*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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Oh I admit that DHB65 is finally home safe and sound. Gosh I know what that feeling like driving for more then 12 hrs. Been there and done that. Have a good rest.
I admit I went out w/my hubby's friends' place and having poker nite and got 3rd place yesterday..

but today, Damn I got bad miragines... *mumbling* unpleasant!
I admit I realized that I rode over 16 hours with almost 700miles! Too much for me, but not bad on goldwing. But if on Harley, I can't! Too much vibration.
Riding on biker feels like you fly in the wind. I did ride my 82 Yahama Virgo few years ago. It was fun. Wonder if you wear helmet. I wore helment without shield face.

I admit you had wind in your hair and face on long road!
i admit i didnt go to church today.. i admit i didnt wake up till after 10:45 am.. :whistle: i admit that next time i will have to set the alarm so i can wake up in time to go to church? sighs...
I admit I hate helmet! I rode without helmet from Illinois to Pennsylvania. Forced me to wear it right before entering New Yawk state line. I love to be in the wind! Yamaga Virago is real nice bike! I have rode several bikes, including Harley Davidson. The best I have rode is Yamaha V-star Custom 1100cc with screaming exhaust pipe! I chose Goldwing for good reason... I can ride it almost year around up here in New Yawk state. They got design that heats you in the late fall or early spring. But if I live in the southwest or something like that, I'd gone for Yamaha.
Hey Harley lover I have nothing against ya, just that I'm not in mood to fix or push the bike all the time! AND my goldwing was made in America! (Ohio)

starrygaze said:
Riding on biker feels like you fly in the wind. I did ride my 82 Yahama Virgo few years ago. It was fun. Wonder if you wear helmet. I wore helment without shield face.

I admit you had wind in your hair and face on long road!
i admit i am going to go to town now.. so talk to yall later.. ok? :)
Sometime I dont wear helmet for nice short errands. because it's law to tell us to wear helmet. My dad always tells me to wear! I wonder what if Luckysmile will say? She does not want me to die without helmet? I will not ride so much.

I admit I fix my trailer and am enjoying my time here. :type:

diehardbiker65 said:
I admit I hate helmet! I rode without helmet from Illinois to Pennsylvania. Forced me to wear it right before entering New Yawk state line. I love to be in the wind! Yamaga Virago is real nice bike! I have rode several bikes, including Harley Davidson. The best I have rode is Yamaha V-star Custom 1100cc with screaming exhaust pipe! I chose Goldwing for good reason... I can ride it almost year around up here in New Yawk state. They got design that heats you in the late fall or early spring. But if I live in the southwest or something like that, I'd gone for Yamaha.
Hey Harley lover I have nothing against ya, just that I'm not in mood to fix or push the bike all the time! AND my goldwing was made in America! (Ohio)
i admit that i been lay on bed and rest alll day since i dont feel good.. so i wanna heal!
I admit taht I wanna to give TB a big :hug: and make her feel better in NO time!
I admit I don't have time to make an arguement if I get involved a plm w/ sm1 then I will have more trouble.
I admit that I want Tweetybird to feel better soon as possible as it can be heal quickly.
sequoias said:
I admit that I want Tweetybird to feel better soon as possible as it can be heal quickly.
i admit that i say thanks to u! that sweet of u! :hug:
I admit I am relieved that rain keeps my home cool. More rain! rain outside smells so good!
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