Palin's Daughter--Pregnant!

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Accord religion belief - it should not sex before marriage. "Unwed" mothers is out of question... *shrug*

Did you know that Palin do not support sex education at school?

Doesn't appear that she supports it at home, either.:hmm:
Why the merge?

The one thread is about the 5 month old son of Sarah Palin who may/may not be her biological son and my thread is specifically about Palin's 17 year old daughter that is pregnant. 2 different topics.

Thanks for confusing the topics SG. :roll:

The topic is still consist the relation to Sarah Palin. As for Liebling's link it did mentioned

Okay, lets just get to the bottom of these Sarah Palin baby scandal rumors that are claiming Sarah’s daughter Bristol Palin is actually the real mother of her fifth child.

The Sarah Palin babygate rumors which have been circulating for months picked up speed on Friday when the Daily Kos posted a blog entry claiming the Alaska governor faked her pregnancy to cover up daughter Bristol’s teen pregnancy.

Which is relates to your thread as well.
The topic is still consist the relation to Sarah Palin. As for Liebling's link it did mentioned

Which is relates to your thread as well.

I can see that but if one does the math--if one is a 5 month old baby and one is 5 months pregnant-one can lay to rest about the 5 month old son.....:)
McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs

WASHINGTON — Republican John McCain, whose running mate disclosed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, has opposed proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs and voted to require poor teen mothers to stay in school or lose their benefits.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's announcement Monday about her daughter Bristol was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's. Palin said her daughter intends to raise her child and marry the baby's father, identified in news reports as Levi Johnston, 18, of Wasilla, a high school hockey player whom Bristol has dated for about one year. The baby is due in late December.

McCain's record on issues surrounding teen pregnancy and contraceptives during his more than two decades in the Senate indicates that he and Palin have similar views. Until Monday, when the subject surfaced in a deeply personal manner, teen pregnancy and sex education were not issues in the national political campaign.

Palin herself said she opposes funding sexual-education programs in Alaska.

"The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," she wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates.

McCain's position on contraceptives and teen pregnancy issues has been difficult to judge on the campaign trail, as he appears uncomfortable discussing such topics. Reporters asked the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in November 2007 whether he supported grants for sex education in the United States, whether such programs should include directions for using contraceptives and whether he supports President Bush's policy of promoting abstinence.

"Ahhh, I think I support the president's policy," McCain said.

When reporters pressed McCain whether the government should provide contraceptives or counseling on contraceptives, he replied, "You've stumped me." McCain said later that he was sure he opposed government spending on contraceptives.

The McCain campaign on Monday did not respond to repeated requests for information.

In Senate votes, McCain has opposed some proposals to pay for teen-pregnancy prevention programs. In 2006, McCain joined fellow Republicans in voting against a Senate Democratic proposal to send $100 million to communities for teen-pregnancy prevention programs that would have included sex education about contraceptives.

In 2005, McCain opposed a Senate Democratic proposal that would have spent tens of millions of dollars to pay for pregnancy prevention programs other than abstinence-only education, including education on emergency contraception such as the morning-after pill. The bill also would have required insurance companies that cover Viagra to also pay for prescription contraception.

McCain voted for the Family Support Act in 1988, which passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and required teen mothers who receive public assistance to remain in high school and, in some cases, to live with their parents.

"Young parents who have not completed high school will be required to stay in or return to school to complete the basic education so necessary to a productive life," said President Reagan, as he signed the law in October 1988.

McCain cited abortion, sex education and birth control as some of the issues on which he differed with Joycelyn Elders, former President Clinton's nominee for surgeon general. He quoted Elders as telling lawmakers that abortion has had positive health effects, including reducing the number of children "afflicted with severe defects."

"As a father of a number of young children, including an adopted daughter who was born with a birth defect, I am deeply, deeply troubled by these views," McCain said in a 1993 speech opposing Elders' confirmation.

Palin's fifth child, a son named Trig, was born in April with Down syndrome, a genetic abnormality that impedes physical, intellectual and language development. Conservatives supportive of Palin as McCain's running mate have praised her choice to deliver Trig even after the family learned about his condition during prenatal testing.

McCain said the country unarguably had a problem with teen pregnancy, but said Elders' approach would only make it worse. He said Elders started a program to distribute condoms in schools, but the rate of teen pregnancy actually rose in those counties. When it turned out many of the condoms were defective, Elders decided to continue the program rather than halt it or inform the public of the risk, McCain added.

McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs | | The Tennessean
what a interesting thread.. yeah more teens are getting pregnant at young age... compared to 1950's all was so neat and perfect.. but now blah nobody give crap about what they are doing I guess having sex is a purpose to have fun but why not play it safe? sheesh I wished teens go get birth control to prevent from getting pregnant or they will lose their dreams what they want to do after h.s and all anyways I think teens doesn't realize having kids does cost a fortune paying on medical bills and more to come.
Levi Johnston to join Palin family at convention
Bristol Palin's boyfriend left Alaska Tuesday morning

I don´t know what should I say... *shake my head sadly*

At first Palin asked media to respect her daughter´s privacy. I agree with her that her daughter shouldn't be part of the political discussion but now? Sorry, she can't have it both ways.

The Palins were proud to announce that they will be Grandparents and then say that Bristol and the baby's father will be getting married.

But Levi Johnston´s side...

Bristol Palin's pregnancy was an open secret back home

Levi described himself as a reckneck...

The description of the article sounds that Levi do not feel ready for fatherhood and marry yet.

It look like that Sarah rather have her daughter to marry that guy than be a single mother or put the baby up for adoption?

I'm sorry, Sarah Palin is a neglectful mother who put herself before her daughter´s welfare...

If you disagree with the link about Levi then feel free to post other links to against the link, I provide here.
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don't worry.... as VP - she'll have all the best help and professionals in the world to help her son........ at tax payers' expense, of course..... oh well

Pathetic hypocrites!!!

She can afford to hire professionals to do their job to develop her son with Down Sydrome and against abortion and plan to ban the abortion rights without use good judgement that many people can´t afford to take their disabled children to therapy because they do not have healthcare...

She KNEW she will have Down sydrome child when she was pregnant and continue to keep him because she don´t beleive in abortion. It´s HER responsible, not anyone...

As a parent, I consider it my responsibility to raise my children and guide them. I have a very low opinion of someone who just has babies, and then give someone else to raise for them.
So, do you want Palin's family to be PERFECT?

Huh? Nobody says that Palin´s family should be prefect but family values!!!

Family values??? What a joking!!! Palin public humiliate her 17 year old daughter and her boyfriend up for the sake of her career. She should reject McCain´s VP offer when she was the governor. I would say when I were Sarah Palin: "Thank you for think of me but sorry, I can´t take your VP offer because my family values come first and explain the reason is her daughter and down sydrome son...

Well said, Obama!!!

Yes, the children should not use as political gain/debate for election... This is not about poor Bristol and her situation but responsible family planning, birth control and a woman's right to choose.

He's right to say that a mistake by a teenager shouldn't be punished with a baby. If a pregnant teenager has parent or parents who support her and help her not feel that she is being punished, then she will have a better chance to face the future. He doesn't want them punished with the burden of having to take care of a baby at an early age! If I have a daughter then I would respect my daughter´s decision for keep a baby or not. I will be glad to support my child´s decision if she decides to keep a baby. I do not use my child to boost my election.

Yes, Obama is right that the children should keep out of political discussion.

I am glad that Obama made this statement.
Okay, so Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. BIG DEAL! Move on!

Okay, so Clinton had sex under his desk. BIG DEAL! Move on!

Okay, so the vice president shot the governor on a hunting trip. BIG DEAL! move on!

Geez. They are human. MOVE ON!

don't worry.... as VP - she'll have all the best help and professionals in the world to help her son........ at tax payers' expense, of course..... oh well

The thing is some of us are questioning if its a good idea for her to be even considered a VP because of the fact that she already has a 5 month old special needs child and a daughter that is already 5 months pregnant.

Secondly she is an ardent supporter of the abstinence program and obviously she is preaching about abstinence while her daughter is out getting knocked up.

She needs to focus on her family and not on the VP.
The thing is some of us are questioning if its a good idea for her to be even considered a VP because of the fact that she already has a 5 month old special needs child and a daughter that is already 5 months pregnant.

Secondly she is an ardent supporter of the abstinence program and obviously she is preaching about abstinence while her daughter is out getting knocked up.

She needs to focus on her family and not on the VP.

A case of good parenting=ability to hire a nanny.
Huh? Nobody says that Palin´s family should be prefect but family values!!!

Family values??? What a joking!!! Palin public humiliate her 17 year old daughter and her boyfriend up for the sake of her career. She should reject McCain´s VP offer when she was the governor. I would say when I were Sarah Palin: "Thank you for think of me but sorry, I can´t take your VP offer because my family values come first and explain the reason is her daughter and down sydrome son...

Time to learn history....

FDR felt he is humiliate that he is in wheelchair. Can't he be open-mind and show in public if there is mistake?

We live in an error way.

By the way, you thought Obama is wonderful because he also "Kill and Destroy".

"This video is about babies who survive abortions, are born ALIVE and left to die. And Obama SUPPORTS THIS"
Pathetic hypocrites!!!

She can afford to hire professionals to do their job to develop her son with Down Sydrome and against abortion and plan to ban the abortion rights without use good judgement that many people can´t afford to take their disabled children to therapy because they do not have healthcare...

She KNEW she will have Down sydrome child when she was pregnant and continue to keep him because she don´t beleive in abortion. It´s HER responsible, not anyone...

As a parent, I consider it my responsibility to raise my children and guide them. I have a very low opinion of someone who just has babies, and then give someone else to raise for them.

Huh? Nobody says that Palin´s family should be prefect but family values!!!

Family values??? What a joking!!! Palin public humiliate her 17 year old daughter and her boyfriend up for the sake of her career. She should reject McCain´s VP offer when she was the governor. I would say when I were Sarah Palin: "Thank you for think of me but sorry, I can´t take your VP offer because my family values come first and explain the reason is her daughter and down sydrome son...

The thing is some of us are questioning if its a good idea for her to be even considered a VP because of the fact that she already has a 5 month old special needs child and a daughter that is already 5 months pregnant.

Secondly she is an ardent supporter of the abstinence program and obviously she is preaching about abstinence while her daughter is out getting knocked up.

She needs to focus on her family and not on the VP.

It's funny that you're all angry and finger-pointing at her - FOCUS ON YOUR FAMILY! SHAME ON YOU! Special needs is not cheap. Special help is not cheap. Special etc. is not cheap! Sarah Palin and her husband gotta work to support their kids and their special needs! Don't you consider that this is a great career opportunity for her to be able to provide best available help and school for their kids, especially her son with down syndrome? WAKE UP, AMERICA! YOUR PARENTS DO IT TOO! Why not Palin?

For god's sake.... she has 5 children and another one on the way.
It's funny that you're all angry and finger-pointing at her - FOCUS ON YOUR FAMILY! SHAME ON YOU! Special needs is not cheap. Special help is not cheap. Special etc. is not cheap! Sarah Palin and her husband gotta work to support their kids and their special needs! Don't you consider that this is a great career opportunity for her to be able to provide best available help and school for their kids, especially her son with down syndrome? WAKE UP, AMERICA! YOUR PARENTS DO IT TOO! Why not Palin?

For god's sake.... she has 5 children and another one on the way.[/QUOTE]

Sarah Palin is pregnant again?:shock:
For god's sake.... she has 5 children and another one on the way.[/QUOTE]

Sarah Palin is pregnant again?:shock:

lol sorry. I misspoke. well we know her daughter's having one on the way. I should have said - "she has 5 children and a GRANDSON on the way" :ty:
lol sorry. I misspoke. well we know her daughter's having one on the way. I should have said - "she has 5 children and a GRANDSON on the way" :ty:

Hmmm.....I haven't seen the news that the fetus is a male. Got a link?
Hmmm.....I haven't seen the news that the child is a male. Got a link?

oh crap. very good catch. I misspoke AGAIN. :slap: Correction - "She has 5 children and a grandCHILD on the way"
It's funny that you're all angry and finger-pointing at her - FOCUS ON YOUR FAMILY! SHAME ON YOU! Special needs is not cheap. Special help is not cheap. Special etc. is not cheap! Sarah Palin and her husband gotta work to support their kids and their special needs! Don't you consider that this is a great career opportunity for her to be able to provide best available help and school for their kids, especially her son with down syndrome? WAKE UP, AMERICA! YOUR PARENTS DO IT TOO! Why not Palin?

For god's sake.... she has 5 children and another one on the way.

Excuse me please for say that your post is an ignorant! Of course we know how therapies cost and Special needs is not cheap because my oldest son has ADD when he was a little boy. I work 8 hours a day (from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm) and then my hubby work from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm). I or my hubby took our ADD son to therapies for long years and need tips to understand our son..., not give someone to do for us... Who pays my son´s therapies? Of course HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bowdown: HEALTHCARE!!! Thanks therapies, that my teenage son´s problematic behavior didn´t show very much... no more therapies... we know a lot how to help him.

Do you really think every middle class workers like me can afford to pay expensive therapies to help our children with special needs out of our pocket ?????????? It´s okay for Palin, not every middle and low class workers.... that´s why I support healthcare for every Americans to support their life easy... then they can help their children...

I am not saying that Palin give her job up to be housewife but only say that she should stick her job as Governor in the state with very small population then she can go home to family everyday. She can be there when her family need her. As VP is IMPOSSIBLE ..... How could her family need her when she is everywhere around USA or out of USA? She would see a very little of her family and neglect her support for her teenage preggy daughter´s need and also her son´s special needs as well. All what she says is: It´s her daughter´s own responsible and then said that she and her boyfriend getting married... It look like shotgun married to me?????????

Yes, Byrdie714 is correct that Palin need to focus her family!!!!!!!!!!!! What´s wrong with her job as Govenor?????????? It look like that she choose career as a VP over her family.

The Pain's haven't made that appeal yet.

Therefore their children will be scrutinized until an appeal is made by them.
Realistically, do you believe such an appeal would be respected by the media?
As VP is IMPOSSIBLE ..... How could her family need her when she is everywhere around USA or out of USA? She would see a very little of her family and neglect her support for her teenage preggy daughter´s need and also her son´s special needs as well.
Says you. If that's how you think, well that's too bad. I'm sure she puts her family first and that's why she works so hard to provide for her family. I'm sure she has discussed with them about VP and they're supporting her to go for it.

What´s wrong with her job as Govenor?????????? It look like that she choose career as a VP over her family.
better career opportunity, better future, better pay, better benefit. all these.. equals better life for her family. She can advocate or work on bills for betterment for Americans.

You think governor job is that easy where it's just 9-5... sign some papers.. make a few phone calls... and then go home? simple as that? oye...... you surely are in for a rude awakening!
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