Our deaf culture is threatened by cochlear implants?

Why is it that so many of you lump us hearing parents with a deaf child into the same category? Isnt that what several here accuse us "hearies" of?
Why is it that we are always looked as as stupid?
How many of you have actually taken the time to talk to parents like me? I am guessing not many have, based soley on your ill-informed manner in which you stereotype.

Damn, some here are pretty damed ignorant. The level of some peoples ignorance would be pretty amusing if it weren't so damned sad.
I come from a hearing family and I am the only Deaf one in my family. I resent it when Deaf people who have 100% Deaf families over many Deaf family generations tell me that my opinion what I have to say does not count etc. They say I have to be Deaf when I am obivously Deaf :roll: They get all high and mighty then have an attidute of " I am more Deaf than thou. " :nono:
Lillys dad, you are "preaching to the choir" with some of us (ie I hear ya loud and clear, despite the hearing impairment). Let me know if you need a bit more intelligence and understanding in your forum experience.
I'm letting you know, please gimmie something to work with. I'm getting bored trying to explain the same things over and over again.

Heath, I undersand completely. With my line of work I deal with the same type of ignorance when dealing with different "whoa is me" type of attitudes as it realtes to mulit-generational ignorance.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, I do not consider same thing...

Simple is:

Without surgery...

If your child needs glasses, you get glasses...

If your child needs legs, you get a prosthetic...

If your child need to hear, you get a hearing aid.

And go on...

With Surgery...

If your child needs to see, you get eye surgery

If your child needs to hear, you get CI

And go on...

This is a difference.
Yet, both are the same... tools. :)
We shouldn't be blaming the CI for this. We should be blaming the parents for not allowing their child to learn the reality of her deafness. What if that child grew up a bit older and was at the mall with her mom. Suddenly, she trips and breaks her CI magnet. Now, her CI doesn't work. She's standing all alone and lost. She doesn't know any sign language. She doesn't have full writing capability. She can't understand what others are saying. She's screwed.
Lillys dad said:
Why is it that so many of you lump us hearing parents with a deaf child into the same category? Isnt that what several here accuse us "hearies" of? Why is it that we are always looked as as stupid?
How many of you have actually taken the time to talk to parents like me? I am guessing not many have, based soley on your ill-informed manner in which you stereotype. Damn, some here are pretty damed ignorant. The level of some peoples ignorance would be pretty amusing if it weren't so damned sad.
These are the deaf Audist's that I know exist. There seems to be idiots in all walks of life including the deaf community. In that regard, the deaf are not different than the hearing. We all have people that need to hate. And I wouldn't give them so much credit by calling them ignorant because they no better but choose to hate anyway.
Lillys dad said:
I'm letting you know, please gimmie something to work with. I'm getting bored trying to explain the same things over and over again.

Heath, I undersand completely. With my line of work I deal with the same type of ignorance when dealing with different "whoa is me" type of attitudes as it realtes to mulit-generational ignorance.
it is "woe is me" not "whoa" :D
i won't put this ci in my ear NO WAY

i am happy with silence and i am happy to be deaf PERIOD
i won't let ci ruined my world
Audism people thinks Deaf children will be able to hear everything that is how it went wrong misinformation about us and our deaf ears.

:whistle: :zzz:

Rock your post makes alot of sense. The day I left to go into the army, my dad gave me some good advice that I use on a daily basis. "When you go through life, always remember that 90% of the world is stupid, and the 10% do not really care anymore because they are sick of f$@king with stupid people all day long".
We shouldn't be blaming the CI for this. We should be blaming the parents for not allowing their child to learn the reality of her deafness.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Audist Oralism can be practiced PERFECTLY well even without CI! Remmy when WE were small?
Maybe if the Deaf culture pushed more of a "dhh kids should have a FULL communication toolbox" and can be BILINGAL, we'd have more hearing parents learning Sign.
I just see too many parents who are incredibly audist/ablist and just want "healthy normal kids".......
I think that NAD and other Deaf people should emphasize the fact that dhh kids who Sign ARE very normal....I'm with you Vampy......I really do think more hearing parents need to psychologically come to terms with their kids' differences......
Lillys dad said:
Rock your post makes alot of sense. The day I left to go into the army, my dad gave me some good advice that I use on a daily basis. "When you go through life, always remember that 90% of the world is stupid, and the 10% do not really care anymore because they are sick of f$@king with stupid people all day long".
Thanks... I served in the military myself for a bit... It seems that you and I have much in common.
deafdyke said:
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Audist Oralism can be practiced PERFECTLY well even without CI! Remmy when WE were small?
Maybe if the Deaf culture pushed more of a "dhh kids should have a FULL communication toolbox" and can be BILINGAL, we'd have more hearing parents learning Sign.
I just see too many parents who are incredibly audist/ablist and just want "healthy normal kids".......
I think that NAD and other Deaf people should emphasize the fact that dhh kids who Sign ARE very normal....I'm with you Vampy......I really do think more hearing parents need to psychologically come to terms with their kids' differences......

You may be onto something here. Perhaps if the deaf community stepped up and encouraged oral training more, that would attract hearing families who would then be exposed to ASL, as opposed to thinking of ASL as something used by "those creepy folks who want to isolate my kids"?
Boult, WTF DOES that have to do with what we're talking about? There's nothing in that post that has to do with the current subject.
All they say is that people there are anti-CI.
"We shouldn't be blaming the CI for this. We should be blaming the parents for not allowing their child to learn the reality of her deafness."

Umm, not quite. Everyone here agrees that a person with a CI is still deaf right? Then all they have to do to see/understand the reality of thier deafness is to take the CI off. My daughter gets that reality constantly. She just has the luxury of being able to do both, hear, or not hear.
deafdyke said:
Boult, WTF DOES that have to do with what we're talking about? There's nothing in that post that has to do with the current subject.
All they say is that people there are anti-CI.
I noticed that too.

VamPyroX said:
We shouldn't be blaming the CI for this. We should be blaming the parents for not allowing their child to learn the reality of her deafness. What if that child grew up a bit older and was at the mall with her mom. Suddenly, she trips and breaks her CI magnet. Now, her CI doesn't work. She's standing all alone and lost. She doesn't know any sign language. She doesn't have full writing capability. She can't understand what others are saying. She's screwed.
:gpost: An excellent point, and one thing I've been trying to point out.
VamPyroX said:
We shouldn't be blaming the CI for this. We should be blaming the parents for not allowing their child to learn the reality of her deafness. What if that child grew up a bit older and was at the mall with her mom. Suddenly, she trips and breaks her CI magnet. Now, her CI doesn't work. She's standing all alone and lost. She doesn't know any sign language. She doesn't have full writing capability. She can't understand what others are saying. She's screwed.

*nodding agreement* That´s why I recommend hearing parents to expose their deaf children to BOTH worlds. It´s meanfuling for the deaf children to familiar with both worlds because deaf children are deaf and their parents are hearing.