People that think it's OK to Yell or bang on your door

I said the wood in my door jamb is very old. My condo was build in the
70's and the wood has never been replace , and I am NOT allowed have a new door jamb put in. The condo association does this . He was not knocking on my door he was POUNDING on my door and there is a huge difference .And he said was going to be coming back to let me know when it was OK to move my car back into my space and I did not want him pounding on my door again. I still feel that is my door and I have a right to not have someone pounding on it no matter often or little it happen. He gave me no time to get my door , he wanted me to answer is faster , I was trying to tell him I needed more time to get to my door and he got pissed off. The guy is totally
unreaonable , he know I have to use a cane as my balance is poor.

Again, I ask. Was the irritation that unbearable? Wood is pretty strong and even pounding on a door shouldn't be a problem unless the wood is rotten. If the wood is rotten you have much bigger problems than a neighbor knocking. How would such a door keep out an intruder? You should suggest your condo association replace such a door, and send it certified mail. Let them know that if your condo suffers losses due to a compromised door you will hold them liable.

I think that's a weird advice.

Personally, I wish it wasn't that way, but it is that way. You have to have boundaries.

OP, don't let anyone move your car in the future and take care of your own stuff. You don't need hearing or deaf people to do things for you because you are self sufficient and smart.
Personally, I wish it wasn't that way, but it is that way. You have to have boundaries.
*shrug* never had any problem like that. common sense, you know?

OP, don't let anyone move your car in the future and take care of your own stuff. You don't need hearing or deaf people to do things for you because you are self sufficient and smart.
that's where common sense comes in. and hospitality.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
*shrug* never had any problem like that. common sense, you know?

that's where common sense comes in. and hospitality.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

Having boundaries is common sense. And, you don't need a commandment to understand it.

Jiro, what's your hearing loss? Are you deaf or hearing impaired?
Having boundaries is common sense. And, you don't need a commandment to understand it.

Jiro, what's your hearing loss? Are you deaf or hearing impaired?

deaf. not sure what does that have to do with this..... you really need to work on your deaf issue.... it's incredibly negative.
deaf. not sure what does that have to do with this..... you really need to work on your deaf issue.... it's incredibly negative.

There's nothing negative about it. As deaf we have different lives and I understand it, now.

I didn't mean any offense. It's just that your life seems much more like that of a hearing person. It's good to hear you don't run into the same issues which others have come across.
Personally, I wish it wasn't that way, but it is that way. You have to have boundaries.

OP, don't let anyone move your car in the future and take care of your own stuff. You don't need hearing or deaf people to do things for you because you are self sufficient and smart.

just to note...some of us deafies are elderly...some need canes, even scooters to get around due to mobility problems...(as the same for the OP)...and feel it was very nice for someone to offer to help once-in-a-while....just wait...when you, urself become elderly and perhaps have mobility might appreciate it very much whenever someone offers to do a favor for you...just sayin'
next time he stomping, open door with a SHOTGUN, that's scare him shitless and never again LOL
Wirelessly posted

Some people don't care and have no respect for others property. If he continues, you can call the cops on him.
There's nothing negative about it. As deaf we have different lives and I understand it, now.

I didn't mean any offense. It's just that your life seems much more like that of a hearing person. It's good to hear you don't run into the same issues which others have come across.

it's because I have a positive attitude and I don't fill my life with "rules" like you do for dating and life. If there's a problem, then I fix it. If it can't be fixed, then I discard it. simple as that. You just do the best you can and move on.

I have no problem helping a stranger and expecting nothing in return. no problem at all.
just to note...some of us deafies are elderly...some need canes, even scooters to get around due to mobility problems...(as the same for the OP)...and feel it was very nice for someone to offer to help once-in-a-while....just wait...when you, urself become elderly and perhaps have mobility might appreciate it very much whenever someone offers to do a favor for you...just sayin'

Nobody is saying not to appreciate it if someone does something nice for you. But, some people use that favor as a license to get away with things. If you don't want to be in that position, don't accept the favor.
it's because I have a positive attitude and I don't fill my life with "rules" like you do for dating and life. If there's a problem, then I fix it. If it can't be fixed, then I discard it. simple as that. You just do the best you can and move on.

I have no problem helping a stranger and expecting nothing in return. no problem at all.

*shrug* Keep it up then...
Nobody is saying not to appreciate it if someone does something nice for you. But, some people use that favor as a license to get away with things. If you don't want to be in that position, don't accept the favor.
hence... common sense.

and if there's a problem, then fix it. If it can't be fixed, then discard it. simple as that. it's less lonely and stressful that way.
just to note...some of us deafies are elderly...some need canes, even scooters to get around due to mobility problems...(as the same for the OP)...and feel it was very nice for someone to offer to help once-in-a-while....just wait...when you, urself become elderly and perhaps have mobility might appreciate it very much whenever someone offers to do a favor for you...just sayin'


maybe talk to his wife instead?

I saw her today while in my car and I waved to her and she just looked at me and walked away. I really had no idea my neighbor would be liking like a big baby as I just ran into my neighbor while taking my dog out and he was pouting like a baby when he saw me.. Good grief how do you talk to a guy like this??
I saw her today while in my car and I waved to her and she just looked at me and walked away. I really had no idea my neighbor would be liking like a big baby as I just ran into my neighbor while taking my dog out and he was pouting like a baby when he saw me.. Good grief how do you talk to a guy like this??

radioman has the best advice.
Maybe the neighbor didn't know of any other way to get ur attention?....I'm not HOH, I'm profound my doggie or even my boys (who can hear) lets me know someone is at the door or the boys answer it....

If your doorbell has a light...then perhaps ur neighbor didn't know it?...HOH to hearing people means "you can hear some...but have to yell or pound on something to get attention"....

I would have just noted to my neighbor that there was no need to "yell or pound" on the door as you have a door bell light and ur doggie alerts you when someone is at the door....and laugh about it...have a sense of humor....because I feel ur neighbor just didn't know...

Go over to ur neighbors condo...pound on the door...and ring the door bell...and yell...."I know you're in there!"....:giggle:...I'm sure ur neighbor will understand after that.
I heard the doorbell and said wait a minute but my neighbor starting pounding so loud on my door he did not hear me. He was mad because he think I did not answer him fast enough. I tried to tell him this but he got pissed off and would not talk. Marty tell me when someone ring the doorbell or knock on the door . I had a note on my door to please ring the bell and I was on the phone and did not heard the bell and I had no dog as Finlay was gone and I did not have Marty yet. My neighbor was trying to break my door down when I got off the phone. He ripped shit because I did not answer the door . I tried to tell the fool that when I am on the phone my HA does not pick up background noise . He he kept saying you have a note to ring my doorbell and I did not answer. So he tried to break my door down because there was less than one inch of snow on the ground and he wanted me to move my car.
This is why I had to tell to stopping pounding on my door , because he get so angry he does not stop pounding on my door and it is no longer about knocking loud so I can hear him , his male ego feel threaten .
Wirelessly posted

Don't let that intimidate you. Tell him that your door is fragile and he doesn't have to beat it down to get your attention.

I would if he would listen to me. I am not intimidate , But it like hitting your head against a brick wall. I know if I ring his doorbell he would not answer it but I could do what he did and yell " I know you are in there!"
you are handling this all wrong. You need to write a detailed letter telling what happened. You have concerns about the property and you wish not to be responsible for the door jamb and you would like it to last as long as possible. If you are right about "moving the car after its been plowed" then you need to document what day and what time the neighbor wanted to move your car and state that it was not plowed yet and you reviewed your condo lease terms. Explain at the end you would like a resolution and you want a cease and desist notice served to your neighbor NOT to bang on the door, and NOT to move other people cars just because its going to be plowed soon. You also need to restate what was exactly written for your condo rules about plowing. Tell the condo assoication that you will need a personal inspection of your door to address your concerns of old wood and how you observed the moulding was moving from pounding on the door . I would also state that if your neighbor insists this is how he gets your attention, then very calmly tell the condo assiocation that you will need a door flasher due to ADA law and your neighbor wants a way to get your attention. Dont say you need one. Don't get one yourself unless you have a letter in your hand saying you have permission to install a door flasher equipment and it has information on how it can be installed.

As a landlord myself - this is exactly what you need to do and it does work.

I own my condo unit outright I have no landlord , I do not rent it , my neighbor rent his unit, he has a landlord . I do not need a door flasher.
The whole issues boiled down to my neighbor emotional issues and views about women, he told me not to talk to wife anymore , he see his wife as his property and I notice when talking to him if I disgree with him about anything he start to pout like a child. He had a temper tantrum when he thought I was not goinng to anwer my door.