Only a Quarter of Parents to Deaf Kids Know Sign Language

I agree.

I have friends who work in schools. A lot of them say that their students are not getting the communication needed at home and/or by their parents. A lot of parents are just giving up and letting the school deal with their deaf children.

It's getting sad that a lot of parents are giving up and thinking that learning sign language is too much work and a hassle. So, they either go for cochlear implants (thinking it's a "cure") or just let the schools deal with it. :roll:
You don't know why I would want to have more than a basic level of vocabulary and classifiers and pursue a a better command of the language? I guess that's a valid perspective: why do we need all that unnecessary verbiage when communicating. Maybe George Orwell's 'newspeak' was doubleplusgood after all. Why would I want to introduce my child to something like this: ASL Shakespeare Project when I could just sign big rain sink boat, sister swim, she dress like boy, go to work, brother swim, he find friend. Princess (I don't know Duke, Lord, Lady, Count, etc.) love pretend boy, pretend boy love Prince, Princess marry brother think pretend boy, everybody confuse, angry, pretend boy -- true girl -- show leg, prince marry pretend boy now girl, people trick bad guy, all good at night.

That perfect example of late Joe Velez's "Jabberwocky" poem in ASL. That poem was written in Old English language. Translation from Old English language into ASL is not that easy unless you are proficient in English language and creativity of ASL poem.

Gallaudet Video Catalog: Joe Velez in "Jabberwocky"

Personally, I could not do ASL poem very well. :aw:
Just think: If ASL was an official language of the country (like kenya) all students will be able to learn it in the USA.. Then in the future there will be no need of CI, Interpreters, and best of all, LESS oppression and more understanding.

This kind of BS is happening because of the ideology in america which is you have to hear and speak to succeed. There's WAYYYY too fucking many stupid people who think deaf people cant do shit. Hence the 70% unemployment rate in the deaf/oraldeaf world.

THAT!! That's what Deaf are talking about!! Oppression is still ongoing in Deaf community. Enough is Enough!!

Anyway, well said!
I am wondering if the excuse is due to fears that ASL will limit their children?
Or just plain lazy. Every parents are different. Some of them rather them to talk than to use hands. One friend of mine, he told me that his parents got upset with him for not practice his speeches and he got upset with his parents for not learning ASL to communicate with his deaf wife. They don't bother to learn ASL because they felt they do not need it since their son can read their lips and speak but wont learn to communicate with their daughter in law. But then again from what I understand what my parents went thru, all BS from AGB and John Tracy Clinic told her about oralism, u know all those lies they feeding into my parents' head. They believed them. Today is different, now with new CI things, I bet they are using same they did with my parents back in 60's to new parents today. Recycle.
Actually, it's Haiku, a form of Japanese poetry. Rhyming is not a requirement in writing Haiku poetry, but it can be used if you want to.

Speaking of rhymes, not all English poems have to rhyme.

Some English poems like the girls are like apple trees poem over in general forum are best seen in visual form. I don't think the op of that tread was able to format the poetry in proper form.
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I miss the Sign, Song, and Poetry activities we used to have here.....
Or just plain lazy. Every parents are different. Some of them rather them to talk than to use hands. One friend of mine, he told me that his parents got upset with him for not practice his speeches and he got upset with his parents for not learning ASL to communicate with his deaf wife. They don't bother to learn ASL because they felt they do not need it since their son can read their lips and speak but wont learn to communicate with their daughter in law. But then again from what I understand what my parents went thru, all BS from AGB and John Tracy Clinic told her about oralism, u know all those lies they feeding into my parents' head. They believed them. Today is different, now with new CI things, I bet they are using same they did with my parents back in 60's to new parents today. Recycle.

It is very selfish of them. They force their deaf children to read lips and use speech..ok fine but learn ASL too!

I was so angry and bitter towards my parents for that and in some ways I still am but I cant let it ruin my life.

These organizations do not really look out for deaf children's best interests by implying that oralism is #1 above all. :roll:
Even growing up with English as my first language, I could never understand what poetry was all about but as soon as I became fluent in ASL and watched ASL poetry being told, I finally got it what poetry was about and now I can understand English poetry. Ironic, isnt it?
Yup, it has been long a big problem and the news is not new for us! It is not surprise for us that it remains a hot issue still.

For few ones against ASL (you know who they are)(those never get it :roll:);

ASL is still the best communication mode for the deaf babies to begin with in order for them to pick up their language skills BEFORE they could learn any language, let's say English for deaf American toddlers, therefore their parents ought to learn ASL. The opposition way has already proved much delay.

So their hearing parents, whoever do not know sign language, could make it up by practicing several baby signs first then pick up more and more as time goes that would be helpful in the long haul.

They, I guess, do not know where to begin thus blame that toward the audiologists and others (most commonly) who ever misdirected and/or misled them thinking other methods aka cued speech, hearing/speech training etc. It's in fact better for those above age 6 or 7 to begin them because ASL is the best beginner to use, not others.

It's high time, rather overdue for the hearing community especially the audiologists and doctors to acknowledge this as a fact (not a theory) to prevent mistakes to repeat and repeat like many did in the past. But it's especially their parents to BEGIN with their sign language skills.

It's easier for them to learn sign language than it would for any deaf toddler to learn speech and hearing in their pre-linguistic age (age 1 to age 3) in fact, period. I wish my parents did but they did not... they did not know back then (mine was back in late 60s) so I couldn't blame them.

Nowadays it should be much less excuse for those parents refusing or opting not to learn sign language for their deaf toddlers and kids too. Realize that the Internet (super info highway) should lead them there unlike ours could long before... isn't that pretty obvious so sad and wasted!

Look at most comments here that support ASL instead of other ways - why?

I've heard complains in this thread about parents either "forcing" oral only or "shipping their kids to residential schools" and not even bother learning ASL.

Yet...... if someone says "I sent my deaf kid to the whatever school for the deaf", it seems like most people here would praise that parent... Even though that parent may not have learned ASL at all.

I don't get it.
I never heard that. They are praising that they want ASL included in their child's life. Not because they ship them to a residential deaf school.
I never heard that. They are praising that they want ASL included in their child's life. Not because they ship them to a residential deaf school.

But the act of sending them to residential deaf school implies that they want ASL included in their child's life. Therefore, they get praised, no?
It's up to them where they want to send their kids, they have a choice to move or stay. Do you praise parents for sending their kids to public school (even preschool) to get their oral/speech education like my parents did? instead of sending them to a specialized oral school for the deaf? No?
It's up to them where they want to send their kids, they have a choice to move or stay. Do you praise parents for sending their kids to public school (even preschool) to get their oral/speech education like my parents did? instead of sending them to a specialized oral school for the deaf? No?

I don't usually praise people for something like that. :) Only when people have accomplished something, not really DONE something.

That's like praising a hearing person sending their hearing child to a specific school. That's just odd.

Yes, I can agree or disagree with their choices, but believe me, just simply telling me which school they went to, without knowing how the child is or functions is not enough information for me to agree or disagree with their choice.
but they do praise people for sending their kids to certain school. Especially prep schools. "That's a good school" is what I often hear. Or for my christian friends whose parents are picky about certain christian school , they praise other parents for sending their kid to school they favor. I've even seen praises of oral schools or JTC (not quite sure if it is oral school or clinic but the praises are there)
but they do praise people for sending their kids to certain school. Especially prep schools. "That's a good school" is what I often hear. Or for my christian friends whose parents are picky about certain christian school , they praise other parents for sending their kid to school they favor. I've even seen praises of oral schools or JTC (not quite sure if it is oral school or clinic but the praises are there)

For me, that's agreeing with their choice.

"I went to Paul's Steakhouse last night."
"Oh you did? What did you order?"
"The lobster."
"Omg yea that lobster is GREAT!"

Is that "praise"? Or just agreeing with their choice?

But at this point, it's just playing with words, so I'm just gonna say, personally, I think it's dumb to STRONGLY agree with their choice OR PRAISE them for choosing to do something when you know SO little about the environment or the people.

For example:
"What college is your son going next fall?"

For someone who doesn't know anything about the son and parents:
"Oh that's GREAT!"

For someone who knows a lot about their son and parents:
"Wow, didn't he recently get arrested for doing drugs and stealing money? And you barely have the money to send your child to Yale."

See the difference?
I don't see a big deal about this.

But I do think that last part is a little too much judgmental. I do not ever want anyone to judge my child like that (trashing him down like that) .. or my money.
I've heard complains in this thread about parents either "forcing" oral only or "shipping their kids to residential schools" and not even bother learning ASL.

Yet...... if someone says "I sent my deaf kid to the whatever school for the deaf", it seems like most people here would praise that parent... Even though that parent may not have learned ASL at all.

I don't get it.
It's called talking out of both sides of your arse which there are several people here that do that. I don't get it either.
I don't see a big deal about this.

But I do think that last part is a little too much judgmental. I do not ever want anyone to judge my child like that (trashing him down like that) .. or my money.
She was making a point. Don't take away from the point by getting bogged down in the details of the point. Sorry for speaking for you DD and please correct me if I am wrong.