I have my own opinion on this, I'll probably catch some flak.
Personally, I don't agree with what Kristin is trying to do. It gives the wrong impression for innocent people who want to learn something - at least teach them the dirty signs or close equivalents if there are variations, so they get their money back for buying the book. Kristin is cheating customers in that native signers already felt her book will have incorrect signs just like if you buy a book on USA presidents and you read the author only talks about Bush or Obama.
On the other hand: petitions, sharing, getting the word spread via social media while it looks like a good thing, it's also bad when it gets too big to control: it also has a stake of granting the author attention. Whether good or bad attention, it gives the book publicity. Because of all these protests and word getting spread, it makes people aware of her book and some may buy it on impulse just to see what's it all about. This earns her money due to free advertising, something she doesn't deserve.
It's like Kristin is the troll if she knows her book is wrong; but people who are protesting loudly are only getting the attention of other readers wondering what's going on. These readers who don't have a strong opinion or simple minded folks who end up buying the book end up getting "trolled".
It's in my opinion that it's better not to fight trolls by using fire with fire. They always appreciate the attention whether it is good or bad for them. If it were me: I'd let her eat her costs of making the book out of her own pocket, her publicator soliciting for her money, etc. Then I'd give negative reviews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, other sites detailing for the potential buyers to read why the book sucks.
I think if that happened, she'd end up with negative profits and a bad rep to boot. Nobody wants to spend money on an author that gets horrible reviews.