Person Below Me

Automated. Touch-free. Much to the dismay of others. :)

TPBM, hot coffee or cold/iced coffee?

Somewhere between pippin hot and warm.

TPBM: look to your left, what's the first thing you see?
TPBM: Same question.

I think it's close to 1/2 tank.. have to look tomorrow.

TPBM-What's the longest amount of time you have been lost while on vacation or just generally traveling around your city/town?
I think it's close to 1/2 tank.. have to look tomorrow.

TPBM-What's the longest amount of time you have been lost while on vacation or just generally traveling around your city/town?
maybe an hour?? lol is that too long?

anyyyy whooooo.......

tpbm: do you chew with your mouth open or close?
maybe an hour?? lol is that too long?

anyyyy whooooo.......

tpbm: do you chew with your mouth open or close?

TPBM: expensive toilet paper or generic cheap toilet paper ?
whatever works, but i prefer something that doesn't give me the rash. ugh

tpbm: toliet paper out or in?
Out . I think , that’s right lol

TPBM: Does it matter Tp in or out ? Lol
Out . I think , that’s right lol

TPBM: Does it matter Tp in or out ? Lol

:lol: Over, under, sideways, centered... no difference, unless the bathroom is nasty obviously.

TPBM Courtesy flush or when concluded?
:lol: Over, under, sideways, centered... no difference, unless the bathroom is nasty obviously.

TPBM Courtesy flush or when concluded?

Courtesy flush.

TPBM: What brand toothpaste do you use?
Sandals! I will NEVER be caught dead in flip flops! :razz:

TPBM Do you wear gold or silver jewelry?

Don't have any jewelry on me at the moment.

TPBM: How many keys on your keyring?

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