One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings

Bush Tells VT Survivors to Find Strength
Bush Tells VT Survivors to Find Strength :

Virginia Tech Victims Mourned in Online Memorials
Virginia Tech Victims Mourned in Online Memorials :

Virginia Tech Suspect Called 'A Loner'
Virginia Tech Suspect Called 'A Loner' :

Gunman Identified as Virginia Tech Student
Gunman Identified as Virginia Tech Student :

Virginia Tech Tragedy: Share Your Thoughts
Virginia Tech Tragedy: Share Your Thoughts | :

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Tell PEOPLE Your Story: Reader Email:

Police: 33 Dead in Campus Shooting
Police: 33 Dead in Campus Shooting :

A look at some Virginia Tech victims
A look at some Virginia Tech victims - Yahoo! News

Gunman's writings were disturbing
Va. Tech gunman writings raised concerns - Yahoo! News
This is a horrible tragedy heart goes out to all those who have suffered loss in this incident :(
Does that happen a lot? I know a lot of people with CCW permits, and they've never shot anyone. I don't have a problem with getting permits and such, but I think you let people be free and don't punish everyone for the crimes of some.

I really don't think it's laws that are the problem, but the culture and society. Israel, a country where about 10 percent of the people possess permits to carry concealed weapons, has a pretty low murder rate (not counting terrorism here). Switzerland MANDATES a military weapon and ammo in each home, I think--and their murder rate is VERY low. Russia, Brazil--they both have strict gun control laws and yet their murder rates are higher than ours.

Heck, in this country, 100 years or so ago, you could buy a gun anonymously, easily, with far fewer restrictions than today, and the per capita murder rate was about 5 times less back then.

England has harsh gun control laws and their murder rate has gone up while ours has declined.

But here's the part to really think about: do we track how often people use guns in this country for defense? How often having a gun scares away a rapist, or a burgler? Probably hard to impossible to track, but shouldn't we take a stab at it?

When the Brady Act went into effect, 32 states suddenly had waiting periods for buying guns that they didn't have before. One would think that because of that that murder rates in those states went down, right, in comparison to the rates of those states for which the law changed nothing (they already had waiting periods)? But that didn't happen.

According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, "Our analyses provide no evidence that implementation of the Brady Act was associated with a reduction in homicide rates. . . . We find no differences in homicide or firearm homicide rates to adult victims in the 32 states directly subject to the Brady Act provisions compared with the remaining control states." They did find that some suicides by gun (for men over 55) went down--but the overall rate DIDN'T--those people just used another means to commit suicide.

So other than restricting what law abiding people can do, I don't see how more gun laws would do ANYTHING. And I see no evidence that would help advocate for it other than feelings. I don't think we want to base laws that would take people's rights based on feelings.

Didn't mean to imply that it happens alot. Simply saying that if someone had a concelaed carry permit, but had no training in how to react to this sort of emergency, they would be more likely to increse the death toll than to prevent it. Panic is the biggest factor. They most effective way to have stopped the shooter wouldhave been for about 12 people to rush him and disarm him. Did anyone even attepmt that while he was standing in the door of the classroom. Of course not. Why? The panic factor. We simply are not prepared for someting like this to happen, and our reactions are normally not logical at all when it does. If someone had a gun, they would have been very likely to start running and firing at the same time.
I feel bad for the families who have experienced loss or pain from this, but I really feel for those who saw people dead in the hallways and in their classrooms before they were rescued. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to see the aftermath surrounding them as they sat waiting for help or ran through it to safety. The kids that were killed sat next to the survivors in those classes ALL semester. The exams they were taking could have been finals for all we know.

Half of them are probably wondering how they lived when so many in the classrooms down the hallway died. I know I would be thinking that, and I'd have a bag packed and be heading home as soon as my family could come and get me.

I pray for all of them.
Didn't mean to imply that it happens alot. Simply saying that if someone had a concelaed carry permit, but had no training in how to react to this sort of emergency, they would be more likely to increse the death toll than to prevent it. Panic is the biggest factor.

Can't disagree with that. I'm all in favor of training laws with gun permits (here in Michigan, you need to go through training).

They most effective way to have stopped the shooter wouldhave been for about 12 people to rush him and disarm him. Did anyone even attepmt that while he was standing in the door of the classroom. Of course not. Why? The panic factor.

I don't know. I did hear that one brave teacher died when blocking the door to his classroom, giving his students time to get out windows. I hope I'd react as he did in that situation. I'd like to think my instinct would be to be as brave. I hopefully will never have to find out.

We simply are not prepared for someting like this to happen, and our reactions are normally not logical at all when it does. If someone had a gun, they would have been very likely to start running and firing at the same time.
Could be. Depends on their training. Like I said--I'm all for linking CCW permits with training.
mostly campus police always carry guns in college its allowed and what kind brand of guns.And also police officer always knew can allowed carry the guns in public if shot anywhere need approves for that.

my Uncle is jail police officer so he can carry the guns in the public dues approves so he can carry whatever with guns its so important for my uncle.

mostly laws always knew police can carry guns if you are police or not police they you cant carry the guns! without limit the guns but i never touch my uncle's guns.
part 1

Virginia massacre gunman is named
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Student caught up in US shootings
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On the web, tributes pour in to murdered Emily
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A lovers' tiff in the dormitory... then the university killer began his rampage
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The students mistaken for the gunman
The students mistaken for the gunman | the Daily Mail

The brightest and the best, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time
The brightest and the best, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time | the Daily Mail
...What about the person with a conceal permit that panicks and shoots a friend coming around the corner that really posed no threat?
To get a permit, one is required to take a course on gun safety and proficiency, and is tested on the gun laws of that state, which includes the circumstances under which one can fire a gun. That doesn't mean all accidents will be eliminated but it greatly reduces the chance of accidents. Each state has variations but that's the basic procedure. | State CCW Information
Neither campus that I worked this week did diddly squat about security.

Why would they if there's no sign of threat?

Though following the tragic event, I wouldn't be surprised if a copycat attempt to break the record within a few weeks.

It's awful that this happened. People can be quite barbaric.
...How come the gun dealer did not read the killer's background history even if he is a foreigner? Does the dealer needed the money so badly? I believe that this dealer is responsibility for the crime. What do you think about that?
I saw the interview with the gun dealer on the TV news. He explained how he followed all the laws for selling the gun to him. The actual background check is done by the BATF who run a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NIC).
CJIS Division Homepage

Here is the law:
(B13) May aliens legally in the United States buy firearms?

An alien legally in the U.S. may acquire firearms if he has a State of residence. An alien has a State of residence only if he is residing in that State and has resided in a State continuously for at least 90 days prior to the purchase. An alien acquiring firearms from a licensee is required to prove both his identity, by presenting a government-issued photo identification, and his residency with substantiating documentation showing that he has resided in the State continuously for the 90-day period prior to the purchase. Examples of qualifying documentation to prove residency include: utility bills, lease agreements, credit card statements, and pay stubs from the purchaser’s place of employment, if such documents include residential addresses.

[18 U.S.C. 921, 922(b)(3), (d) and (g), 27 CFR 478.11 and 478.99(a)]
ATF Online - Firearms FAQs
So, 32 people shot dead and a proposed solution is more guns? What the fuck!?
If we outlaw the guns, the outlaws will always have guns! That is what scares me, gun laws does not work!

FYI US government have spent over trillion dollars on gun registry database since 1970, guess how many cases were solved by this registry? The answer is.... afraid ZERO! That is the meaning of "Outlaw the guns, the outlaws will always have guns".

Here is another proof of close call, One of RIT student got busted for two illegal machine guns!

RIT Student Arrested for Illegal Guns -

See for yourself! These two rifles have been banned, yet the crooks still able to get it. It is same way with Narcotics, we have outlawed Narcotics, did it work? Too obviously not! Same thing with guns

I am not saying that I am in favor of guns, what I mean is if we do not outlaw the guns, the outlaws may have trouble planning any criminal activity, verses that outlaws knowing that no one have guns, perfect opportunity for them.