One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings

Politicans are going to abuse this event to prey on fear and use it as a gambit to get votes, im betting Hilary will DEFINITELY do such thing. I predict it will be like "In light of current events of VA tech I would like to strengthen gun laws and possibly ban guns" then you see them do barely anything when they get office or just implement stupid laws that don't help like magazine capcity limits.
That is so horrible! According on the news, there were 32 dead students. I found out that the president of the school ordered the students to stay in their class at 7 or 8 a.m. The killer had the opportunity to shoot more students. I bet that the president is in a deep trouble now.

Why do you think that President is in deeply trouble? Were you speaking of Va Tech Community President?
Why do you think that President is in deeply trouble? Were you speaking of Va Tech Community President?

webexplorer is sort of right cuz VA Tech president didnt even cancel class and/or tell all students to stay down on the floor and keep away from windows after first shooting fire around 715 am... VA tech president finally emailed to all community to stay in building and keep away from windows after second shooting fire at 950 am
webexplorer is sort of right cuz VA Tech president didnt even cancel class and/or tell all students to stay down on the floor and keep away from windows after first shooting fire around 715 am... VA tech president finally emailed to all community to stay in building and keep away from windows after second shooting fire at 950 am

My son's friend Joe was really pissed off because there were no warning annoucement on the speaker or light flasher in the dorm building while he was in the shower right after 9am. Joe did not know about the shooting on that campus. It was awful experience for him.
The gunman in Monday's Virginia Tech campus shootings has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a student and native of South Korea, campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said.

Wonder if South Korea order a student to do shooting American students?
Interesting story... wonder if there s any truth to it.

April 16, 2007
BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist
Sneed hears authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people in a rampage on the Virginia Tech campus was a Chinese national who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa.

The 25-year-old man being investigated for the deadliest college carnage in U.S. history reportedly arrived in San Francisco on a United Airlines flight on Aug. 7, 2006, on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators had not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source added.

An injured student is carried out of Norris Hall at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., on Monday. A gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom on the campus, killing 32 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.

The rampage also appeared to have been premeditated since the exits in the campus buildings in which the shootings occurred were chained.

One story being investigated was that the rampage was the result of a domestic problem, and an ex-girlfriend may have been killed in the massacre. But that was pure speculation.

Investigators also believe three bomb threats on the campus last week may have been attempts by the shooter to test the campus security response. In addition, Sneed hears the gunman was described by witnesses as Asian and about 6 feet tall.

Access to Norris Hall, where the multiple shootings occurred, can only be gained through a student ID.

The man being investigated was reportedly in the U.S. on an F-1 visa (student).

<span class=redtext>EXCLUSIVE:</span> Gunman may have been in U.S. on visa :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
The gunman in Monday's Virginia Tech campus shootings has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a student and native of South Korea, campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said.

Wonder if South Korea order a student to do shooting American students?

Of course not. They'd have no reason. The boy lived here for 14 years. He was obviously troubled and didn't care about his life or anyone else's. It's wrong, it's sad, and truth be told, if someone wants to kill people and doesn't care about his own life, it's not hard to do.

Two things keep people from hurting others: a moral code which tells them it is wrong to do so, and/or fear of the legal penalty for doing so. If someone has neither, force is the only thing that can stop them from doing others harm. We can't put in jail those we THINK could harm someone else.
The gunman in Monday's Virginia Tech campus shootings has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a student and native of South Korea, campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said.

Wonder if South Korea order a student to do shooting American students?

I don't think so. It is himself has problem. Wait more information background on him by FBI. I don't know how long take to complete job.
yea my fiance and i watched on CNN yesterday, we shocked... we are sowwy abt who family lost their kids... :(

That is why I support CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon)

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
We dont need to ban guns, we just need to ban crazy people. :D

Ive been so busy today I had no idea this was going on until I came back from the park this evening arounf 6:30.

I tool will be sending a few thoughts and prayers to the loved ones of the students who were killed.

I can forsee all colleges beefing up campus security after this event.

My campus started increasing security immedicately following the shootings!
Of course not. They'd have no reason. The boy lived here for 14 years. He was obviously troubled and didn't care about his life or anyone else's. It's wrong, it's sad, and truth be told, if someone wants to kill people and doesn't care about his own life, it's not hard to do.

Two things keep people from hurting others: a moral code which tells them it is wrong to do so, and/or fear of the legal penalty for doing so. If someone has neither, force is the only thing that can stop them from doing others harm. We can't put in jail those we THINK could harm someone else.

Wonder if State of Va has legal the death penalty?

Interesting, he lives in USA for 14 years. Why it takes too long? Green Card tends to up to 5 to 7 years ?? :dunno:
Yep, more people with guns! That's a viable solution, all right!:rl:

I don't know that any of the kids would have had a weapon if they could have. Some of the teachers might have. Would it have helped? Maybe--who knows.

But the bottom line is, if you ban all guns, all you really do is keep law-abiding citizens from them. Someone willing to kill someone won't care if he breaks a gun law.
I don't know that any of the kids would have had a weapon if they could have. Some of the teachers might have. Would it have helped? Maybe--who knows.

But the bottom line is, if you ban all guns, all you really do is keep law-abiding citizens from them. Someone willing to kill someone won't care if he breaks a gun law.

I agree that restiction only prevents those who would obey the law anyway from obtaining weapons as easily as they could otherwise. I also agree that criminals will use criminal behavior to get ahold of the weapons they want. However, If you life all restriction, you only increase the chance that something like this would have resulted in even larger numbers of dead. What about the person with a conceal permit that panicks and shoots a friend coming around the corner that really posed no threat?
Va Tech used to be VA Military school... when i was in VSDB... we had school field visiting that place.. it was nice place....
I think that it would be a great conflict for National Rifle Association because people have the right to keep bear arms due the Second Amendment in the Constitution in order to defend our country. It's because the killer was from South Korea.

How come the gun dealer did not read the killer's background history even if he is a foreigner? Does the dealer needed the money so badly? I believe that this dealer is responsibility for the crime. What do you think about that?

It is terrible to hear on the news. I wish that this would never happen to anyone.
I think that it would be a great conflict for National Rifle Association because people have the right to keep bear arms due the Second Amendment in the Constitution in order to defend our country. It's because the killer was from South Korea.

How come the gun dealer did not read the killer's background history even if he is a foreigner? Does the dealer needed the money so badly? I believe that this dealer is responsibility for the crime. What do you think about that

He probably got it from the illegal or non-licensed gun-dealer.
I agree that restiction only prevents those who would obey the law anyway from obtaining weapons as easily as they could otherwise. I also agree that criminals will use criminal behavior to get ahold of the weapons they want. However, If you life all restriction, you only increase the chance that something like this would have resulted in even larger numbers of dead. What about the person with a conceal permit that panicks and shoots a friend coming around the corner that really posed no threat?

Does that happen a lot? I know a lot of people with CCW permits, and they've never shot anyone. I don't have a problem with getting permits and such, but I think you let people be free and don't punish everyone for the crimes of some.

I really don't think it's laws that are the problem, but the culture and society. Israel, a country where about 10 percent of the people possess permits to carry concealed weapons, has a pretty low murder rate (not counting terrorism here). Switzerland MANDATES a military weapon and ammo in each home, I think--and their murder rate is VERY low. Russia, Brazil--they both have strict gun control laws and yet their murder rates are higher than ours.

Heck, in this country, 100 years or so ago, you could buy a gun anonymously, easily, with far fewer restrictions than today, and the per capita murder rate was about 5 times less back then.

England has harsh gun control laws and their murder rate has gone up while ours has declined.

But here's the part to really think about: do we track how often people use guns in this country for defense? How often having a gun scares away a rapist, or a burgler? Probably hard to impossible to track, but shouldn't we take a stab at it?

When the Brady Act went into effect, 32 states suddenly had waiting periods for buying guns that they didn't have before. One would think that because of that that murder rates in those states went down, right, in comparison to the rates of those states for which the law changed nothing (they already had waiting periods)? But that didn't happen.

According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, "Our analyses provide no evidence that implementation of the Brady Act was associated with a reduction in homicide rates. . . . We find no differences in homicide or firearm homicide rates to adult victims in the 32 states directly subject to the Brady Act provisions compared with the remaining control states." They did find that some suicides by gun (for men over 55) went down--but the overall rate DIDN'T--those people just used another means to commit suicide.

So other than restricting what law abiding people can do, I don't see how more gun laws would do ANYTHING. And I see no evidence that would help advocate for it other than feelings. I don't think we want to base laws that would take people's rights based on feelings.