When the clock strikes 12 a.m., then surely you can go outside and see 'her' (aka Mother Nature) and see how cute and big it is!!
As for this cute kitten, one of the boys here is really really attached to Midnight, I don't think you would want to break his heart, now would you? Nah, I didn't think so...sooo...just enjoy the cute pixes!
Midnight reminds me of My sister's cat name Midnight and she's black cat too! She had her for... since 1987 till 2000 she died in her sleep on her own... Midnight always *attack me* everytime I pat her but toward to end she allows me to pat her! so It mades me feel good knowing that she lets me pat her and saying that she's ok going into peace you know...
I looked in my folder, I don't see any Jake.. I will have to take another picture of Jake.. but Right now I can't let Jake in cuz Everett will get mad! lol he doesn't like Jake when Jake is Hyper.. but I have notice Everett is getting Taller than Jake is.. soo *soon soon* he will get over with it by allowing Jake in house anytime!
Last night I let jake in.. and Everett stood and frozed but watch him very carefully he let him pass him 3 time but jake got so closed and everett start freak out but didn't cried soo That's good start.. well this is Jake's house too He has his right to stay inside you know hehe... But everett will eventually accept Jake *soon* since it's barely close to Winter!