*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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Pomeranian said:
Huh Ah!!! gotcha!!! Thanks.

I admit now I know. Dang alldeaf for not accepting html code. :giggle:

i admit to say you are welcome! :D

I admit i cant wait to use this cuz of kalista always make funny of my smiley face from last halloween! i admit i found this perfect smiley for halloween and i admit i cant wait to use it for halloween! :rofl:
Luckysmile23 said:
I admit you can surf thru the smiley site- http://ruinsmiley.tripod.com/RuinsSmileyLinks.htm so go ahead and be my guest! i admit i do collect smileys too! I admit i do love smiley faces! hehe.. :P

Pom.. You can use image host to insert the smileys.. AD will not accept html codes.. dang.. :(

Thank you Luckysmiles!!!
Im all done picked some of cool smiley icons storaged into my smileypad! :D
GalaxyAngel said:
Thank you Luckysmiles!!!
Im all done picked some of cool smiley icons storaged into my smileypad! :D

I admit you are very WELCOME! :D
I admit that I've been cleaning and cleaning! So much to clean! UGH! We need to start downsizing the stuff!!! Thank god for Freecycler group and Craiglist! :)
I admit that I've washed beddings today. Three from three bedrooms! ALOT of laundry today! UGH! I did folded clothes and put them away. So I think I have 3 or 4 more load! :pissed:
I admit yes! :( Total probably 8 loads!!! UGH! I put one comforter each load otherwise my front loader won't fit two! LOL! Just one...so wash 4 comforter and one blanket. I am gonna store my blanket away since I was hot last night!

Luckysmile23 said:
i admit that is ALOTS of laundry to do?? wow! :(
LakeTahoe said:
I admit yes! :( Total probably 8 loads!!! UGH! I put one comforter each load otherwise my front loader won't fit two! LOL! Just one...so wash 4 comforter and one blanket. I am gonna store my blanket away since I was hot last night!

i admit i already put other 4 blanket up but except 1 i am still using .. i admit it is hot here! :ugh2:
I admit I'm already wornt out and haven't got back home yet. I'm now half way back home! Now in Toledo, Ohio! Takin a short break. Thank god for gorgous weather! Perfect weather!
I admit that DHB65 is still alive and I thanks god for that. Keep it safe DHB65. Yea thanks goodness the weather is cooperate with you. :D
I admit that my baby is happy riding his Goldwing! Be safe!!! And hurry HOME!
diehardbiker65 said:
I admit I'm already wornt out and haven't got back home yet. I'm now half way back home! Now in Toledo, Ohio! Takin a short break. Thank god for gorgous weather! Perfect weather!
I admit that I agreed with Pom to keep DHB65 stay safe and get home safe and sound!
Pomeranian said:
I admit that DHB65 is still alive and I thanks god for that. Keep it safe DHB65. Yea thanks goodness the weather is cooperate with you. :D
i admit i am :zzz: ready to hit bed.. so good nite yall :D
I admit you all sleep except me. Have a good Memorial Day to you ALL! :)
I admit I felt stuck in highway! Still not home yet but I'm now in new yawk and my body's way way way wornt out! Next city will be my hometown! I need a break again! I think I'm gettin 2 old for 700 miles trip!
I admit that I felt relieved to be back home! Soon hit sack after 15 hours of riding! Chicago road SUCKS! Traffic's terrible down there. Its just too much for me.
i admit i am glad to hear that DHB made it home safely.. :D
I admit that I am SOOO happy to see my baby's home! He sure worn out and sleeping peacefully now. :)
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