Our Pets Pictures....

here is my late dog , her name was Mona.. i got her 3 weeks before i graduated from high school which was april 12, 1996... a person told me that dog was breed mixed with wolf and chow chow .. but her vet dr said german shepard/chowchow , i dont care what kind breed, but i loved her so much , she was very good guard!! loved chasin my ass all the time, she was good watching at me when i sneakin out from the window, she ran to my bedroom and bited my ass and she barked so loud so let my mom know , i was like damn , cause her mind ruined by my mom which she controlled her behave and against me! no matter i always loved her all in my life, she was the best dog i had!!! she got killed by humane society guard guy *shrugs* . i dont believed his words about my dog , she never bite anyone , OH PLEASE!!! cause she dont want to getting out of her cage.. which my dad's best friend tried to adopting her somehow the guard said mona bited his hand and got his finger off! .. i dont know if i believe his story or not! it happened in October 2002 , i had her for near 6 years... I thought that my parents took care of her for me while i lived in apartment which not allowed pet.. so my parents wanted to move to my hometown and lived on their own apartment which no pet allowed so i got upset! no choice .. we putted her at humane society cause we been asked everyone if they wanted her or not.. it been about 4 months! so we gave up.. moved on! i know it SAD!!! shrugs!!

here her picture!! i need to find a her pic as she was BIGGER dog when it was in 2001 soon.. but here is her pic when she was baby. about 3 months old!




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    Mona (2).jpg
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