I want to clear up something here, there was NEVER a vote on which state the next AD Caucus will be located at,
Dreamdeaf made that decision herself before any of us knew where the next one will be at, she annouced it at AD Caucus in St. Louis, she also stated that the reason why she choosed Ohio because of the most members that showed up and helped bringing other members from Canada and New York to St. Louis. DreamDeaf was and is in charge of both AD Caucus, she was the only one that step in and willing to set it up so all of us could get a chance to meet each others and have a great time. Now seeing where this thread is heading at, let me say say this, most members said they were coming to St. Louis in 2006, only a few of us showed up, and DreamDeaf was stuck with a huge bill, and she paid it out of her own pocket because she was expecting more than 20 people to show up now I see someone is complaining just because DreamDeaf choosed Ohio for 2008. The bottom line is who cares which state the next AD Caucus will be located at, it's all about getting together meeting new and old faces, and having a blast time. Now I wondering what DreamDeaf is feeling after all the hard work she did in St. Louis and this one coming up next year in Ohio.