
Your study looks interesting and I would participate if I was fluent in ASL.

I don't know what issues you are considering in your study but as someone who has participated in various types of lobbying for closed captioning on TV and the Internet, FM or infrared devices in live theatre and other assistive listening devices (ALDs) such as accessible fire alarms in motels -- one thing that is considered politically is how many people can be helped by a particular assistive listening device.

The goal is to help the widest number of people possible. The assumption in this country is that most people are literate so closed captioning is a better accomodation than PIP with ASL because the former can help the hard of hearing, deaf and Deaf. (Members of the first two groups usually don't know ASL.) However, the latter can only help the Deaf.

For example, in NYC there is an organization called the Theatre Development Fund (TDF). They have a program called the Theatre Access Program (TAP). As just one example of what they do, every summer they make some of the Shakespeare in the Park showings accessible to the D/d/HH. They do so by CART (looks like open captions in a place where its easy to both see the action on the stage and read the captions without being distracting to those who aren't interested in captioning). This is the best solution because its accessible to the majority of D/d/HH. An FM or infrared ALD would not be accessible to the Deaf or deaf. An ASL intepretation would not be accessible to the deaf or HH.
This is not a charity organization. If someone wants to help you out, it's up to them. Don't plaster your wares all over the place. It does nothing to increase my desire to help you.
Please see your Private Messages, there you will discover a brief introduction on how to use a forum.

This website is a forum, not a chatroom. Please keep it to mind.
I'm not that knowledgable about ASL yet but I think another thing to consider is that closed captioning, when done accurately, offers an English to English presentation.

ASL is another language and whenever there is a translation from one language to another -- my understanding is that something will be changed. It's inevitable. That's not neccesarily a bad thing, but I think it's something that should be acknowledged.

Perhaps someone who is fluent in ASL can confirm whether I'm on target or not.
I am not trying to force anybody to participate in this study, I was just trying to spread it around so that enough people could see it. My plan wasn't to spam it like crazy that was not my intentions. Its just that the population we need samples from is so small.
Who do you represent? the college? a firm?

Personally I cannot access this link (blocked from my location). I am very happy with caption being provided and would prefer not to have a PIP signer unless it's for a speech (or something that I was not watching the action for).
I will explain for what you did and how it was seen around here.

For example, you are posting a message about a lost dog, and you are taking your print-out and putting them on trees in a neighborhood.
The manner you approached in spreading your lost dog poster, in this neighborhood, was that you were trying to post it on every tree in front of every single house in the block, where most people in that neighborhood would have been fine with the one at the end of the street.

We have stopped you before the neighbors started complaining. Thus, we have merely cleaned up the mistakes and allowed you to continue using the original tree you had put it up on.
Probably my last post in this thread. I usually don't participate in studies because its exhausting to be the target of so many requests.

I think this is probably going to be the reaction of most of the other participants in this forum also.

But from what I noticed in other forums, most people when they make a request of this kind, give an estimate of when their study will be completed and available to be read, and a link to that study. Or offer a way to get that link later.

Most requesters don't tend to do that here. Of course most of the requests made here seem to be for help with a weekly homework assignment so that explains that for those type of requests. But for the other type of requests, those that involve actual studies, I'm surprised that isn't being done. You would probably get more responses if you did offer that info.
How do you think we benefit from taking this survey?
Well it depends on what we find. We wanna see if PIP signing is better for watching visual media. If it is we will try to make it more accessible for the deaf community.
Well it depends on what we find. We wanna see if PIP signing is better for watching visual media. If it is we will try to make it more accessible for the deaf community.

How do you as a hearing collective figure these are the things the deaf community needs? How about asking us what we need, then work from there?
So, how much ASL do you know? What is your interaction with your local deaf community?

I ask this because I get the feeing that you are confused and are looking to help the deaf community. It's almost like giving a homeless man a fishing pole with hook and bait... in the middle of the City.

What do I want???

I want an iPad app that does real time CAR like speech to text. I want this on my phone too. Yes I can use the relay for the phone, but it would still be nice. I want want the police forces accross america better trainned to work with deaf citizens. I want metro trains to all use text above the doors or at least visable on all trains. I want all customer facing employees trained in STEP (looking for the thread). I want visual order menus at all drive through. I want hearing people to stop appologizing when I tell them I am deaf.

Is that too much to ask for?
So, how much ASL do you know? What is your interaction with your local deaf community?

I ask this because I get the feeing that you are confused and are looking to help the deaf community. It's almost like giving a homeless man a fishing pole with hook and bait... in the middle of the City.

What do I want???

I want an iPad app that does real time CAR like speech to text. I want this on my phone too. Yes I can use the relay for the phone, but it would still be nice. I want want the police forces accross america better trainned to work with deaf citizens. I want metro trains to all use text above the doors or at least visable on all trains. I want all customer facing employees trained in STEP (looking for the thread). I want visual order menus at all drive through. I want hearing people to stop appologizing when I tell them I am deaf.

Is that too much to ask for?
I actually am working on the solution for that....
Well one of my group members actually has alot of deaf friends he's the one that came up with it. In no why are we trying to come off like we are trying to be your savior. Its just something that he thought of and now we are trying to research it for our class.
Well one of my group members actually has alot of deaf friends he's the one that came up with it. In no why are we trying to come off like we are trying to be your savior. Its just something that he thought of and now we are trying to research it for our class.

I wouldn't mind an Angel... Lord knows I need one of those. :P

PFH - Let me know if you need help with the iPad app!!!