Pics of you - Part III

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My tongue is bigger than yours! :giggle:
Let me stretch it down for you by tying the string from your tongue to a door, when you stand there and I open the door and see what happen.

is it gonna hurt?
just do what an exgirlfriend told me once... tongue exercises!!! LOL :laugh2:
oh hell no. here's mine! :mad2:


texan guy? no one thinks the usernam first! :roll:
An old picture of me but I love this! Hubby was NOT expecting me to do this at all because normally he is the one that makes candid shots.
An old picture of me but I love this! Hubby was NOT expecting me to do this at all because normally he is the one that makes candid shots.

Is that Aghori next to you? When I saw the small picture I thought there's blood on your t-shirt or something, and found out it is flowers right after I clicked that picture. :D Nice "goofy" picture.
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