Perfecting lipreading skills?

I am hearing and I find it's ok, bit difficult still. My mom is slightly HoH if i can say that? Not sure but she lip reads most times so I picked it up from her.
try watching the news muted. They usually focus on the speakers face, there are often pictures to help hint at the topic, and they switch topics often enough that if you get lost, it's only a minute or two before you can try again :D
Some thoughts on speechreading CHS:
The visibility of constants and vowels alone is not sufficient to allow us to accurately understand speech. only be using what we know about the formation of consonants and vowels, and utilizing the other components of speechreading,can we determine the content of the message. "Linguistic redundancy" is a term used to describe the constraints imposted by the rules and function of language. It makes it possible for us to fill in the gaps left in visual stimulus.
Because the verbal speech signal we receive from a talker is never completely adequate, we must rely heavily on linguistic redundancy in order to comprehend an utterance. Success in speechreading there is "determined largely by the degree of correspondence between the linguistic structures generated by the talker and those generated, in response, by the speechreader".
During speechreading training, then, we must include work at higher levels where linguistic redundancy can be utilized. CHS notes-page 6 adapted.
Seems to hard to pick up "naturally".

Advanced Bionics-Harmony Aug/07
Every hearing thought deaf would understand thry lip-reading I find it sad.
Every hearing thought deaf would understand thry lip-reading I find it sad.

Probably because most HOH or deaf tell them to look at them so they can read their lips, but what they don't know is that these D/HH use lipreading to assist their hearing aids to get the complete words.

That is, they only hear half of the words, but use people's lips to fill in the blanks. This is really call speechreading. I think if DHH use the term "speechreading", it probably create less confusion. Like "Look at me so I can speechread. I need to read lips to assist me"
I read lips pretty well. I can interpret off that for most people.

I also am mastering reading accents and knowing where people are coming from.

But if you want to perfect it, go visit Jiro and do two things.. Visit Wall street for a week, then Chinatown for another week. Read everyone.

The reason I am pretty good is because I can read asians' lips. I am blessed to be around them all the times in the casinos. They are the hardest to read.
I read lips pretty well. I can interpret off that for most people.

I also am mastering reading accents and knowing where people are coming from.

But if you want to perfect it, go visit Jiro and do two things.. Visit Wall street for a week, then Chinatown for another week. Read everyone.

The reason I am pretty good is because I can read asians' lips. I am blessed to be around them all the times in the casinos. They are the hardest to read.

How can you tell if it's six or sex and two, to, and too?

"How about sex" or "how about six?"
It would be awful mistook.
How can tell if the word is "sex/six." ? To grasp the context of what you are trying to speechread by paying attention. From much prior class discussions at CHS.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
How can tell if the word is "sex/six." ? To grasp the context of what you are trying to speechread by paying attention. From much prior class discussions at CHS.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Even it add few sec delay to assure which one to make sense or too excite to think something else. Heh.

Seriously, it's 30% readable while other is to guess to fit. Ugh
How can you tell if it's six or sex and two, to, and too?

"How about sex" or "how about six?"
It would be awful mistook.

Common sense.

Not that "awful" of mistaking. Thankfully I can humor myself in these situations and wouldnt you know it... they open up a lot faster that way.
Common sense.

Not that "awful" of mistaking. Thankfully I can humor myself in these situations and wouldnt you know it... they open up a lot faster that way.

No, that won't help. No matter, sex or not. There are vary mistook over thousand words that can be other word.

He or she have to ask to repeat to find more time to think or ask the question to add the clue. That led more time and waste.
You're kidding me, right? That breaks up the train of thought, and all context goes right out the window and the orgy begins.
Just kidding, lol.
Up to a point.

Anyway, I envy your skill at speechreading, and my hat is off to you.

My hearing dog wear a gentle leader and some people think it a muzzle. When I go shopping with my dog people will talk about the 'thing 'on my dog face. I saw some people doing one time , I could not hear word they were saying but I could see they were saying that my dog had a muzzle because he bite! I told the people no,it was a gentle leader so you can walk your easier and I said I can read lips and you should be careful about taking about people. Their faces got bright red. I did not like people going saying my dog bit people.
try watching the news muted. They usually focus on the speakers face, there are often pictures to help hint at the topic, and they switch topics often enough that if you get lost, it's only a minute or two before you can try again :D

When Bush was leaving the White House for the last time he was talking to
Obama and the CC could not pick it , I was able to read the Bush lips .
When I was in the special class the principal would come into our class a lot to talk the teacher and they would stand face to face and talk. I would read their lips the whole time, they finally realize what I was doing and
started putting their hands near their faces tp block their lips.
When Bush was leaving the White House for the last time he was talking to
Obama and the CC could not pick it , I was able to read the Bush lips .
When I was in the special class the principal would come into our class a lot to talk the teacher and they would stand face to face and talk. I would read their lips the whole time, they finally realize what I was doing and
started putting their hands near their faces tp block their lips.

:) Thats audist.
No, that won't help. No matter, sex or not. There are vary mistook over thousand words that can be other word.

He or she have to ask to repeat to find more time to think or ask the question to add the clue. That led more time and waste.

*shrugs* If you feel that you know more about my abilities in the real life.... Be my guest.
Wirelessly posted

Problem is when people whisper, they turn slightly away from the hearing audience or avoid looking like they are whispering one way or another to evade repercussions when caught since mouthing implies whispering.

Nice thinker though.
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Wirelessly posted

Plus hearing kids have ears of a dog, I swear. Little ones can pick up things a teenager or an adult cannot, which is why teachers leave the classroom for private conversations because lots of time, whispering doesn't stop at-home gossips.
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The ongoing problem-why Speechreading is so difficult, One must pay attention all the time and hope your hearing doesn't "'decrease". Your hearing counts! Inside joke: when I received my Implant- Amy Ng/Sunnybrook would say don't speechread me-try hearing me!

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07