Yesterday we went to the consuler and I won. My consuler explained to my parents very clearly that the money is mine no matter what kind of money it was, plus I am nearly 21 years old (exactly a month left today), and he explained to my parents that when they have my money, then they are involved and that's why I kept blaming on my parents. That is why my parents refuse to give me the money because they fear of me accusing them, but the consuler make it clear that if they kept hold it then I will remain blame them because they have my money. Also we all made our own agreement that we will not turn back to the same story in the past after my parents return my money back.
I am kinda shock that 3 years arguement simply solved in one day with consuler, it could be the most ridicilious arguement in entire of my life, but I still love my parents

Also I was nearly cancel the trip to Greece with my parents and my brother due to personal conflict, but now I am going and it would be on this May 30 to June 10, which June 8 would be my 21st birthday and hope it would be fun!
Also actually my parents finally accept returning my money back about 4 days before the consuler, but I decide to say nothing till the consuler. During those 4 days, I found a house that I can afford so I guess I probably buy a house, that house is near the downtown Vancouver and have good city bus transportation, also near many of stores so it's not bad location for me.
About Las Vegas, well.. I really want to move there, but too many of my friends and families kept begging me to stay so I guess it's better for me to wait till I become more older. Sorry for those my friends who expect me to move.. I guess I will plan a trip to Las Vegas someday
That's all I can say, guess that case is close now and no more further conflict with my parents for my freedom rights now. I am all on my own now, finally that's exactly what I always would fight for.
Thank you everyone for the advice