Incorrect, check the vote record - Civil Rights Act was passed with bipartisan, especially democrats and republicans from northern and midwestern states, but democrats and republicans from southern states opposed it.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is more geographical driven - Do you see a link above - look at southern democrats and southern republicans?
Northern democrats and southern democrats are politically difference, especially racial, tax and regulation. Northern democrats are more like Obama - support high tax, against racism and more regulation, so southern democrats support low tax, less regulation, support racism but today, southern democrats became southern republicans as they are starting against the racism, but still support low tax and less regulation.
The employers can fire you for make a offensive comment, regardless on religious belief - according to my mother who works as director and she deal with court cases from employees who filed the discrimination and EEOC will not find your ground, but if you are discriminated because your religion is simply Christian so that will be violation of civil rights, but make a offensive comment is not.