Petition against "dirty signs" book publishing

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Maybe you and koko can stage a sit-in at Times Square! Bring a tent, a camp stove, and a large bowl for a toilet. See you there! :wave:

NYC sucks. Sorry but I've got better things to do.
Do you just enjoy trolling?

It doesn't seem as a late deafened person , that you really have a vested interest in this at all, so I must conclude that your motives are not pure here.

So, a person must agree with the OP thread?
NYC sucks. Sorry but I've got better things to do.

like what? counting the number of Obama's golf days and checking for Obama's July 4th plan?
So, a person must agree with the OP thread?

No , I would just like counter arguments to be relevant, instead of a bunch of asinine suggestions that show the ignorance on the subject of the combatant.

She definitely is credible, and good -- But some things in "Joy of Signing" are actually SEE signs.

Am just pointing out that the signs I saw in Kristin's book were the same as in Riekeof's book. The only difference being Riekehof used the English word feces whilst Kristin used the word "shit." Riekehof used intercourse while Kristin used fuck. To me, personally the difference is hypocritical and stupid. A word is a word and a sign is a sign -- What it means is what it means. To say one word is "superior" to another -- When they BOTH mean exactly the same thing is bullshit. (My opinion.)

I just watched some of Kristin's videos. They are PSE rather than ASL, which is true of a lot of books and videos purporting to be ASL. I would call what she does transliterating rather than interpreting or translating.

She has corrected some of her signing, and she is way off on some. She signed "metal cup" for "trash can" (As I read it.)

I think the problem is that she appeals to those who enjoy the vulgar and she is successful -- She is selling books -- And she cannot be stopped in today's digital age. She can self publish and with the boost some people are giving her with their "Stop Kristin" movement she will have a best seller. Those who are attacking her are actually helping to make her successful.

Example: I would have never even watched her videos had this subject not come up on both forums I visit.

BTW I am always having hearing people ask me to show them "dirty signs". English speakers also want to know how to swear in Spanish. Some of the most fluent speakers of any language will tell you their first words were vulgar swear words. I know some of my first words in Spanish were. And a few of my first signs in ASL. (And yes I was a kid at the time.)

Will her efforts hurt ASL or the Deaf community? I'm not sure, but I am sure it will be as nothing compared to the damage SEE has done and is doing.
I don't think he will.....

Signing online petitions do not do much of anything except maybe make the people who signed feel good about it.

"Slacktivism (sometimes slactivism or slackervism) is a term formed out of the words slacker and activism. The word is usually considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction. The acts tend to require minimal personal effort from the slacktivist. The underlying assumption being promoted by the term is that these low cost efforts substitute for more substantive actions rather than supplementing them, although this assumption has not been borne out by research. Slacktivist activities include signing Internet petitions..."

Slacktivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The age-old process of collecting signatures on paper petitions is being replaced by the cyber-petition, a device that allows notices addressing social injustices to be read and signed by netizens all over the world in a matter of days. Unfortunately, these petitions often contain misinformation or remain in circulation long after they are outdated, and the mere collection of e-signatures is of dubious value." Inboxer Rebellion (Petitions)

"One of the largest online petition websites does not list the names of any of the people running it, has no information about the organization or organizations associated with it, if any, and gives no evidence that the petitions they sponsor have been presented to politicians.. Yet hundreds of thousands of people have given this website their personal information including addresses, business information, and email addresses. If the website was not committed to the petition campaigns, why would it exist? The answer is: MAILING LISTS. Those hundreds of thousands of names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses are a gold mine for marketers who use the lists to send various kinds of solicitations and they can make a fortune renting or selling the names to other businesses. The online petition sites have been a sensational source of not only new names for mailing lists but names of people who can be identified as having particular interests such as supporting conservative or liberal causes, environmental issues, animals rights, etc."

Focus on Internet petitions

Does Voting or Signing Online Petitions Make Any Difference? - Watching Frogs Boil - Open Salon
like what? counting the number of Obama's golf days and checking for Obama's July 4th plan?
Someone has to keep track!

Thanks for the laughs. Best post of the day.
Signing online petitions do not do much of anything except maybe make the people who signed feel good about it.

And yet someone who doesn't care about signing a petition is busy posting in a petition thread.

You a book on Spanglish?

I wonder why this *shrug* callous attitude.

you were all like "support the deafies!" and you went to Mozzeria. I think it's sad that you're not putting in much effort to bring up your ASL skill to conversational level. I thought you would at least express a disdain toward Kristin Henson's exploit of deaf community for greed.
Yup, I just signed the petition against Kristin Henson's book.

Kristin Henson - don't disrespect the ASL communities and don't underestimate on ASL. It is seriously disrespect the deaf communities to have offensive book with miscorrection information that wrote by someone who isn't deaf or ASL user.

I'm hardcore ASL user, used 24/7 and love to take more advanced ASL courses. :D
I stayed away from large groups and get togethers for a few years now. My first family get together I was trying to express to my siblings and family friends that I would like if they would at the very least, learn how to sign the alphabet. I was very hurt when the subject turned to "how do you sign the word "bitch" and everyone started laughing. Not funny to me at all.

Do you just enjoy trolling?

It doesn't seem as a late deafened person , that you really have a vested interest in this at all, so I must conclude that your motives are not pure here.

Not sure what your problem is today, but no trolling at all. I merely acknowledged the dueling FB pages. I have no motives....the way I see it, the book is a matter of free are the protests.
it is NOT ok, when she claims it is ASL, and thats abusing the 'knowledge' or rather lack of thereof according to the public (sic) awareness. ...also it is NOT ok for Hearing people to teach signs, Deaf people are the best teachers and we are the OWNERS of our language WHAT fucking right do hearies have to benefit financially, and too bad if its publicity, Deaf people can do that, NOT hearies. and ...she didnt ask for permission...thats really shows the level of disrespect
I wonder why this *shrug* callous attitude.

you were all like "support the deafies!" and you went to Mozzeria.

No, I was supporting Mozzeria, it was a great place to eat run by wonderful people who happened to be deaf. There is a difference.

I think it's sad that you're not putting in much effort to bring up your ASL skill to conversational level.

Oh, an assumption/accusation. :cool2:

I thought you would at least express a disdain toward Kristin Henson's exploit of deaf community for greed.

Why? I don't see the point really. I support free speech just as I support your right to complain about it.
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