Those are the aided scores I did using my speakers, a tone generator and a db SPL meter(60db to 126db range). I also used this Damping of sound level with distance - damping calculation distance calculator dB - sengpielaudio
to calculate SPL decreasing with distance. I had my dad listen to a 1500Hz puretone at 40db which he could easily hear from 15 feet that I could only barely hear from half a foot measured at 70db SPL. Note that I set the volume to 70db as measured with SPL meter and calculated the sound to be 40db at the 15 feet distance he stood from.
125Hz: 20db(45 gain)
250Hz: 15db(55 gain)
500Hz: 25db(65 gain)
750Hz: 40db(65 gain)
1000Hz: 50db(60 gain)
1500Hz: 70db(40 gain)
2000Hz: 80db(35 gain)
No response at 3000Hz and up. That surprised me since my hearing aids have enough SPL for 3000Hz. It could be possible my audie didn't program any gain above 2000Hz, that's one question ill be asking him. Im also wondering why my aided scores are so poor in the mid frequencies. I tried my old Widex Senso HAs and I hear even worse with them. My dad says my audie probably maxed the gains in the mids. I should be aided down to 40db at 1500Hz given the gain my HA is capable at that frequency! But then my old Widex Senso HAs scored even worse.
My only logical explanation is that the gains listed on the technicial documents is hyped, exaggerated or a best case example. But how does one explain that my gains at the low frequency is close to max specs but so far off in the mids and highs? I am not getting any feedback from my molds, there is no damage to my molds, tube or HAs and when I double check with my old HAs, results are even worse.
I know the test was done at home but I knew something was wrong even without testing. When playing my piano, the volume decreased drastically each ascending key I played. I couldn't hear the last 10 keys either. I have done many other online hearing tests and the results are repeatable and consistant on mine and other computers and speakers. I also don't seem to be getting the claimed max SPL either. Sounds above 1000Hz are very faint no matter how loud I crank up the volume. I do know that 10db above my treshold, I can easily hear a given sound. Such as give 100db HL at 500Hz and I easily hear that sound. It seems im only getting about 115db SPL at 1500Hz and 2000Hz. Im probably getting 15 to 20db less SPL at all frequencies but im not complaining at 1000Hz and below as I don't really need such high SPL and I wouldn't even want the max 142 SPL at 1000Hz since it probably will be painful and may damage my residual hearing. How much SPL max is safe? 120db? 125db? 130db? If SPL can be programmed(another thing to ask my audie) id ask him the max safe SPL and is it the same for all frequencies?
Naida V UP gain/SPL:
125Hz 65db/123db
250Hz 68db/126db
500Hz 72db/130db
750Hz 76db/136db
1000Hz 82db/142db
1500Hz 73db/130db
2000Hz 70db/130db
3000Hz 65db/128db
4000Hz 60db/119db
The above max gain and SPL as listed in my specification sheet for my type of HA. Thanks for reading the above, maybe youll have some good answers, especially you audiologists. Ill also ask my audiologist.
to calculate SPL decreasing with distance. I had my dad listen to a 1500Hz puretone at 40db which he could easily hear from 15 feet that I could only barely hear from half a foot measured at 70db SPL. Note that I set the volume to 70db as measured with SPL meter and calculated the sound to be 40db at the 15 feet distance he stood from.
125Hz: 20db(45 gain)
250Hz: 15db(55 gain)
500Hz: 25db(65 gain)
750Hz: 40db(65 gain)
1000Hz: 50db(60 gain)
1500Hz: 70db(40 gain)
2000Hz: 80db(35 gain)
No response at 3000Hz and up. That surprised me since my hearing aids have enough SPL for 3000Hz. It could be possible my audie didn't program any gain above 2000Hz, that's one question ill be asking him. Im also wondering why my aided scores are so poor in the mid frequencies. I tried my old Widex Senso HAs and I hear even worse with them. My dad says my audie probably maxed the gains in the mids. I should be aided down to 40db at 1500Hz given the gain my HA is capable at that frequency! But then my old Widex Senso HAs scored even worse.
My only logical explanation is that the gains listed on the technicial documents is hyped, exaggerated or a best case example. But how does one explain that my gains at the low frequency is close to max specs but so far off in the mids and highs? I am not getting any feedback from my molds, there is no damage to my molds, tube or HAs and when I double check with my old HAs, results are even worse.
I know the test was done at home but I knew something was wrong even without testing. When playing my piano, the volume decreased drastically each ascending key I played. I couldn't hear the last 10 keys either. I have done many other online hearing tests and the results are repeatable and consistant on mine and other computers and speakers. I also don't seem to be getting the claimed max SPL either. Sounds above 1000Hz are very faint no matter how loud I crank up the volume. I do know that 10db above my treshold, I can easily hear a given sound. Such as give 100db HL at 500Hz and I easily hear that sound. It seems im only getting about 115db SPL at 1500Hz and 2000Hz. Im probably getting 15 to 20db less SPL at all frequencies but im not complaining at 1000Hz and below as I don't really need such high SPL and I wouldn't even want the max 142 SPL at 1000Hz since it probably will be painful and may damage my residual hearing. How much SPL max is safe? 120db? 125db? 130db? If SPL can be programmed(another thing to ask my audie) id ask him the max safe SPL and is it the same for all frequencies?
Naida V UP gain/SPL:
125Hz 65db/123db
250Hz 68db/126db
500Hz 72db/130db
750Hz 76db/136db
1000Hz 82db/142db
1500Hz 73db/130db
2000Hz 70db/130db
3000Hz 65db/128db
4000Hz 60db/119db
The above max gain and SPL as listed in my specification sheet for my type of HA. Thanks for reading the above, maybe youll have some good answers, especially you audiologists. Ill also ask my audiologist.