similar to "class" for humans). The alpha male and top dogs get to eat the most and the leftover goes to dogs below them.

But I would like to see a wealthy society to not be wasteful and frivolous with resource.